most days | lost kittypet | i don't recognize me




Everything was so terribly bright, she felt her eyes watering as she looked around for any kind of cover that might shield her from the blinding sun; it had been several days since she'd begun walking and the hot pavement had been replaced by cool grass at the very least. From the towering stone monoliths of the noisy static city she had escaped her carrier with a twist and a claw and freed herself from an unknown fate only to be thrust into further unknown but here, for the time being, she was not tied down by anything. There were no two-legs, no sharp fabricated scent or iron bars; she was free. She didn't want to be, she wished dearly she were perched once more upon a blanket lap, a gnarled trembling hand stroking her back for comfort; but two-legs were terrible fragile things it seemed and especially so as they became elders. It had not looked like a bad fall and yet...

Sirens, loud, blaring, so much noise and so many lights and when she cowered beneath the couch she could see many feet pass by accompanied by many scents. None of them were her beloved owner and so she remained hidden and shaking until the noise finally settled and she could sleep wearily among the cobwebs and dustbunnies. When daylight broke through the window, the curtain uncharacteristically left open despite the sun making both her and her owner uncomfortable, the door was opened with a fumbling rattle and she heard her name sung high in a voice she did not recognize. Lily, she was named, and though she knew it was her being spoken of she did not answer out of fear. What happened next was a blur to her senses, a scraping container placed on the floor and a sharp stab to her back as something stomped around the other side of the couch to jab at her and send her running panicked from her cover right into the hard box placed before her. Trapped, contained, fear, adrenaline, they had not closed it properly when they scooped her in and she had fought her way out with a thrashing yowl; breaking from the cage and racing into the forest and it was there she simply began to walk.

Her owner was gone, she wasn't stupid, she was hurt and stopped moving and-it pained her to think of so she stopped thinking of it. What became of her now? A wispy pale ghost of a cat roaming through tall trees and squinting into the distance through dappled light and shrouded canopies. There was nowhere to go now and Lily walked because she did not know what else to do.
Eventually, she hoped, she could come across another cat because she was too afraid of the cruel two-legs with their broom handles and boxes to ever trust one again.


Badgerstrike made a habit of wandering the territory for rogues. She chased out any unsavory felines and showed kindness to the ones who weren't assholes. Today was one such day, stalking through the woods with her ears pricked and alert for danger.

She did not find danger. She found Palelily.

She knew this cat was no threat. In fact, she seemed lost. So....

Badgerstrike approached her carefully, keeping a short distance.

"Hey. Are you lost?" She asked.


nightbird was not far from her clanmate. upon scenting something different, new, her interest piqued. thunderclan often found themselves home to many strays from varied backgrounds. a loner or kittypet wandering up on the border was not unusual enough to warrant worry from the smoke. she simply found a spot near badgerstrike, and sat down on the floor of the forest.

she glanced over the stranger and listened to the other molly greet her, nearly snorting in amusement. obviously she was lost. her pale fur looked out of place against the rich color of the trees. she treaded out in the open, just wandering. night felt no need to question things that could be answered by a quick observation.

"sure looks lost," she hummed sarcastically, a small smirk playing on her maw. it was directed mostly to badgerstrike but she made no effort to lower her voice enough that the other party couldn't hear. she would offer nothing else but a silvery stare at the former kittypet. there was no trace of hostility, but some curiosity held in her gaze. she would let someone else handle it, knowing better than to let her mouth dig her grave.
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Morningpaw trails behind @WOLFWIND with cautious steps. The forest is alive with the scents of her Clanmates, but she detects a newcomer and her paws begin to tremble slightly. She's heard about the rogues that had killed an apprentice in her father's Clan. The tiny tortoiseshell point all but huddles behind the warriors, peeking through their legs at the she-cat who stands before them.

Not a rogue, she thinks, blinking with silent relief. This cat doesn't look threatening at all, and Baderstrike and Nightbird insinuate that she's lost. How sad. "Do you need help finding your way out of the forest?" She asks the newcomer.

- ,,

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Like the several clanmates that had arrived before her, as the red tabby approached the scene she would admit the kitty pet did seem lost. Even so, this molly was trespassing in her clan's territory. She wanted to believe the newcomer was not a threat, but she would treat her the same as everyone else who had strayed across their scent markers. Flamewhisker would come to stand beside her clanmates, watching the kitty pet quietly. Everyone else had asked if she were lost, so there was not a need to ask it a fourth time.

She would flick her tail patiently as they all waited for a response. If the pale molly wanted to join, she had no doubt their leader would allow it. Judging by past experiences, she assumed she would ask to at least stay temporarily. If she were simply lost though, she had no problem showing her out. She wasn't heartless...just cautious after seeing just how strangers could act. Between Pitchstar, and that one rogue she had helped Howling Wind chase off, she just couldn't quite bring herself to trust outsiders anymore.

