✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023


  • THEIR STORY: A love that could never be, a young kittypet named Chiara bumped into a stray roaming her yard. It was love at first sight - the young woman falling head-over heels for the stranger, his charisma and sweet words unmatched. But things were not meant to be - one day she catches him with another neighboring kittypet, and their once perfect romance crumbles. Soon after she realizes she's pregnant, leaving her terrified. When her strange behavior and sudden weight gain finally catches her twoleg owners attention she is dumped at a shelter with no warning.

    But whispers pass through metals bars of forest dwelling cats, of a life of freedom that could await those left behind. And when sure enough a rescue patrol shows up, the molly is quick to leap at the opportunity to flee. Thrust into the scary and unfamiliar world of life outside the safety of her twolegs nest, the newly dubbed Mottledove cannot help but cling to the protection clanlife offers her. She soon gives birth to her kits, who will never know a life other than skyclan and it's ways.

    SLOTS: 3
    — Blue Tabby

    — Chocolate Tabby

    — Cream Tabby
  • — These kits come with premade appearances, as well as art. This includes a preexisting family image with mottle, and a custom ref-sheet and icon that will be commissioned after these have been adopted out (paid for by me). Small changes to designs are more than welcome but please do not change to much about them.
    — kits must stay in skyclan until they are fully fledged warriors unless for a good plot reason. this must be discussed oocly and agreed upon. these kits cannot be killed off until at least apprentice aged, though again I'd prefer if they made it to warriorhood.
    — I'm not super strict on activity but at minimum I expect 1-2 posts per month. If you go inactive for more than a month with no warning i reserve the right to rehome them. If forced to rehome these sots past 3 months of actively playing them you can keep the art, but if you fall inactive sooner than that the slot will be rehomed with art included. Please do not apply unless you can commit to these kits!
    — these kits will be chosen on 06/20 and born on 06/25 unless there are not enough applications for all three designs to be homed. they will start off at 02 moons and age real-time on the 25th of each month.
  • Sire: SH blue tabby with no white (carrying chocolate, longhaired)
    Dam: LH cinnamon tortoiseshell with low white and folded ears (carrying dilute)

    Toms can be black tabby, blue tabby, chocolate tabby, lilac tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    Mollies can be black tabby, blue tabby, chocolate tabby, lilac tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortie, chocolate tortie, or lilac tortie
    - kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - kits will have no white or low white
    - kits can have folded or prick ears
    - kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue, kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    - red-based kits will mask black or chocolate
    - cream-based kits will mask blue or lilac
    - Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; kits will carry cinnamon; kits will carry solid
    - any gender
    - can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - can have no white or low white (low white preferred)
    - can have folded or prick ears

    - any gender
    - can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - can have no white or low white
    - can have folded or prick ears

    - any gender
    - can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - must have low white
    - can have folded or prick ears

    — currently have no other relations
  • MOTTLE'S NAMING LIST: — flower, stick, stem, pollen, tree, root, leaf (or any other short and simple plant-part names)
    — tulip, daisy, rose, lilac, aster, poppy, flax, rue (or any other short and simple flower names)
    — robin, sparrow, jay, dove, crow, thrush (or any other short and simple bird names)
    — almost any other short and simple prefix you can think of!
    will not name any kits Stormy or other weather-related prefixes due to wanting avoid reminders of their father

POLLENPAW, POLLEN??? POLLENKIT: she / her; named for her pale cream pelt and small size – short- haired cream tabby with some white, folded ears and brown eyes reference

Pollenkit's a little thing with a sickly appearance, likely the runt of the litter. She grows to become small and thin, almost like the wind could carry her off. Her whole appearance is rather pale, her pelt a pallid cream with white coating her paws and splashing her chest. Pollenkit's fur is rather thin and often a bit ragged looking, looking overgroomed almost. Her eyes are big, wide orbs of milk brown and usually watery and runny. Her nose is pink and often seen twitching with sneezes. Pollenkit's ears match her little appearance, tiny folded triangles perched atop her head makes her face the only round looking part of her.

