Moth [SkyClan border patrol]


Just not built that way
Apr 2, 2023
This was only his second time leading a patrol but confidence coursed through him, weary as he was. Thistleback and Blazestar had commended his ability to maintain the peace during his patrol to ThunderClan and he was certain things would be no different this time. Even in the state he believed the RiverClanners to be in, he still had respect for them, respect which he hoped his clanmates would share. Now wasn't the time for doubts, he supposed.

He'd cast his sandy head over his shoulders, looking at the cats behind him as they neared the border.
"I'm expecting everyone to be respectful, these cats are honorable warriors who have been through a lot the past few moons."
He let his gaze linger a bit before casting his eyes forward again.
The territory ahead smelled of mud and water but it didn't bother him. With everything going on right now in his personal life it was nice to be able to get out. \

He hadn't seen any other cats yet and he did his part in marking a tree.
Please let everyone keep their cool. He prays to StarClan that neither Spiderpaw nor Mallowlark do anything to upset the Riverclanners.

@spiderpaw , @MALLOWLARK , @JINN , @DAMSEL .

(IC opinions <3)
"Watch where you step, Fernpaw, some of the rocks are slippery," The hulking warrior comments to his son before biting his tongue in focus. His amber eyes remain focused on the two stones he is currently balancing on, his stumpy tail waggling wildly to try and maintain some sort of stability. While his paws move like water on the battlefield, off of it is when they feel like stones ready to sink at a moment's notice. He had promised Fernpaw that they'd try to get out to a deeper part of the river utilizing the stepping stones and try to fish from there, but it's proving to be much harder than he'd anticipated. I think I'll stick to fishing from the bank, He thinks nervously, his long legs remaining stiff as boards as he holds his form.

The approach of SkyClan cats only makes him more anxious. Now, he has to focus on talking and balancing. "Uh, good morning! Nice day, isn't it?" He shouts to them, taut grin stretched across is face as his eyes flick to the side to try and look at them.


He finds his gaze drawn to his side as he follows along nearby where Mudpelt and Fernpaw were fishing, only to find the place absent of any presence. It was a habit he had not yet broken, constantly looking for an apprentice who was no longer there; in a way it was a little bittersweet but in another he no longer had to adjust his life around the schedule of training as he had before. That he was on this patrol was a choice made for his own benefit and not to expand his student's lessons or encourage her to remain dutifully; it was to get some air away from their tempory camp. Smokethroat found it selfishly inclined, but he was allowed to be every so often, he couldn't help the fact that he had long since realized his workaholic tendencies only further pushed him into a state of unrest and the little things like this were what kept him moving forward. A patrol here and there, hunting, sometimes simply sitting in one spot and staring off into space. He'd felt the haze begin to fill up, a fog clouding his mind, and his distraction with his duties kept him from drowning in it. Iciclefang had kept him from lingering on that odd sense of hopelessness as well, but with her no longer ever present alongside him he felt listless. Unsure.
The dark tom nearly leapt after Mudpelt without realizing the other had come to a stop, dipping his head apologetically as he caught his footing and his gaze turned outward to the SkyClan patrol from his own rock still perched by the shoreline.
The blackfooted tom there immediately caught his eye and he narrowed that sunset hue in confusion. Was that not a WindClanner? How strange. He recalled seeing him once briefly at the gathering but had not really paid it much mind that aside.
"How are things in SkyClan?" He calls out, adding another question to the one the brown tom had asked, more formal than casual.
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જ➶ The short tailed youth is hesitant about being placed on a patrol and he supposes that Thistleback wants to expose him to the others early. To prepare him for clan life and what it means to actually stay among them. It's daunting really, all the information that he has to memorize from the teachings and some he has skipped out on merely because of being overwhelmed. It is nothing short of a struggle for him and because of his body in general he has little want to keep his mind going. Rest is so much more alluring these days but alas he has to show his merit or he fears being kicked out and then where will he go? Keeping up with the patrol today is easier than most days. But the frail looking chimera is still cautious as they come upon the riverside. His muzzle parts and he drags in the scent of the air. Trying his hardest to pick up the smell of Riverclan but water makes it tough at least for him. Honey colored eyes look along the shore before he finally notices them. It comes as quite a shock to him really.

