pafp MR. ROSE, I DON’T SUPPOSE - matchmaking

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————

It had been so long, like so long, since she was able to sit outside. Ravenpaw kept her in the medicine den for- for like ever. But, they had been working on her leg. Small exercises that she could do to try and work a little bit of the stiffness out, and she was even given permission to hobble around just a little bit. Those first steps were so anticipated that she didn't even mind the pain when she tried to use the bad leg. After that though she started to get it a little, avoid touching the problem and then she was good to go. Which also meant that she was allowed to see the sun.

She crept out of the medicine den, her eyes blinked as they adjusted to the bright afternoon sun. The outside air filled her lungs as she thumped to the ground outside the den. A content smile graced her face as she soaked in the warmth. Another bonus of this new freedom was seeing familiar faces. Well, she had "seen" them while she was in the medicine den. But, it didn't really count. Now though, she was able to gaze upon busy cats and it didn't seem so impossible that she would be able to join them soon enough.

Between the hustle and bustle she did happen to notice at least one cat that didn't seem to have much on his plate. The skinny Snakeblink was just wading around in the crowd it seemed, a perfect target, "Hey! Snakeblink!" She called out to him "Are you busy or do you want to like chat or something with me? I know you probably have some good gossip right? I’ve been dying for some information on what's been happening since I've been trapped in there." She flicks a tail at the medicine den to emphasize her point "The only drama in there is Ravensong and Dovethroat, and at this point their just killing me." The two toms were so dramatic, and she couldn't escape them.

// @Snakeblink

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
  • Love
Reactions: Snakeblink

A voice pulls Snakeblink out of his thoughts and brings him to a stop near the medicine den. It takes a moment of blank staring for him to shake off his preoccupations enough to register Catfishpaw’s words. And for a moment more he considers declining her request for company: he’s considerably warmed up to apprentices in the past few moons but he still doesn’t have much in common with a bored adolescent, and anyway he’s terribly busy—

The word gossip makes his ears perk up and the tip of his tail twitch with restrained curiosity. No, he shouldn’t. Thought it’s good, isn’t it, to know all the little rumors going around camp? There’s always some truth in them after all, it could be useful…

It’s the mention of Ravensong and Dovethroat that convinces him, though. Talk as he might of information gathering, Snakeblink loves nothing more than to hear about the romantic affairs of his clanmates. Glancing around, he slinks closer to Catfishpaw and settles next to the recovering apprentice. ”I believe I can make some time to keep you company in your convalescence,” he murmurs with barely-concealed eagerness.

Checking that the medicine cat isn’t around, he bends down close and says in a low tone, ”They are quite tiresome, are they not? You would think they cannot stand each other, yet they cannot seem to bear to be apart for long…” He shakes his head derisively. The constant back and forth sounds exhausting, but perhaps he’s just getting old. ”If you ask me, Dovethroat deserves someone nicer, like…” He flounders for age-appropriate candidates for a second. ”Fernpaw?”

Then, because he has enjoyed Ravensong’s company the few times they were brought together, he mutters thoughtfully: ”As for Ravensong… Saltsting, perhaps. Like attracts like… Ah, forgive me! It’s news you want, not my wishful thinking.”

Clearing his throat, he lets his eyes roam the camp in search of inspiration. He’s never been very secretive when it comes to others’ relationships: it’s only a matter of remembering recent events. ”Ah, well… There’s Lilybloom and Lakemoon who have been snapping at each other lately, you may have heard… And of course Lichentail and Hazecloud refuse to talk about what they have going on, but it’s obvious that there is something there…”

He sighs and shakes his head minutely. ”Frankly, if it’s… ‘drama’ you seek, then you will be well-served here. There’s more than enough to go around — one can only imagine how chaotic things would be if we were all paired up, rather than a few of us.” It’s the gift that keeps on giving, though it can be, at times, a little frustrating to watch.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

( tags ) Catfishpaw wasn't able to train for a long time, well not as much as the other apprentices because of her wounds. Ravensong had been taking care of Catfishpaw while she recovered and he would be forever grateful to the medicine cat. I wonder if Beesong is proud... He shakes his head at the thought. It's been some time since Beesong had passed, but he couldn't let go of the former medicine cat just yet. He wasn't particulary close to Beesong, but he could never deny their importance within the clan. Green eyes find Snakeblink and Catfishpaw's figures, so he pads up to meet the pair, tail flicking in greeting as he draws near. They're in the middle of something so he doesn't initially chime in, opting to listen to a bit of the conversation to figure out what is going on.

At the mention of Dovethroat and Ravensong's little feud going on has him open his maw only to close it when he realized had he chipped in then, he would miss the point of this conversation. They were talking about mates. Well, who would make for good mates? He can't speak too much for who Dovethroat or Ravensong could be paired with because he actually hadn't thought about relationships for quite some time. After all, he had been concerned with raising Otterkit and Silverkit. They were apprentices now, so he found himself with more alone time. Anyhow, he is clearly listening with interest.