─ 2 moons: MOTTLEDOVE xx STORMY; siblings tbd; kit of skyclan

✦ positive kind, compassionate, honest, smart, outgoing, neutral feeble, wary, sensitive, self - conscious, loyal, negative easily frightened, pessimistic, sickly, anxious,

Pollenkit is born small, sickly, and anxious. She doesn't really grow out of it, at least not for a while. Despite being wracked with anxiety about most things, Pollenkit enjoys making friends, and her sweet disposition is easy to notice. She's compassionate for others, and very quick to care for and assure anyone feeling down, as she's familiar with various negative emotions and feeling unwell in general.

She doesn't look on the bright side much at all, and what - ifs often worry her to bits, and Pollen can be seen overgrooming her fur to raggedness when particularly stressed (which is a lot.) Her pessimistic views stem from birth, when her survival is likely a delicate thing, and so she approaches each day carefully, and not very optimistically. She's awfully self - conscious, especially of her near constant congestion and sniveling, and of her overall feebleness compared to other cats. She views herself as poorly made, and in her mind she could shatter with barely any effort at all. Pollenkit's often seen wide - eyed and tiptoeing around, too aware of her surroundings and wary of every little thing.

Pollen's not exactly sure why she's so sickly, but she maintains little hope in her becoming a healthy warrior. She wouldn't say being a warrior is her dream, but above all she desires to become a healthy cat working in Skyclan like all the others she observes. Despite her fearfulness, Pollenkit's loyal. She grows up extremely loyal to Skyclan, and will work to put her fears to the side in order to pull her weight in Skyclan.

─ smells like mostly mint but slightly flowery
─ sounds congested most times and prone to sneezing
maybe she could be the runt? which results in her sickliness
i'd want her to be close to her siblings, maybe leaning on them a looooot
walks in a tiptoeing fashion
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this is so wip + a track app basically but i had to get it up

name: pipitkit
gender: cis female; she/her

longhaired chocolate tabby w/ low white | folded ears
– long legs but short, round body, making her very bird-like in appearance
– fuzzy
– light blue eyes
– paler stomach
– unsure about low white still… would probably be like some pipits have

– soft-hearted and shy at first, clinging to mottled as much as she can.
– cries easily and takes things to heart, the words of others determine her mood
– can become easily jaded because of how aware she is of external surroundings, and depending on what's up in skyclan may develop that way
– attuned to the cats around her and is often asking if others are okay
– as she gets older, will feel more comfortable with herself, learning how to use her heart in a good way
– eats bugs at first and will struggle to hunt prey as an apprentice

---- aspenkit | aspenpaw | aspen??? ----​
- gender: male he/him
--- appearance long-haired blue tabby male with low white, folded ears, and blue eyes
- very average size when young, nothing super out of the ordinary in appearance, in apprenticehood hits a growth spurt and becomes a larger cat, less lanky and has a bit more muscle than average under his fur, not super noticeable due to the length
- white chest, muzzle, and front two paws
- messy through life, fur will have knots and twigs in it, doesn't really care about appearances until much older

--- personality
- abrupt and will often interrupt others, trying to take charge of situations when it's not needed but not out of malice
- gets excited easily and has high energy - can and will run around all day before passing out and sleeping through the night
- blood family comes first, then clan family second. cares about both with his whole heart but if the two were pit against each other, siblings or mom would always be the winner​
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With exactly three apps the kits are -
@sprouts with Pollenkit
@buzz with Pipitkit
@tikki with Aspenkit

I'll be making the birthing thread on the 15th as planned, and a family discord chat sometime before then.
Art wise, I'll be commissioning refs after the kits all have at least one post, and all WIP's sent by the artist will be sent to the group chat for roleplayer approval at each step <3 Headshots will be done afterwards.
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