The shrill, sharp gasp that escaped her as the cat sprang before her was so pitched that it sent every bird in the trees above bursting into a flurry of motions and taking to the sky; as she scrambled backwards in alarm a few stray feathers drifted downward around them. The cats creeping out before her were very different from cats she'd seen before, no pristine pelts or pretty collars; laced with scars and looking weathered as the forest around them, even their scent was so sharp and strange it made her sneeze. Despite her immediate panic none of them lunged for her, although she was assuredly weaker than all of them including the small tortie speaking as well, they did not strike first. It was only once she had calmed down from Badgerstrike's initial appearance that she realized they were speaking to her, questioning her, concerned voices querying lightly 'are you lost' in various tones and offering to help her.
It was the first sign of nicety since she had left her two-leg nest in despair, the first bit of light trickling down from overhead her dark and weary path and despite all her determination to do otherwise; she crumpled in the face of it. Lily promptly burst into tears, wide pink eyes misting and glistening as she gave an almost shameful and kit-like wail of dismary.
"I'm s-so sorry-I'm n..I'm not normally like this-I-yes, I'm lost, I don't have a h-home anymore and the two-legs chased me and I ran and I-oh, I'm s-sorry you probably don't want to hear all this-but I just, I don't know what to do.."

Wolfwind hums in agreement with nightbird, casting a narrowed look at the stranger on their territory this time around. She looked and smelled like a shrimp, and seems like she was, considering the dramatic gasp she lets out at the sight of Badgerstrike. She's only a little bit scary, not cry out loud scary, yeesh. This seems like the exact opposite of what Thunderclan needs, really. But kind, (WAY too kind, if you asked her) Morningpaw is the first to offer help, and disappointingly, Flamewhisker doesn't turn around on the spot, so she has to stay too. Damn.

She huffs once the sob story is over and done with. I mean... "Well, if Emberstar was here, she'd probably say somethin' like: 'Heya! Oh no, really? That sucks. Come live with us to make up for it!'" she mimicks, and really, she thinks she's spot on. She glances to Flamewhisker for confirmation, an 'Am i right, or what? SUPER obvious and easy to see with the raise of an eyebrow. You're probably in. Whatever, who cares that it's leaf-bare! It's just a word! If you manifest good feelings we'll have plenty of prey all around! Or something. Emberstar would say that, probably.

Badgerstrike blinked as the molly nearly had a heart attack, but you know? She couldn't help that she was intimidating. Though she figured all the other cats appearing didn't help.

Then her eyes started watering and she started crying. Now she FELT BAD.

Badgerstrike lowered her ears. What should she do!!! "Uh.... Don't cry.... It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you or anything." She said. Palelily sort of reminded her of her sister. Soft and gentle, a flower that needed protection.

"Do you...Have a name?" Badgerstrike asked.

She wasn't entirely sure what to do in these situations, but she could just tell this girl wouldn't last long on her own. Damn twolegs.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It wasn't soon after she arrived, that the newcomer broke out into tears. Flamewhisker's eyes widened, and she shifted the weight on her paws awkwardly. She wasn't prepared for this, that's for sure! Her heart twisted for the Molly, knowing just how she felt. Minus the two-leg part, her past was a lot like her's. After her mother had died, she had felt lost too. Her own joining had been more of an accident though, she hadn't been looking for a new home, she just kinda stumbled across the border and passed out.

Once the other she-cat had finished speaking, Flamewhisker licked her chest fur embarrassedly. She didn't want to stroll into the camp with another mouth to feed unless Emberstar said it was alright. At Wolfwind's words, the red tabby shot her a disapproving glance. Even though their leader allowed just about everyone to join, there was no reason to mimic her. "Wolfwind, could you go grab Emberstar? I believe she is still in the camp." she would have sent Morningpaw, but she was still a new apprentice to be out by herself.

Her green gaze shifted back to the pale kitty-pet. "It's going to be alright...You are on the Thunderclan border. Wolfwind will go grab our leader, she's very nice. My name is Flamewhisker, this is Badgerstrike, Morningpaw, and Nightbird." She would flick her tail to each of them as she said their name.

"Heya!" Emberstar called with a chipper tone eerily close to the way Wolfwind had mimicked it. Slipping between her clanmates, she padded close to the crying molly, sympathy shining in her eyes. While she had only learned what little her warriors had relayed to her, that and the tears before her were enough to make her heart ache. She had already made up her mind to let this stranger join before she said anything.

If Thunderclan could help her, than that was what they should do.

Her tail brushed against the other molly's side reassuringly. "Come on now, no need to cry." The leader told her softly. "If you come back to our camp with us I'm sure we can figure something out. What do you say?"