Eyes are wide as he looks over this seperate clan of cats. His muzzle clamps shut and he doesn't want to be the one that speaks up. Especially about things he doesn't understand yet or on if the clan is doing okay or not. So he dips his head gently and mutters out quietly. "Hi, it is a good day, today. I ageee."
Emberflower trails after Mudpelt, Smokethroat, and Fernpaw, tottering on one of the moss-covered stones protruding from the river. She'd had high hopes for Mudpelt's idea, but she can barely keep herself aloft; with an amused sigh, she realizes they're all more likely to fall in and scare every fish nearby away.

Her eyes lift at Mudpelt's greeting to the cats on the shore. A SkyClan border patrol, with cats she doesn't recognize.

Well... some she doesn't recognize, and one she does. Has she seen him at Gatherings before? In her head, he'd been a WindClanner, but perhaps she's confusing him with a different big white tom with black paws.

She makes no comment, though. It's not her place, and besides, she could be wrong! Far be it from her to memorize every cat in every Clan.

"Lots of, um... new faces," she calls out, her tone friendly but questioning. She throws a look to Smokethroat, whose orange eye is focused on the white warrior, too.

Clayfur avoids the clan’s borders as a default—there’s no reason for him to wish to see another cat across the waters, not anymore. WindClan wants RiverClan to suffer. ThunderClan probably wants him to suffer. And SkyClan…

Hazel eyes find several unfamiliar cats across the water, but ahead of him a few clanmates notice the other clan first. Mudpelt and Smokethroat call out greetings, and one of the SkyClanners says something in return that Clay doesn’t quite catch. With a sigh, the brown and white tom slips into the shallows a couple fox-lengths down from where Mud and Smokethroat stand, tail flicking idly across the water’s surface.

To the SkyClan patrol he asks, "Have you found any of your missing clanmates yet?" Have you found Howlpaw, he wants to ask—but hadn’t the clan announced her dead at the last gathering? He’s not certain, though, given how quickly gatherings tend to go by.
Hyacinthbreath follows not too far behind Clayfur as he arrives to the border, head lowered as she listens to the conversations happening. Many SkyClan cats were unfamiliar to her, but as she lifted her head to squint towards the patrol of kittypet-smelling cats, her eyes widen in surprise. Was that..?

"I hope you've found them, at least. It is not pleasant to lose friends." Was she going insane? Her paws carry her through the water with a bit of effort, and as she pulls herself up above the water and onto a few stepping stones, Hyacinthbreath aches to see if her old clanmate was okay. Had he escaped WindClan to live amongst the pines, then? She blinks away her worried look, replacing it with stoic formality as she dips a paw into the water idly. ​

He tottered along the border, grin blazing too-wide and eyes equally moon-round, upright despite the erratic waltz of his steps. RiverClan, oh- oh he knew how they had hated WindClan. Knew of the defector-lead-warrior who he'd shared a couple meals with. But- like her, he had found new loyalty outside the grasp of the acid-eyed leader of the moors. The thief who had stolen his home... he'd slipped away to warmer welcomes, to SkyClan and sky-blue eyes. And thus, he was a Skyclanner. Trusted, no less, to dance along a border! WindClan, in all his moons of servitude, had hardly ever offered him that opportunity...

They were vaguely familiar faces, those across the water... but he could not put names to many of their faces. One, though- one caught his eye with those eyes, framed by tear-streaked stripes... she stared at him oddly, and at the sight of her a noise of glee burst out from him before he could stop it.

"HAH- Hyacinthbreath!" And it was floods of cackles then, laughter far too incessant and loud for what the situation called for. He made his best effort to choke down the laughter, his wide stare refusing to break away from her face over on the other side of the river. With a peculiar crackling choke of a noise, he managed to clear the laughter away for a moment. "OH- hah, we got them out alive, yeah!" From where, he did not clarify- overtaken already by bubbling amusement, bouncing on his tip-toes yet refusing to shatter his line of sight.
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