MR. CLEAN // trying to do ALL chores

What a beautiful new-leaf day! Feeling the sun on her fur makes Ragwortpaw’s spirit soar, her motivation higher than ever. Taking in the fresh air makes her heart beat even more sound, she wants to surprise everyone… take some stress off her fellow apprentices paws! So early in the morning she is darting around camp with moss, feathers, twigs, a trail of the material can be found almost everywhere she walks as she picks up more than she can handle. She cleans the elders den, then the warriors den (since that was mostly cleared), she was going to do the apprentices den but a lot of them still were sound asleep… She’d have to ask Howlingstar to let her stay behind today so she could get that done while they were out with their mentors! The dens she had managed to clean were still messy, arguably worse than before… the job had been done in a major rush.

Now ticks!
She goes through the elder’s fur, trying to collect as many ticks before moving onto the next. They all continue to complain about biting, but if Ragwortpaw is going to do ALL the chores some of the bugs will have to stay! Surely some off their skin was better than none?

She barges out of to the barrier around camp, prepared to reinforce it. This was tiring work!

//tldr; ragwortpaw wants to help everyone (mainly the apprentices) by doing all the chores BY HERSELF! This is more difficult than she anticipates and despite her efforts she actually makes camp more messy than it was before


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 7 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Little Wolf had stepped out of the nursery for what had only felt like a moment in order to drink water and make dirt and when she arrived back at it she is shocked to see it in such a state of disarray. Her green eyes are wide as she takes in the mess before her, blinking as she wonders which one of her kits had caused such mayhem. She had expected such a thing from her last litter, but not this one but still. She supposes that they are just kits, they can’t help but get into trouble.

She turns to leave the den, determined to clean it again so that Wrenflutter won’t have to and that’s when she spots the trail of materials strewn all about the camp. "What the..?" she mutters. When she lifts up a black paw there is a feather stuck to it, one she has to shake her foot in order to detach.

After only a moment more of observation she can trace the disaster to one culprit and surprisingly, it wasn’t one of her kits this time. "Ragwortpaw?" she asks, surprised to see the gray furred apprentice surrounded by so much carnage. "Did you…. Did you do all this?" she has to admit she is relieved it is not one of her kits but Ragwortpaw had been her apprentice before going to the nursery.
After a particularly rough early-morning hunt, the white-patched warrior is relieved to return to his den and take a well deserved rest. His normally rigid, stoic expression falters, even slackens, when he sees the catastrophe that’s been made of the camp. Moss, sticks, leaves scattered everywhere. The warriors’ den practically turned upside down, looking like it’s been raided.

And in the middle of it all—Ragwortpaw.

His pawsteps are heavy, annoyed, as he pads over to where the assumed culprit stands. "The hell’re you up to, kit?" He snaps, his tone quiet but scornful. Troublemaker. She’s Howlingstar’s charge, but a hooligan if he’s ever seen one. Certainly not the most well-behaved apprentice. Little Wolf’s given’ her the benefit of the doubt, askin’ if it’s her, but the dappled tom only levels a sharp look at the apprentice. "Are you the one that thought it’d be funny t’put a needle in my nest, couple days ago?" One of the other warriors had said it was an accident, a fluke, but that’s ridiculous.
[ tie my bones to the saddle ]

Oh, Little Wolf!
Ragwortpaw's chest puffs out with pride, her mentor must be so happy to see the camp so tidy! She couldn't wait to see the looks on her peers faces when they saw they wouldn't have to do ANY chores today! "Yes." The girl meows, bobbing her round head in confirmation. Indeed, this was her doing! "I am almost done, just the gorse wall... and... something else." Hmm... what had it been?

Eaglestump is old, very old. Howlingstar old. There were more ancient cats among them, but he was certainly up there in age. She looks at him in complete awe and holds her breath, as if she thought blowing on Eaglestump would make his bones turn to dust. "I am doing chores." Ragwortpaw answers the tom-cat, seemingly unphased at his tone. When asked if she put the needle in his nest she shakes her head, "No. Not me. Maybe Sloepaw?" She doesn't mean to throw the feline under the bus, he was just the first apprentice to come to mind.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 7 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Everything was out of sorts today.

Cloudypaw had woken up ready to get started on cleaning the elder's den, as Flamewhisker had told her to. She had actually been eager for the task. It really didn't make any sense to her why the other apprentices weren't fond of it, it was so easy and relaxing.

Only, when she had headed over to grab the moss, she hadn't found any. At first she had thought it was just in a different spot or something, but after a while of wandering about camp in search of it, she was starting to feel anxiety build in her chest. She really didn't want to mess up a task this simple. This was supposed to be an relaxing start to her morning.

Spotting Little Wolf, Eaglestump, and Ragwortpaw talking, Cloudypaw hesitated a moment, then headed toward them. Maybe they would know something.

"Um, hello?" Cloudypaw called over to them as she approached, attempted to cut into their conversation. "Has anyone seen the fresh moss? I was supposed to clean out the old bedding in the elder's den but... I couldn't..." She began to explain, but her words trailed off as she got a closer look at Ragwortpaw. The other apprentice was a mess. covered in a mix of moss, feathers, and twigs. A trail of the stuff was laid out behind her. "...find it."

"Oh. Hm." Was all the words she could manage as she stared at her denmate holding the fresh moss, trying to think of anything at all to say. Ragwortpaw, for her part, seemed totally oblivious to the havoc she was causing. "What's going on?" Cloudypaw asked with a blink, glancing at Little Wolf and Eaglestump, who seemed just as confused as she was.​