camp MR. BLUE SKY — rta / prompt thread

It was nice to wake up in his own nest again.

It had been moons since he had been back in the warriors den, where the air was free from the strong smell of different herbs. The red tabby, with cleared senses and a renewed sense of energy to start the day, rose from his quarters and strolled toward the entrance of the den. What would Roosterstrut do first? I've gotta go hunting, sparring to sharpen up on my skills, I've got to—

Suddenly, his groove was interrupted by a massive, silky mass attaching to his face. Opening his maw made things worse as the thick material stuck to his lips. "Pfffft- ack!" The warrior shook out his fur, stumbling forward and ducking his head to bat at his face rapidly. That certainly wasn't how Roosterstrut had been planning on starting his first day back on the job. "The spiders sure are busy right now... pft!" The warrior commented, not quite annoyed with the spiders themselves ( they were just going about their normal business anyway ) but with the fact that their weird butt silk was now stuck onto his fur.

  • @COMFREYPAW but no need to wait! :3
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    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
It had been her first night in the warrior's den.

What sort of omen was it, for the entrance to be boarded up by web on that very same night? Sharpshadow— that was him— did not think himself the superstitious sort, but when it sometimes seemed like the stars themselves were against them, most of the time, maybe she ought'a be. After all, why would a spider want to make it's nest in possibly the worst place it could've besides the nursery. A divine warning; doom spelled by the four new warriors slipping their way within ShadowClan's warrior ranks ( ...As if the standards were high )

Or maybe, your brain could only be so big when you were about as big as a kit's paw. That was the more likely option, but he bristles slightly, all the same. Eyes narrowed to a sliver, his voice drawls in suspicion. " ...Not very smart spiders " he remarks, gaze flickering as if he may catch something with too - many legs crawling its way toward him. " Or, uh... " his paws curl closer toward him. The high is gone. " ...Maybe a makeover was the goal... " At least Roosterstrut looks pretty stupid right now. That's pretty funny.

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  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 17 moons old as of 11.12.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

Though he watches the world through a lens cracked and jaded, Smogmaw shall remain endlessly fascinated by Roosterstrut's hapless exploits. Had there been a time when the ginger-flecked warrior didn't walk on uncoordinated paws (in both a figurative and literal sense), no doubt it'd been washed away by traumatic tides. He makes for a curious case study on this premise; how refusing to move beyond past wounds gives rise to stagnancy, and dulls even the sharpest claws.

There are indeed intervals in which the older tom questions whether he regards the other with undue severity—only for Roosterstrut to blunder headfirst into another absurd spectacle. This sunrise, he'd blundered headfirst into a spider's web.

"How's it taste?" The huffish question spills from his lips while he sprouts to all fours, wary to the new bodies in his midst. Joints pop and twist, cleansing themselves of slumber's gritty buildup, and Smogmaw takes the day's first steps with an arched spine. "Get any good flies, at least?" he continues, tone stripped of the dry amusement that stirred within him. Pawsteps draw to a standstill upon the warrior den's borderline, amber eyes peeled for further traces of spider-silk amongst the brambles. Should there prove to be enough, then perhaps Starlingheart needn't look far in her daily search.

The vaguest allusion to a smile touches his mouth, then. "Can't fault the spiders for doin' the only thing they know," muses the deputy, who imparts a cursory glance upon his former protégé. To share a sleeping area alongside Sharpshadow, after the lengthy mentorship she'd undergone, feels far more natural than it ought to be. Still, he can't quite stifle the digressive lecture. Force of habit, and all that. "Buildin' their webs, trappin' bugs inside..." His impassive regard flits towards the nearest hint of red fur. "'s just second nature to 'em."


sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
Stars, the spiders had certainly been quite busy over the past couple of moons. The last time Honeypaw had really taken the time to sit down and admire their work was when Wheatpaw was fussing over them. Things had turned so upside down that it had become impossible for Honeypaw to focus on something so small and meaningless while the rest of the Clans pattered about their territory, while cats breathed their last breath in Starlingheart's den. But with things unwinding and things slowly returning to normal, well, Honeypaw no longer had to pretend to be more mature than she really was. The apprentice giggled as she watched her cousin walk straight into a tangle of webs, tufted ears swiveling forward to strain to hear Sharpshadow. Smogmaw was much easier to catch, and the golden girl chortled a laugh as she trot over, reaching up a paw to swipe at stray threads dangling from his coat. "They normally eat bugs, but you've always been a pest." Honeypaw's nose crinkles at her joke jest.​
Sharpshadow's voice is made out between the frenzy of face-swiping and fur-shaking, suggesting that the spider who created the web was either frogbrained or interested in making silk-threaded accessories for unsuspecting cats to "wear". The newly-made warrior finally having the honor of sharing her nest among her comrades was quite exciting to see. A few other new faces were inhabiting the warriors' den now as well. "Do I -puh- look good at least?" Roosterstrut huffs out a laugh of sorts, still occupied with the task of removing the sticky material from his face.

