private mothers’ love and cherry wine // Howlfire

Jan 5, 2023
The tips of cream dipped paws danced across the ground in an anxious manner. They had been debating on this for some time and they didnt really know who else to turn to. Figfeather would just tell them she had been right the whole time about Chrysaliswing and Fireflypaw was far too busy for something. Who could she ask her assortment of questions? Flora didnt remember being a mom even when she was one or well at least didnt really talk about it. Suppose they wanted to reach out to someone else? They didnt want to bother their friend with more of their emotions and sorrows than they already had.

So there was an unlikely cat they sought out today as they left the warriors’ den, for what felt like the finally time but they still had a few hours before needing to move, and looked around camp for a moment. Howlfire and them weren’t exactly friends but they didnt hate one another. They’ve interacted with each other in public settings, and they were friends with Fireflypaw and Greeneyes- but not Howlfire. What a strange set of circumstances really, but they hoped she would be of help.

She had had kits before, she raised them in the nursery here and went through all of that moons ago now. They swore her kits were going to be warriors soon here or where already warriors- but regardless. She had the experience, and they wondered if they had the time to talk about it. Honeysplash was desperate for some sort of answer, some sort of being reassured about what they were doing. Where they doing the right thing? What would come next?

Swarms of thoughts consumed their brain for a moment, as they stood there in the midst of camp, before forcing their paws forward. Honeysplash flicked her tail back and forth once she got close enough to Howlfire and cleared their throat slightly, “Hey Howlfire- are you busy?” They ask tentatively, “Would you mind if i picked your mind a little?



As she was not due on patrol until later in the day and had already had a training session with Hawkpaw, Howlfire was taking a moment to rest in camp. She was appreciating the warmth and taking the opportunity to clean her pelt. As she was grooming, Howllfire was vaguely aware of Honeysplash lingering nearby but did not immediately assume they were coming to speak with her.

Howlfire was midlick when her ear twitched at Honeysplash's cough. She paused her grooming and looked up with a curious expression. "No, I'm not busy, Honeysplash. Why don't you sit?" Howlifre offered, gesturing to the spot next to her. Regardless of whether Honeysplash took up her offer she pressed on, "What did you want to ask me?"
They shuffled were they stood awkwardly as they weren’t even sure how to begin to do this. Honeysplash had so desperately wanted to ask a thousand and one questions about being a mother, kits and the like. Yet when it came to actually approaching the molly it was like they all evaporate from their tongue. They sat down beside Howlfire when she offered for them to sit, and they looked down at their paws for a moment. Their ears flicked and swiveled as they tried to calm their racing mind for a moment. One question at a time.

How did you deal with being a mom? Did you know what kind of mom you’d be when you got pregnant?” They blurted out almost as soon as the warrior finished their words, and their pelt flamed. They sighed inwardly at themselves and shook their head slightly, “I’m so worried about being a bad parent to them, and it feels like i have no one around? Even though im surrounded by clan mates it just feels- different?” They couldnt explain their feelings and they twitched their tail behind them idly, “How did you deal with it all?” Those mossy green eyes looked to the patched cat with roundness of insecurity and hopelessness.



Howlfire waits patiently for the other she-cat to respond. Although she doesn't know what Honeysplash wanted to talk about, she suspected it must have been something important. She's a little taken aback by the questions about motherhood and how she dealt with it but strives to answer them as well as she can.

"To be honest, it was a bit of a shock when I found out I was expecting. Coyotecrest and I weren't expecting to be parents so soon and I think we were both nervous about what kind of parents we'd be and the uncertainty of the world we'd be raising them in," Howlfire explained. As she spoke, her mind wandered back to the time when she was expecting her kits, with the looming threat of yellowcough looming over all the clans. "When I became a mother all I knew is that I wanted to the sort that would make my own mother proud," Howlfire added, a faint shimmer in her eye as she thought of Little Wolf. "I was determined to be kind and nurturing to my children. For them to know I would always love them no matter what happened and no matter where they went."

When Honeysplash admitted to feeling alone, Howlfire bumped her shoulder against hers. "I know it might seem like you're alone but you won't be. You have all the clan to help out when you need it. All of the queens will be happy to lend a paw too, if things ever get too much or you need a little breather."
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-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Honeysplash watches her darker furred friend as they anticpate some sort of answer or something. Anything even if its words of encouragement or telling her to not be so dumb. Howlfire speaks about how she hadnt expected to become a mom so soon with Coyotecrest and to be honest- they hadnt either. They hadnt exactly planned to have kits so soon after coming back and not with someone who ended up hating them. They could understand that at least and they nodded in encourgaing her friend to keep talking.

Then Howlfire brings up her own mother and they blinked a few times. They havent seen their own mother in moons and it felt like she might be long gone by now. Maybe they should ask Orangestar about it or their brother. Pay a visit to their father and mother in the twolegplace- and it made her shoulders relax slightly. Alice was a kind and sweet mom, Honeysplash remembers fondly playing with her and all the advice she use to give. It made her heart ache for her mother and she can assume Howlfire felt the same towards Little Wolf.

"Ya know- i never thought about that" They say softly and gave a meek chuckle, maybe that was all they needed. To be like someone their own mother would be proud to call their own. Honeysplash felt ease settle into her chest as this had to be the better part of advice she's gotten. Something they didnt even think about! Honeysplash then smiled as she was bumped with a shoulder from the dark furred warrior, "Of course! Better believe ill be dropping them off to visit aunty Ora more than once or maybe even uncle Cloudberry" They mused playfully and sighed softly afterwards, "Thanks Howlfire- that honestly helped a lot"

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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