Jan 10, 2024
Her daily visits to SkyClan’s territory have long since grown dull, at least in Sangriapaw’s eyes. SkyClan is supposed to be the coolest of all the clans, where cats like Fantastream and Coffeepaw and Sangriapaw are allowed to come and go without anyone being mad at them for abandoning their clan. But there’s too many cats in SkyClan who don’t actually think that, and Sangriapaw is sick of it. She’d thought, once, that she could prove them all wrong—her mentor had been a lead warrior and a daylight warrior at the same time. He’d been her hero, her idol, the cat she dreamed of being when she became a warrior. But now, with her warrior ceremony bearing down upon her, the torbie isn’t sure how she feels anymore. Johnnyflame gave up on being a lead warrior—gave up—and what does that say to the rest of the clan about daylight warriors? What does that say about Sangriapaw? She’s not the apprentice with a lead warrior mentor anymore… she’s just a daylight apprentice who nobody takes seriously!

Frustration dogs each of her steps as the girl pushes her way into SkyClan’s camp, donning her bandana as always. It isn’t often that the brightness leaves her expression, but now her muzzle twists into something unhappy and tense. The voice of her mentor, if he bothers to say anything to her, is drowned out by the irritated buzzing that’s filled her ears. She’s just so angry, and if she doesn’t do something about it then she feels like she’s going to explode. Or catch the whole forest on fire, which would definitely not be good.

Striding up to the first spar-worthy cat she sees, Sangriapaw fluffs out her chest and stands at her full, average-sized height. "Spar with me," she practically demands of the other, tilting her chin up—defiance, anger, and determination shine in her eyes in equal amounts, entirely clear to everyone around her.

  • ooc: Anyone except daylighters can be the character she’s challenging!
  • 84445146_zbBP05NcxbBzvKQ.png
  • SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    wild-furred cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
  • Nervous
Reactions: CANDORPAW

Sparring isn't something that Owlheart would consider herself particularly adept in, she's better than she used to be. Stubbornly improving herself with Chrysaliswing has honed her in some regards. Despite that it's not something she particularly seeks. It seeks her out though, like a hound with the scent of blood caught. Sangriapaw is met with a puzzled expression, doesn't she have a mentor who can spar with her?

Dandelion eyes seek out Johnnyflame, disappointed that she can't find him. She supposes that if he was around right this second then she wouldn't be trying to find anyone else to spar. Owlheart thinks about declining, the shine in Sangriapaw's eyes are too intimidating for the doormat of a cat to follow through on. "I- of course, I can spar with you" she smiles kindly at the older apprentice, hiding the fact that this is the last thing she particularly wants to do. Maybe this is because she wants to practice her skills, outside perspectives and all that.

It wont be long until her assessment right? The tabby is not the best at tracking time like that with anyone who isn't her own apprentice but age has worned Sangriapaw down in the way that it does with all apprentices in their final moons. It helps that she's taller now too, though Owlheart being slightly taller than average does find that she has to look down slightly still. There's curiosity swimming in her warm gaze, does she fear for that day? Probably not, not with such a fiery attitude anyways. "Would you like to lead the spar?" It had been her request after all, Owlheart doesn't feel any particular need to order her around for a task that she was eager to do. Besides she has always preferred to play the defense in the start of a spar, it feels a lot more like something she can actually control rather than jumping straight to the offense.
He cannot recall ever seeing Sangriapaw like this: without a smile on her face, and without and clear thing to attribute that lack-of-smile to... No mossball swept up from beneath her nose... Nothing of the sort, a mood sullied as she'd risen from her sleep, perhaps... And to commence battle with such seemlessness...! Well, it would be best to channel that frustration into further education, wouldn't it? Candorpaw was a warrior... One in the making, anyhow. He was no mind reader, but discontent rings out toward him, perfectly clear... Owlheart meets her curiously. Perhaps their thoughts occupied the same realm...

He is not the one being addressed, but feels the need to interject himself, anyhow. " Sangriapaw! Good day! " It is his greeting of choice, as of late, though in this particular instance does it give him pause... Candorpaw gives a curious tilt of his head. " ...Or am I wrong? " Well- no. Not wrong. In such a case, he would only be so in her eyes...