mr blueskies [open / chores]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Quill sighed lightly as an elder continued to chatter at him, completely ignoring the fact that he was just barely listening and frequently zoning in and out of the very one-sided conversation. The tall tabby tomcat was busying himself with the task at hand; strengthening the walls of the elders den. Apparently, they'd been complaining about a cold spot that was making the entire place unbearable, and while Quillpaw had yet to feel any hint of this coldspot himself, he continued to pack the walls and enforce the the structure just the same.

He was more than ready for his extra chores to be a thing of the past, but he had a feeling that Blazestar and Thistleback intended to keep him working throughout Leafbare, even Deersong seeming content to watch him repent by suffering at the hands of extra work. On the bright side, it did have the intended affect of keeping him out of trouble. Weather he was actually learning to appreciate his clanmates all that much? Debateable. He didn't see how any of it would make him a better cat with his clanmates, but he still showed up and did the work all the same.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
) "Jeez! How has your tongue not fallen off yet with all that yapping?" Totoro huffed with a playful smile on his face as he poked his head inside the elders den in search of a particular feline, one that wasn't older than him. Ha! His gaze soon locked onto Quillpaw and he beamed a cheery blink and smile his way. "There you are! I have a quick job for you, if you've got a moment to spare. I need some moss collected, think you can help me find some?" He didn't really need the help, but even from across the camp he had heard the torture drone on for long enough and he guessed that Quillpaw deserved to have a short break through doing something different. Though he wasn't sure if Quillpaw would willingly go with him or even cotton on to what he was really doing.

Quillpaw had really gone and done it this time by attacking one of thier clanmates. That idiot should found himself lucky that Blazestar not had kicked his sorry ass out of the clan after that. If it had been up to Fierypaw he would have done it. Quillpaw had done absolutely nothing but cause trouble and complaining since he arrived here. It really pissed him off. If he hated it so much here, thinking all of them were annoying and just a pain in the ass to deal with then what didn't he just leave?. No one forced him to stay. He was not a prisoner here so he better stop acting like he was trapped here.

Fierypaw would huff as he was on his way over to the elders den. He had been staying out of the way for as much as he could prefering to not see Quillpaw's face every single day. Unfortunately he had duties too to do and one of them was to bring food to one of the elders. So he did just that. Fierypaw enter the den and ignored Quillpaw entierly as he walked past them letting them do thier punishment chores and ended up by the elder who had asked him for a squirrel. " Oh my sweet boy, you actually find me a squirrel!" The elder sounded pleased,and Fierypaw would give them a small smile. It hadn't been easy to hunt that damn squirrel down in this snow giving him a real difficult time but he had somehow succeeded. He was pleased in the end. His first squirrel he had captured. In this season it really said something about his promising skills.

After he was finished with his conversaion with the elder the apprentice would turn himself around about to walk out of the den again but overheared what Totoro had said to Quillpaw. That made him stop, his folded ears twitching. Really?. Why would Totoro ask Quillpaw for help?. Maybe he didn't have anybody else to ask or he simply pity them. " Are you sure you want thier help Totoro?. I could get the moss for you if you like." He said now looking at the warrior thinking personally Quillpaw could continue on to work in that corner. Meanwhile he had time to spare. He was always willing to help after all.


Twitchpaw tended to avoid the elder's den if he could help it. Even when he had chores he refrained from making conversation with them- he didn't want to hear more gibbering about how he was doing everything wrong. Reinforcements, nest-making, whatever- he hadn't the steady paws for construction. Though his work was not slap-dash it was neither of quality, and whenever he was assigned to care for the elders he often took off as soon as he could manage it, not wishing to wait for a verdict likely dunked in bitterness.

For all his avoidance of the place, it was thus a wonder that he ended up there to hear Totoro's request, and Fierypaw's insertion of his own ideas. As if Quillpaw wasn't capable of collecting moss? Sure- he'd done an idiotic thing, but he still had paws, and he was being punished for it still. He'd promised not to do it again- he supposed Fierypaw had no way of knowing that, but was this not Quillpaw's chore to do? Quillpaw's chance to take?

He didn't want to argue, though- Fierypaw seemed an inconvenient one to get on the wrong side of, and he didn't want literally all of his Classmates to hate him or look down on him, because then- then if he was being attacked, no one would bother to help. So instead olivine eyes flickered to Totoro, quizzical even in their wideness. "What for...?" Warriors didn't make nests unless they wanted to- but maybe he did want to. Or maybe there was some duty that warriors were meant to do involving moss that Twitchpaw just didn't know about, and now by proving his lack of knowledge he now looked like an idiot in front of everyone. Wouldn't that be just wonderful!
penned by pin ✧


He'd been so focused on not focusing on the droning chatter of the elder behind him that he almost ignored Totoro in the process, only tuning in when he realized another cat as standing beside him. Blinking in surprise, ears would prick toward the tom to catch the ass-end of their offering, and to be honest, Quill was tempted. He'd rather gather a million balls of moss than have to endure this any longer, and it would have almost been worth the punishment Thistle would throw his way just to get out of camp for a bit.


The thing about Thistleback was that he was a devious bastard, and Quill didn't put it past the tom to start waking him up with freezing buckets of water each morning should he be caught slacking off.

Before he had a chance to reply though, another voice was cutting him off. Fierypaw, offering to do the job instead. And had it been any other apprentice, he might have let them do it, too. After all, extra work was a far cry from what the chimera wanted at that moment in time, and yet the idea of letting Fierypaw swoop in to play hero made him want to gag in annoyance. Fucking brown-noser. Normally Quill made a point to not give a shit about any of the cats in camp, but Fierypaw was so damn open about how little they thought of him that Quill had come to hate the smug little tabby and his know-it-all attitude.

"I can handle collecting some moss." he shot back, gaze momentarily narrowed on Fierypaw before shifting to Totoro with a bit more neutrality. "It would still have to wait, though. Thistleback wants this done within the hour."

And he knew that logically it was time better spent having the orange tabby go instead of waiting on Quillpaw, but he was still annoyed at the idea of being denied work because someone thought he wasn't good enough to do it.

"What for..?"

He almost hadn't noticed Twitchpaw between Totoros sudden offer and Fierypaws quick attempt to intercept it, but he found his gaze returning to the warrior to await their response to the other apprentices question.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
) It seemed as though the powers at be were determined to throw obstacles in his way. Totoro would have been sweating up a storm if felines had the capacity to sweat from more places beyond just their paws. Idly he clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth as he tried to come up with his excuses for Fierypaw and Twitchpaw. "I... er... well, I asked Quillpaw first, so it would be just rude of me to get someone else until he decides on what to do. And as for the purpose of the moss it's for my nest, okay? I'm a big guy, my bedding gets squashed under my weight and doesn't support me well, so it's important that I top up the moss often." Technically it wasn't even a lie, he did indeed require more moss for his nest.

He huffed an exhale before bringing his gaze back towards Quillpaw. Clearly Thistleback had covered all bases to stop any form of goofing off. Pity. Totoro actually looked somewhat disappointed, but he soon beamed a grin as he sat down. "You know what, I can wait. I don't need to go collecting moss right this second, so the job offer stands, Quillpaw, if you fancy it."