mr blue sky | starry night

The days were getting cooler and cooler and soon leafbare would be upon them. Flycatcher had only been a young cat during his last leafbare, a young tom still inexperienced and curious about the world. It was funny how much could change in a year, how much you could lose in a year, and how much you could gain from it.

With the cooler nights becoming more frequent, Flycatcher had been loath to leave camp after a certain time due to the chilly air. Even with his longer pelt, he didn't appreciate the cooler air much. After settling in for an early night, Flycatcher had been disturbed by the arrival of some of the younger warriors settling down for the night and then promptly found himself unable to settle back down again. Stepping out of his nest, Flycatcher padded out to the entrance of the den sitting there and peering outside. Looking up he was struck by how pretty the night sky looked tonight, the stars twinkling and wisps of clouds moving across the sky. "What a pretty night," He murmured softly to himself.

Through his time here, and the slow beautiful illustration of his destiny before him, Trufflepelt had become more and more accustomed to admiring the night before he went to bed. The veil of darkness was StarClan's domain and thus had become his; whenever he entered into the night he felt cradled by the love of the Stars, guided by their destiny even in frigidity. How lucky he was to be able to face them knowing they had their plan for him! Others were not so fortunate- he pitied them, but their meaningless dreams did not mean they were not favoured by the Stars. No, he firmly believed it was them his destiny was in service of.

Illuminated by the starlight, another figure sat just outside the warrior's den. It took only a moment for Trufflepelt to recognise the face; Flycatcher, an admired ThunderClan warrior. Ah, divine company- it brought a tall cinnamon form to his tabby side, beckoned by the fascination upon his features. "How I do love it when StarClan smiles like this," he whispered joyfully to the other, the speckles of light in the sky illuminated in the wideness of his golden eyes.

"It's very pretty isn't it! I rather like seeing the sky like this..." Sunfreckle's three-legged form hobbled forward from the nursery, kittens sleeping and bundled in their nests but his own legs restless as they had been for quite a few days; its as if his body knew he was supposed to be out and about but didn't get the memo they were stuck for another moon in the camp. A polite nod was given to Flycatcher and then Trufflepelt, his smile widening more earnestly at the older tom's comment as he sat down nearby for a moment but his eyes occasionally moving back to keep an eye on the mouth of the nursery den just in case. He was never far from it, but he could spare a moment here and there.
"Were either of you around when uh...when StarClan came down for the first time? I didn't get to see it, I was still a loner then I think." It was hard to actually determine the timeframe because prior to his roaming the land and finding ThunderClan he and Rabbitnose were just drifters and even before that he had been a shelter cat trapped in a cage for the majority of his life. Iron bars and dry food, watching his neighbors be adopted or vanish in the back time and time again. StarClan was appealing because it meant that even when you died you still had freedom. An endless expanse of sky to roam.


Finchcatcher tries not to look at the stars too often.

Though the night sky is almost always a sight to see, he tends to keep his gaze off it - an attempt to keep his mind from wandering too far back. StarClan lives up there, a fact he knows well. Those who met their fate in the Great Battle. Starry forms he'd seen descend before two became five.

However, the talk of how lovely the night was - how beautiful the stars are - lifts Finchcatcher's gaze. Chartreuse eyes take in the sight as the trio before him converses with one another. The night sky is as beautiful as they had made it out to be. Breathtaking. The warrior can't help but wish that he could bring himself to look at it more often.

"Are they really smiling?" he asks at Trufflepelt's claim, uncertainty in his voice as he makes his presence known. Were they really happy to be up there?

Sunfreckle asks about StarClan's descent - a question that causes Finchcatcher to pause, to hesitate on answering.

"I was there," the warrior manages to admit after a moment passes, "I saw them."