Feb 7, 2024
He still can't believe it, he is going to be a father or maybe a mother? Parent? Oh, whatever. The concept of having children of his own makes him feel warm inside. His future writhing bundles tucked safely at his side. Safe in the nursery. Starting a family with the ones he loves, makes a small smile grace upon his pale maw. He looks down at his bulging stomach, wondering... if their kits will have a mismatch of mixed pelts and personalities. He wants to know more once they were born into the world. Exhaustion clings to his very form as each day passes by, he doesn't know carrying children could be this hard. He will applaud all the mollies who had children. They were quite the troopers.

Oddgleam curls his long tail around his swollen form, as he lays against one of his mates with a small hum. "...'m nervous about our little morsels." He murmurs, sleep still clinging heavily to his tongue. He furrows his brow as he stares at his stomach then up to his mates with a twitch of an ear. Parting his maw, he speaks towards his mates with a dreamy tone. "I... I have something to tell you two. Something, I have been unfortunately hiding... It hasn't come up, but–" He shuffles his paws together, looking down at how his paws are now tinted with dust. Biting at his lip, he continues. "I know some of our... clanmates don't like them. But... My Mère, my mother had left to form her own family away from the conflict that was growing." He takes a breath, while both of his ears flatten towards his pale - patched skull. It is no secret he values his privacy. Unwelcomed to even the normal of friends, not close friends. Others sticking their noses where they aren't welcomed is a thing Oddgleam doesn't like. It is met with a hiss, a clicking of teeth, and a spit of colorful insults. But this– He speaks the truth. His eyes staring at his mates as he hums with a strained smile placed onto his face. "I'm half-windclan. In my blood and body... I'm born for running across the vast, rolling hills of the moorland. Born to smell of heather and flowers. But, I'm also built for the harsh, unruled world of the Twoleg Place on my Papa's side."

A lets a shaky laugh pass his lips, bending his head down with a twitch of an ear. "I haven't told anyone this except..." He scrunched his muzzle up in thought, his mind wonders to the one who he thought was the one. Disgust and fear crawl up his throat, he swallows it down. The feathered calico shakes his head, as his eyes flit to black smoke and tabby while he has his chin tucked against his chest. "That is all... I have to say." Oh, so desperately he speaks, too quickly. He snaps his jaws shut with a click of his teeth. His stomach twists, he then glances down at this growing stomach with a nervous flick of his curled up tail.

  • ooc. blinks at you both
    @CROWSIGHT & @Owlheart
  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( LIKE HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan queen.
    ⸝⸝ non-binary ; HE / THEY ; 17 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / mated to crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, e7d3e7" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
  • Wow
Reactions: Owlheart

It was nice to steal moments away together, trying to coordinate the three of them to be at the nursery together proved to be a challenge given their various responsibilities but truly it did make the time they could spend together worthwhile. Owlheart hums as Oddgleam lays against her, rasping her tongue over the fur that he can't quite reach on his neck and the back of his head. Their mate was with kits our kits, how strange is that? Reality had sunk in at this point, the gravity of their circumstances sobering. They're going to be parents, she would be called mother sometime soon, at least she thinks she wants to be called mother? Nerves were alight at any point she thought about it, she was thrilled for the possibility yet frightened all the same. Would they make good parents? She hoped so, would she fall into some treacherous pitfalls of parenthood and doom her children? The idea made her head spin, should she start learning how to spend time with kits now? Should she just be winging it?

The repetition of grooming Oddgleam helped soothe her anxieties at least, the warmth of their pelt against hers was calming. His sleepy tone caused her ministrations to stop, looking up to Crowsight,
are you also nervous? was this something that the three of them shared? She held his gaze for a moment before she brushes her head against the calicos. "I'm nervous too" she confesses with a sigh, not wanting the queen to feel alone in her worries. "It'll be okay, I think so anyways. We'll be good parents" was she reassuring Oddgleam? Crowsight? Herself? All three of them? The she-cat wasn't entirely sure but she hoped that it worked.

