pafp moving from glory to glory | chatting


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
A salmon pink tongue rasps over smoky curls thoughtfully, gaze pensive as she pauses to look over her shoulder at the dark apprentice by her side. "Hey Rookpaw, how's your training been going?" Tornadopaw asks, sitting up on her elbows. She steals a brief glance at his tail and prays that he had not noticed. Surely the loss of it would have delayed his progress to a degree, much like the lack of mentorship impeded on her own. Thankfully Chilledgaze did their best to make sure she wasn't too far behind for her age. "Are you focusing on a specific area like hunting or something?" She questions further, ficking her tail in the process. (@Rookpaw)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

"My training?" He asks, head jerking upward in surprise to the question. He had been staring off into space idly daydreaming about the day he would finally earn his name and had not expected much chatter from the usually quiet Tornadopaw, not that he minded at all. A smile formed across his maw, if he noticed her glance to his stub of a tail he did not say anything and merely rolled his shoulders in a good natured shrug, "It's going well! Marshtail says I should still be able to make my warrior ceremony if I keep it up! So I will, of course, be doing so!" Rookpaw's voice rang out in a boisterous crow of enthusiasm, more than happy to share his achievements, "We're working on combat right now! I'm finding it hard to balance like I used to but it'll be fine!"
Finally he remarks on his tail in a passive, casual manner, how the lack of it had thrown him off completely and his agility was far from what it once was. If he were a more negatively minded individual it might have bothered him, but when some saw an obstacle Rookpaw saw a challenge.
"What about you! Trained by the leader themself! I'm sure you're learning all kinds of cool tricks! You should show me sometimes!"
Selfishly, Sharppaw eavesdrops.

She would have a good reason to. Rookpaw's been– She'd think that he'd been slow, having been confined by Starlingheart's side for as long as he had been. Only natural, all alright– expected that he would be behind, scar-crossed and all.

But the thing is, he's not. And neither is she. She doesn't– She's not... There because she's worried for him. She's there because he's worried for her. And it doesn't help. No, it doesn't. Her stomach lurches at the fact that he'd caught up despite it all, and that she drags behind despite nothing. Why? (Was something wrong with him?)

There feels like there's more than a metaphorical frog in his throat. For a second, Sharppaw feels like he can't breathe. Because Rookpaw is here and he's fine but Sharppaw

but it'll be fine. That's what everything was– is to him. He doesn't get it.

His own crooked tail drags limply across the damp ground. It's better to focus on something else. Glimmer of hope, glimmer of something, the tatalizing nature of things that can be shared and learned, rather than something... intrinsic. He inhales a short breath as he trails over. A fleeting glance is offered to Rookpaw's half - tail. She tries to concern herself with Tornadopaw more than she does with him. " ...Have you been? " He doesn't know what Chilledstar was good at. Or if they'd be the type to pass any of that knowledge to their peers. It feels like they hated ShadowClan, sometimes. It isn't so impossible to understand.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
A soft huff of amusement flutters from dark nares as she listens to Rookpaw's boisterous speech. "Of course you will." She murmurs, crossing her paws one over the other. She held no doubt that he would plow through his training despite the handicap he now had to work with. Always cheerful and positive despite what life tosses his way. Perhaps she could stand to learn a thing or two from him. He continues on, raving about Chilledstar being her mentor and even inquires about showing him a thing or two. "It's a privilege for sure." Never before did she think Chilledstar would take her under their metaphorical wing to train her. Sharppaw draws close, listening in on their conversation and tosses in a question of their own. Tornadopaw gives a shrug of her own broad shoulders, waving a paw half-heartedly. "I mean yeah, I guess? Chilledstar hasn't come straight out and told me they're showing me some kind of special move or anything. They just...tell me to do things and I follow through." The smoke's curly tail flicks from one side to the other. "But I can show you sometime."
When I let it bother me, that's my problem