
Hello, Darling!
Jun 8, 2023

  • name ▹ Redwind
    ↳ name reasoning here - Red for her appearance and wind for her gentleness and grace
    gender ▹ female + She/Her
    age ▹ 36 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the 8th of every month
    sexuality ▹ Pansexual

    clan ▹ ThunderClan
    rank ▹ Warrior

    created on ▹ June 8th 2023
    penned by ▹ @Layla

  • Description ▹ Redwind is a cinnamon tortoiseshell with amber eyes and long thick fur. She has a white marking on her forehead and low white "socks" on her two back feet accompanied by a white tail tip.

    physique ▹ Tall ranging 10 inches although it follows with a muscular build, her thick and long fur takes addition to looking a bit bigger.
    notable features ▹ white forehead "star" that curves into almost a "J"
    eye details ▹ amber eyes

    scent ▹ Pine and Dandelion
    voice ▹ Mother gothel link :)

    demeanor ▹ Redwind commonly carries herself confidently but in a welcoming gentle manner, although it can snap to calm or outright anger in a moment. She's very expressive of each emotion or whatever she wants to betray. She comes off as flirtatious to some or motherly.
    accessories/scars ▹ She often wears wild flowers and feathers within her fur, and she has a scar on her back from fighting off a hawk in her young apprentice moons.

  • personality traits ▹ Redwind is a very social and intelligent feline, often seen chatting up with anyone and sharing tongues. She's a lover of hearing gossip and she keeps her friends up to date about it frequently. She is also a gentle giant, knowing full well of her size and power. She plays with kits softly and doesn't put her full power into spars. She is also gentle in nature, kind and understanding. She is a great listener, also knowing well of how you are feeling with just a quick glance. With knowing how to read the room, she's extraordinarily talented at conforming to most cats' energies. She's great at acting like another personality and she can switch quickly back and forth within an instant. This mainly comes from her manipulativeness. If she wants something from your character she'll try her best at getting it without getting a bad reputation. She can be arrogant; proud of her skills and beauty, her ears will go deaf to most critics or try her best to shut them down. A stubborn nature also lies within her negative traits. Redwind can come off either as flirtatious or motherly, all up to the character's opinion. She purrs and coos to her clanmates often with the addition of being quite touchy, wanting them to feel good about themselves. Despite being friendly and charismatic, she can be very outspoken and firm about topics or actions she doesn't see fair/right/moral in her eyes.

    alignment ▹ neutral good
    mbti type ▹ ESFP "the entertainer"

    likes ▹ Spiders, competition, conversations, trees
    dislikes ▹ Swimming, clan enemies, traitors

    extra notes ▹ Has arthitis in hips which flare up after exercise

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on ?? / open

    partner(s)/mate ▹ name(s)
    parents ▹ npc x npc
    siblings ▹ list of names here
    offspring ▹ list of names here

    mentor ▹
    apprentice(s) ▹
    name(s) here

    friends ▹ name here
    enemies▹ name here

    relations notes ▹

  • interaction notes ▹

    adept at ▹ Strength based battle, climbing
    inept at ▹ Swimming, speed

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◆◆◆​
    stamina ◆◆◆◇◇​
    speed ◆◇◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇​
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◆​
    fighting ◆◆◆◇◇​

  • ▹ Born into the Pine group, Redwind was always a loyal, respectful, and friendly kit. She was easy to deal with, however, her arthritis made it hard to drag out spars and training for a long periods of time. Her mother had passed away from a dog attack, and her father from white cough shortly after. Her mother was very doting of her but her father was more distant and serious. Redwind was very close to her siblings and being the firstborn, she was protective and leader-like. She saved one of her siblings from a hawk attack in her young apprentice years, almost getting snatched up herself but she fought with power and ended up with a back scar to tell a story of her bravery.