Pikesplash finds himself tilting his head in confusion when Snakeblink suddenly stops on wishful thinking. Ravensong and Saltsting? Ever the curious one, he can't help but chip in, "Are you saying you would like Ravensong and Saltsting to be mates?" He's not really adding anything to what Snakeblink has said, yet he is trying to clarify what the other warrior might mean. Ravensong and Saltsting? I can't say I was thinking they would be mates or could be. It doesn't really feel like any of them are looking for a mate, but they're still young. They have plenty of time to figure it out, I mean, Petalnose just figured it out not too long ago. Other than that, he has no real opinion on Ravensong being with Saltsting. He supposes if both of them were happy, then he would be happy for them. That is, if that were ever come to pass.

His whiskers twitch in anticipation, green eyes glancing at Snakeblink. His eyes follow Snakeblink's gaze, which happens to be camp. It is refreshing to have someone point out relationships. For some reason most cats were not comfortable with saying something was going on between two cats, and some of the cats that were comfortable did so in a whisper. Snakeblink saying it plainly, causes him to flick his tail slowly in content. "Hmm, I can't deny that there's something going on with Lichentail and Hazecloud. Lilybloom and Lakemoon snapping at each other is actually kinda scary. Although, I'd rather be snapped at by those two than Cindershade. Petalnose and Aspenhaze have recently become mates though! Not sure if anyone else has become mates this green-leaf." That much is true. Either romance was lingering in Riverclan, or it was a miracle from Starclan or something. How many mates are in Riverclan?

Drama... He keeps up with it, because despite it all he is quite a nosey tom. He likes to hear what goes on this clan although he actually doesn't know what's true. He is aware gossip is not always accurate, so it is something that shouldn't be taken as fact. Although he can't help but believe some of the things he's heard sometimes. It's not his fault some cats tell tales that are plausible! Snakeblink is right though, there is always drama or rumors being told within the clan, so if gossip was drama then you didn't need to look too far. Paired up?

"Paired up?" He mews, thoughts leaving his mind and out through his maw. "What do you mean?" It's not uncommon for Snakeblink to be met with some confusion. However, he hopes the other tom will not be enraged as it can be seen that Pikesplash is genuinely curious as to what Snakeblink is referring to? Few of us? There's a lot of us though? Did we lose a lot of cats recently?

stalkingpaw & 09 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

Stalkingpaw is there to see catfishpaw, a girl she likes to think of as her friend - well, most of riverclan is her friend, but some more than others. So green eyes widen when her fellow apprentice is not alone, and only further still when she figures out the topic of the conversation. Ears and muzzle darken with heat as she flushes, thoughts of romance and love and mates flashing through her minds eye - is there anyone she has interest in? Is there someone out there with interest in her? She finds she doesn't know.

"I dunno, I think they like arguing - like, that's just what they do ," she says, thinking about what she's seen of ravensong and dovethroat, though she's only passingly familiar with the latter. She continues to listen in, shuddering when pikesplash brings up her sisters mentor - nose wrinkles as she speaks, a genuine look of haunting in her eyes "Yeah - don't tell sablepaw I said anything, but sometimes cindershade is reeeealy scary, gives me nightmares I swear ," A scary woman that.

"Pair up, you know, like mates - like you like them and they like you, so you want to spend forever with them, and then have kits - I think?" stalkingpaw likes to consider herself knowledgeable about such things, but really she's just nosy, so she could be completely wrong, but speaks anyways. "Is there anyone you like?" now that - that she is out of the loop on, and so green eyes flick and flit about between the three, as though they will spill their gossip if she simply pleads hard enough.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ Fallinglight doesn't like gossip the same way fish dislike algae— which is to say he doesn't mind it at all, and it's not a favorite pastime but he's sure not passing up a chance to eavesdrop. He's interested to hear what Snakeblink's got this time, except as soon as the name Saltsting's off his tongue in conjunction with Ravensong, his entire body, formerly relaxed, recoils. He sits up straight from lying on his stomach, blinking rapidly. Saltsting. Saltsting and Ravensong. Saltsting and Ravensong like that. Mates, as Stalkingpaw clarifies for Pikesplash.

He's shaking his head before he's fully aware of it, nose still scrunched like a bird's dropped off white dung right in front of him. Saltsting, severe and proud, with Ravensong, tall and equally somber, the both of them just staring silently at each other— nononono. "Did a squirrel use your head to hide its nuts, Snakeblink? Saltsting? With Ravensong?" His outburst is a few minutes late, given how long it's taken the sheer burning...repulsion to work itself out verbally. "Where's the spark? Havin' something in common's nice and all, but I don't want to snuggle with my reflection." Catfishpaw better be right about Ravensong and Dovethroat. They'd be better than Saltsting and Ravensong, anyway, because Saltsting's— y'know.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic chocolate lynx point with low white. fur is thick and wavy, and tends to curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, can you BELIEVE snakeblink? ravensong and saltsting? what would they even have to talk about? they already know everything! they'd just sit there in silence all the time, except for perfectly boring conversations agreeing on the temperature of the water or something. starclan, what was snakeblink thinking? does...everyone else see it?

He would have been none the wiser about his patient's nefarious gossiping with the Clan snake if it were not for Fallinglight's outburst.

