mother dearest | bobbie


May 3, 2023

Fix between ivory fangs lay a delicate bouquet of colorful blossoms. The boastful blues of Forget me nots, alabaster daisies, and vibrant primrose stood out in stark contrast against his grizzled black pelt. Spider-esque limbs swiftly cover distance through camp until he reached a certain molly in particular. "Mamaaaa?!" The tom trilled in a sing song tone, the depths of his accent shining through. "These are for you." The apprentice voiced around the bundle of flowers hastily, forked tail held high behind him.

Lowering his head, he dropped the fragrent gift at her paws. Wasting no time the chausie mutt settled down beside Bobbie with a crooked grin. "Do you like them?" He asked with a proud tilt of his chin. Hoping to add a bit more humor to the air and chase away the molly's current woes. The loss of Blazestar brought out a side of Bobbie that couldn't quite understand. He understood loss after experiencing the loss of his twolegs and former home. But sorrow to this degree with unknown to him. (@bobbie)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / eleven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