"Crowsight and I will be here every step of the way, love" there's a soft rumble of a purr as she practically trills towards them. The mention of there being something they needed to discuss causes her to shift from where she sat, surely he would grow discontent over the fact that she moved from where he lay but she wanted to pay him the respect of being able to properly look at him when speaking about something so serious. What could he have been hiding? Her stomach twists in nerves as she brushed a pale paw over her feathery tail, trapping it under a hind paw.

It's a well known fact that Oddgleam valued his privacy and just because she's his mate didn't entitle her to know everything about him so she tried to not pry into his personal matters whenever she could. He mentions his mother and her head tilts curiously, wording was vague at first but she was happy to accept any knowledge about his parentage since she knew nothing of his life before joining the clan. The fact that he was half WindClan caused her to blink rapidly, no judgement passing her expression but she looked thoughtful.

There was an assumption that he was a kittypet or rogue considering he wasn't born in the clan and hadn't mentioned a particular heritage. It had never been an issue, she didn't see the purpose in chasing old ghosts such as that. The idea of his mother potentially breaking a warrior code didn't sit well with her but... She trusts Oddgleam and even then her decisions didn't define him, she still loved them all the same.
"Thank you for telling us" her coo is soft, she brings a paw to press against his own, it took a lot for him to say that she knew this.

"That... Doesn't change anything, not with me. I still love you and you're still the same Oddgleam to me" she was well aware of SkyClan and WindClans past together, it seemed to have eased somewhat under new leadership but it hadn't completely left with some of their clanmates. "Would you... Want to tell our kits this?" She isn't sure why he would, she assumed that there was no family for them within the clan but she couldn't speak with certaintiy. Keeping her paw against her calico mate she looked once more to Crowsight, would his opinion differ?

With each day that passes, he is reminded that the day he will become a father will arrive. He is grateful for the moments when all three of them have a chance to lay in the same nest within Skyclan's nursery. Hazel eyes haven't left the plump belly of his mate. It's still surreal. Our kits... They're all in there. The black paw draped around his mates swollen form begins to rub smoothing in circles on a plump belly. He could never imagine how taxing it is for Oddgleam to carry their little ones. It's unfair how handsome you are. I'm not sure if you're even more handsome carrying our kits or not. Wait. Reel it in Crowsight. You shouldn't be thinking this. And so, the black smoke settles on feeling guilty for his mates discomfort, which is why he does the best that he can along with Owlheart to make life easier for their beloved.

Ears flick from the sound of his mate, before whiskers twitch in frustration towards the calico's tail blocking his paws from soothing his mates belly. Though, frustration is quickly replaced with amusement from Oddgleam calling their kits morsels. "I would be lying to say I'm confident," he adds in agreement to his star. It was reassuring to know, that all of them worried about the same thing. Perhaps, having kits so young did little to assuage their worries as well. His eyes meet Owlheart's own, offering a small smile. "I hope so. Though, I'm sure my mother and your ma will be more than willing to lend a paw when we need it. Lionpaw has been excited too. Our kits have a lot of family waiting for them and willing to look out for them." Although, I don't want to rely on them too heavily. I want to be a father who actually takes care of his kids, not a father who dumps his kits to their grandma or aunts and uncles.

Before he can be distracted by his thoughts, Owlheart ever so beautiful gently brings him back to reality with her words. Stars, I love you. How'd I get so lucky? "Mhm, we'll both be here the entire time, dear." Nothing could prepare him for what Oddgleam would tell them.

Windclan... Unfortunately, for Oddgleam he was one of those clanmates that hated Windclan. It had stemmed from his very first gathering he attended when he was only four moons, before the code had been passed. Silversmoke had left him to speak among others, but a Windclanner had hissed at him and spat insults, even going as far as blaming him for what had happened. What happened you ask? The black tom did not look where he was going and ended up bumping into him. The vile words from that tom were the same as Skyclaw. Kittypet filth. An illness to the clans. He remembered the warrior going on about his pelt would reek from the stink of a kittypet.