None other than the mackerel-striped deputy emerges next, cracking jokes about his face functioning as a spider's web. "Ha ha, good one." Roosterstrut lightly mocks, free of any malicious intent whatsoever. He is not here to glare at Smogmaw, or curse the deputy for making his life more miserable. Many things had happened over these past couple of moons — a revelation, even. The tom hoped that he could work on fully freeing himself from moons upon moons of housed anger; maybe Smogmaw would do something similar. Maybe it was time for a change.

Smogmaw touches upon a different perspective, about how the spider had only been going about its business like how they all went about theirs. Spinning webs was a natural occurrence, and it just so happened Roosterstrut got caught up ( literally ) in the middle of it. "That's true, I guess." One last wipe to the bridge of his nose clears the silk away, or at least most of it. "Looks like it'll have to make a new one, then. Whoops." Hopefully not strung across a busy pathway this time. Roosterstrut would rather not go through this again ( maybe he'd start letting Smogmaw exit the den first from now on ).

In an instant, his green hues illuminate upon the arrival of his kin, unsurprisingly quick to offer some playful banter. The warrior chirps, amusement occupying an amiable tone reserved mostly for those he was close with, "Me, a pest? That's hilarious." A ginger paw proceeded to reach out—cobwebs clinging to his digits—and aim to wipe onto Honeypaw's shoulder. "I didn't miss your teasing one bit, furball." The red tabby mrrowed with a smirk.

  • fTqY7b3.png

    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan

    —— heteroflexible; single

    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes

    —— "speech", thoughts, attack

    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.

    —— penned by beatles
Like just about any bug, spiders are something that Scorchedmoon finds fascinating. While they are usually darker in color, which isn’t something that draws the eye. there’s beauty to find in just about anything. It reminds him of how ominous the other clans tend to find his, but he still finds the marshes gorgeous in his own way. Sure, it’s been his home for his entire life, but he tends to find pleasure in the small things.

Another thing he finds lovely is the webs that they make. Even when they’re left abandoned and collect dust, it’s still a sight to behold. It’s in their nature, but even so, the way they’re woven together is intricate and unique. As Roosterstrut manages to catch one on his face, he can’t help but stare at the cobweb, eyes sparkling. He speaks up only after he wipes it all off his face.

“It does look great on you!” Scorchedmoon jokes, though imagining a cat covered in webs would be pretty cool. Spooky, maybe even the stuff of nightmares, but cool! Probably a little too sticky though, he’d hate to clean it off his fur. “I’m sure it’ll have a new one up in no time. Just uh, keep your eyes out for it, yeah?” He smirks at the red tabby.​

Lilacfur would never take the fresh air outside the medicine den for granted ever again. Of course what was considered fresh in the marshes still hung heavy with moss-scent and algae, but it was an aroma that she had considered home all her life. No more stuffy herbs or sick clogging her nose, now the mornings greeted her with cold dawns and even colder dusks.

"Sure you didn't just eat the spider with the webs, too?" The rosette giggled as she joined beside the others, glancing back to see if @GHOSTPAW. had woken from the apprentices den yet or not. Honeypaw's jest pulled her attention back and she couldn't hold back the raspy laugh in her throat.

"Free for only a few days and you're already considered trouble again, Roosterstrut? I'm shocked."
Lilacfur played into the teasing exchange with a smile.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]
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"I'd appreciate us wearing the webbing less and giving it to me and Starlingheart more." It was a waste that so much of it had just been walked into and caught on whatever pelt brushed it by already. Cobwebs were a commodity when it came to leafbare and they might as well stock up on it now while it was still accessible. Magpiepaw's looming and bent shape took up the mouth of the den as he peered in, Roosterstrut may be released from their care but like many of their clanmates who had been sick he found himself checking in periodically all the same. It was a wonder so many didn't have lingering symptoms though he noticed fatigue and breathing issues to be popping up in some of the younger cats. Yellowcough had left a scar that was not so easily seen and may very well take longer to heal once cured, but at least it was cured all the same.
"I don't suppose spiders are very filling, I'd recommend what's left on the freshkill pile but its empty again..." Subtle as he was, the quiet plea for someone to get up and go hunting was present even if he hid it in a light quip and watery smile.
Magpiepaw stopped short of fully entering the den, lingering just behind Honeypaw and grimacing as the cobweb was swiped and exchanged in playfulness - he never liked the feel of it on fur, was grateful he only needed to handle it enough to adhere it to a wound.

  • OOC can go here.

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    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.