mr blue sky [open - daylight warriors]



OOC- this is open to everyone (daylight and fulltime clanmates), but takes place on the twolegplace border at Johnnyflames fence. Its dusk, so anyone whose 'off duty' can join him in hanging out- also, feel free to be the cat he's talking to :)

The sun was hanging low in the sky, casting long shadows cross the ground that would slowly reach across the world to herald the moons arrival. The heat from the day had kept though, and Johnnyflame found himself lounging in the neatly mowed grass just beyond his garden fence, enjoying a bit of relation with some clanmates before he turned in for the night.

"It's gettin' to be that time of year again. You think I might have some luck in finding a garden snake to show to kits back in camp? I know Sangriakit wants to practice, and with the adders coming out soon it might be worth a safety lesson to show em with something harmless."

He'd done the same thing last year- brought a harmless little garden snake in to show the kits, explaining to them the dangers of different snakes and how it was important not to go near them without an adult present. Stars forbid one slither into camp and an unsuspecting kit not know what it was. Johnny liked to start their training young on that, let them see for themselves just what a snake was and how slippery they could be. That way they knew not to mess with them should one with a more dangerous bite come along.



Momowhisker knew he should be getting back to his nest soon. His Twolegs hated it when he did not return by the time they went to sleep; he had no excuses for his family either, should they question why he had not arrived home sooner. Each lie would be met with criticism, the truth met with scorn that would banish him from the neighbourhood, and the Oriental already felt their weight crushing his windpipe as he tried to enjoy the last bits of sunlight. Some of the other Daylight Warriors had bid he stay a little bit longer and, unable to say no, the lynx point obliged. Fidgeting on the fence as if it were made of needles, the gold-collared feline did their best to listen to the conversation, the warmth upon their spine the only thing keeping them glued to their spot. He listened as Johnny broke the peace (Was it peaceful? He felt ants crawling under his skin), bringing up snakes that made Momowhisker's eyes grow wide. "You're sure they're harmless right?" He remembered it last year, vaguely, closeness to the Daylight Warriors hadn't come until after they'd all worked to liberate the cats from the shelter.

Batting about snakes also wasn't his type of game - the occasional nick or clawing could be put down to another tom trying to find him, but Momowhisker had no clue how he could explain a snakebite away. He glanced between Johnnyflame and the horizon, tapping his paw against the fence as if preparing to leap off of it. When he settled on the chimera once more, a smile appeared on his muzzle, masquerading his anxiety for curiosity. "I mean I get that they're smaller but being bit still hurts, right? They... they do bite don't they?" He had an image of snakes in his head, long, thick-bodied creatures with fangs sharper than a Twoleg fur-remover and mouth full of a poison that could kill even the sturdiest cats. Momowhisker could believe there were other species than the one that haunted his nightmares, he just couldn't believe they were as harmless as his friend said they were.


Like a weepy owl, Eggshell observed Johnnyflame from above. The skittish Scottish Fold sat perched on his fence, interested in conversation but unwilling to commit fully by jumping down into no-man's land. perpetually-wide amber eyes often turned back to his den, hoping to see his housefolk return before the dark interior brought the boy back to the conversation at hand.

The two cats seemed like polar opposites, a notion that was only reinforced when Johnnyflame's ramblings came to the topic of snakes. Until that point Eggshell was content to simply listen, but the word sent the spineless whelp's fur on end. "I d-don't think 's-snake' and 'harmless' fit to-together" He stammered out, nodding along with Momowhisker's assertion. "my twolegs found a s-snake in their g-garden one time, and the f-freaked out, so Garden Snakes m-must be - be dangerous, right?" Clearly the crybaby didn't have a future as a taxonomist, but he wouldn't be deterred. In the boy's mind, he and Momowhisker were the only ones speaking sense - like a pair of cowardly gargoyles overlooking a crazy cat. "They're c-creepy, too. I mean, w-what kind of animal d-doesn't have l-legs?" Wait, were fish just water snakes?​


Sometimes, it was easy to forget that not every daylight warrior was as.. experimental with things as Johnny was- which was almost chuckleworthy when he considered how many times he'd heard some version of it growing up. Too brash. Too impulsive. Too curious. All were just different ways of calling him reckless, and he'd kind of accepted that he was. Most cats wouldn't spend their time observing or poking at potential predators like he had, regardless of how bored or interested they were in it. But Johnny had always been like that; a challenge had never been enough to scare him off. It hadn't scared him away from the jagged-furred, silver eyed wildcat who'd approached him on his fenceline just over a year ago, it hadn't scared him away from breaking into the shelter to help his clanmates escape- hell, it didn't even scare him away from trying to befriend a cat that kind of hated everything Johnny stood for as a daylight warrior.

So snakes? No. They hadn't scared him either, not in any kind of way that would demand total avoidance. He'd spent hours watching them, noting the physical differences between them and their hunting behaviors. And it'd given him a lot of insight- the kind that very few other cats had ever taken the time to discern.

"Well it depends on the snake whether its harmless or not.." Johnny replied thoughtfully, "But the good thing about snakes is that they have those distinct patterns and colors, aye? So you can use that to tell which ones are dangerous and which ones are just creepy- like how we can tell the difference between a bluejay and a sparrow, even though they're both birds."

He tried to explain it in a way that would be easy to get. Obviously avoiding snakes in general was just the way to go, but there was nothing wrong with a bit of education. "To be honest, back where I was born we only had the one kind of snake - adders- so when my twolegs moved to a new nest across the water, it took me a minute to realize the ones there were different. Definitely caught my interest though." he chuckled.

"And sure they can bite, but the younger ones are hardly big enough to get their mouths around you, let alone cause proper damage. Most of them are in the gardens to begin with because worms and bugs are the only things they can get their mouths on. A little pinch is the worst you've gotta worry about, and they don't make you sick like an adder does." They were definitely among the 'safest' of the serpents he'd tangled with.

"You solid, Momo? You look like a squirrels chewing on your tail." he noted as golden eyes settled on the other tom with a look of curiosity. "We don't have to talk about snakes if you don't like 'em." he offered, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable.