From that point forwards he disliked the clan among the moors. Then... Sootstar happened. Madness. He was still rather young but he was no fool, everyone loathed Windclan. After all, it was Sootstar who denied all within the forest to visit the highstones. While he did not outwardly scorn them, he did wish that the clan met its demise. The forest would be better off without them. Such a thought plagued his mind for a long time, until it was Sunstar who aided Orangestar. In short, his feelings toward Windclan are complicated. They are no longer hatred, but they are not adoration either.

Perhaps his mates are taking his stoic expression and silence as a sign or betrayal. They would be wrong in those assumptions. Never had he thought of Oddgleam's origins. It did strike him peculiar that his love did not indulge in his origins, but he did not love Oddgleam because of his blood. He fell in love with the calico because of his heart, and the same goes for his other love Owlheart. Both of them showed him love he couldn't fathom for the likes of him. While he may not have the blood of Windclan in his veins... He was hated by many just for having the blood of kittypets, even though he was born a Skyclanner. Owlheart too. All of them were hated for the blood they carried, but Oddgleam?

Some might say you are more warrior than most of us, because you carry the blood of Windclan. Maybe flawed because you have the weak blood of kittypets. Or some might say you're the worst of all, having the blood of murderers and cowards. Hazel eyes linger on Owlheart's paw atop of their beloved. Lips curl into a mischievous grin "So that's why you're so tiny!" Finally, a black paw settles upon his mates. He dares not meet eyes with Oddgleam, knowing his shining sun may be glaring at him.

Owlheart is left to take the reigns of the conversation, her words aligning with his. The mention of their kits is brought up again, but he feels he must interrupt. And so he does, "I... It doesn't change anything for me either. I didn't fall in love with you or Owlie because of your blood. I fell in love with both of you because of your hearts. I always wondered why you were so tiny and FAST, I mean geez I can't even keep up! A-ah, I'm getting off topic, what I mean is things are making more sense. But I uhm..." Hazel eyes shift between the sun and stars, before setting on their paws.

"My father. My real one, was a horrible tom. He left my mother as soon as she was expecting me. She was left with scars on her heart because of him, she always tried to avoid talking about him. I think... I look a lot like him. I hated myself for a long time because of that, and I still worry if I'm just as bad as him. I have the blood of a monster and a haunted warrior." Doeblaze has told him more about the tom who sired him. In his youth he understood quickly that his real father was a horrid tom. It sounded like the tom never truly loved her. He only used her to satisfy his desires. He was a product of that toms selfish desires and a mistake as well.

While he can say that his mother did love them, he is aware if she had the chance to revert time... He may not have been born. The one cat that truly loved her was Blazestar, and in turn she loved him with all her heart. Candorpaw, Hollypaw, and Candorpaw were going to be born no matter what. They were a product of love. He was not. There was no changing the past or ignoring the past. Ignoring it led to venom, Skyclaw was a prime example of such. Skyclaw had been failed by everyone he loved. They had lied to him, and when the truth was finally revealed? The hatred he had learned from his older siblings towards Howlfire, Fireflyglow, and Blazestar? It was as if someone threw an oil rag to a flame.

Everything was laid to waste. He had been scorched by its malice, the claw marks on his damaged eye still ached along with the scratches that had long faded from his chest. It was a malice that felt as if were his own. From that moment, he felt a kinship towards Skyclaw. Both of them had been failed by those they had loved and scorned. The difference between them? Even if Crowsight held a flame of malice just the same as Skyclaw, he would use it to protect those he loved and those he was sworn to protect. After all, he had promised. The malice, the scorching flames, the monster within will not take over. He will lead a different life from Skyclaw.

"Our kits. Our family. I made a promise, that I will keep trying my best. There will be no secrets from me. I won't lie and tell them I have all the answers, or that they will and must become future leaders of the clan. I want our kits to live freely and decide for themselves who they want to be. To know their parents loved them for who they are."