A slender, angular nose poked out of the curtain of the medicine den, following by a pair of narrowed green eyes. Catfishpaw had gathered quite the crowd about the outside of the den. If any of them were two pawsteps too close, Ravensong might have snapped. He appreciated Catfishpaw in his own way. Snakeblink, too. Pikesplash was enjoyable to be around and generally did not draw attention to himself in a bad way unless he made an innocent mistake. Boneripple's daughter Stalkingpaw was tolerable on most days. Fallinglight, his eyes fell upon the young warrior with a harder stare than the rest, always seemed to toe a fine line between genuine rudeness and playful banter. But for this occasion, Ravensong agreed with him.

"I am..." The fur around his neck fluffed up like an angry pigeon. "Not interested in anyone." He defended himself, unaware of how blatantly his actions spoke otherwise. "Don't any of you have a patrol to go on? Make yourself useful instead of this gossip?" He snapped. "And not you, Catfishpaw, I know you have to stay here."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
Just as with his supposed partner, Saltsting is not brought to the scene by Snakeblink's gossip on its own. Indeed he found that it was one of the least appealing features of their esteemed lead warrior (though far from lonely on its list). He avoids it as he can. But Fallinglight is not so opposed and it shows. The tom's outburst draws the warrior's gaze, his head lifted from rest until his frame in its entirety is drawn taut and tall. He does not have the thickness of fur as Ravensong does around his throat, yet in that moment their posture is unmistakably mirrored. "Fallinglight," he intones, chide evident despite the flatness of his speech. (Or, quite possibly, because of it.) "I do not know that your reflection would meet your standards for a relationship, but I would not be opposed to my own." Boring does not cross his mind. It would be...comfortable, he supposes, though he does not attach Ravensong to the thought.

There is a wrongness to the idea of them, but he dares think on such. Instead, he dips his head respectfully to their medicine cat. The decision is made to shoo them at least some distance from the den, though he has no authority over any of them. His eyes still smile slightly as he looks at him. "It would be in our best interest to catch our prey before the water recedes any further. Is there anything you may need while we search for prey, Ravensong?"

  • ooc:
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"

Perhaps it is some form of karmic response that she found herself at the tail-end to such whispers. Hazecloud, who equally found her own sense of entertainment gossiping with exasperated queens or bored elders, now heard her own name hushed between her Clanmates. She shouldn't be all too surprised, right? Considering she had giggled and murmured just the same within her own circle of Clanmates who indulged to listen?

Oh, but it did. Perhaps it was solely because of the topic they had chosen. Perhaps if Snakeblink and Catfishpaw had gossiped about how she always put more effort into the quality of her pelt than patrols, or that she couldn't go a day without dollying about in the fields of flowers, she would not feel so hurt. So defensive.

"... And of course Lichentail and Hazecloud refuse to talk about what they have going on, but it’s obvious that there is something there…”

The mane of her neck began to prickle, her jaw tight as she swallowed the retort she wanted to lash. Snakeblink was still a Lead Warrior, still upon her leaders council and deserved the respect of such. But Lichentail... She was on that council as well, and the tom did not give her the same treatment. Pikesplash even agrees, and her eyes grow wide in shock. Weren't he and Lichentail friends? She would never...

A frustrated hiss broke free from restraint. "I don't believe Lichentail would be pleased to know her friends whisper behind her back." Pikesplash earned the force of her ire, made victim only if because she couldn't bring herself to do the same to her superior. Though she did not direct her fiery tone to Snakeblink, he was rewarded with a glare of similar heat.

She settled beside the medicine cat, gathering the last bit of her confidence through camaraderie with the tom.

"Thank you, Ravensong." An annoyed lash of her tail rid her of any remaining insecurity. "I can fetch you fresh moss or water for your patients as well." She offered quietly.

Idly Dipperpaw picks at the minnow between her paws while she listens to the gossip. Ravensong and Dovethroat. Hazecloud and Lichentail. Lilybloom and Lakemoon. It is a horrible thing to spread rumors and as she watches the faces of those involved she realizes it makes nobody feel good to be gossiped about. Do Catfishpaw and Snakeblink not see the hurt that crosses the face of Hazecloud? Do they not care that it makes others pelts prickle with unease and their jaws clench? "I wonder Snakeblink" she pauses for a moment, eyes not leaving the prey between her paws "I wonder how you would like it if cats starting discussing your private affairs in public hmm?" It is more than what she would normally say, and saying such a thing to a lead warrior makes her heart hammer in her chest. But watching everyone elses reactions had made her angry. She certainly wouldn't like it if she were the topic of everyone's whisperings.

When Hazecloud suggests leaving to go get moss for Ravensong, Dipperpaw jumps on the out "Is it okay if I come with?" she asks. She does not want to be here anymore and her meal had been spoiled by the mood.
To be an elusive, hard-working enigmatic blue shadow moving through the camp was largely one of their highest goals. Being a lead warrior meant a little more attention directed their way but it rarely interfered long enough to bother their self-imposed demand for isolation and duty. Perhaps it was in those moments of silence and aloneness that they found themself victim to hubris... arrogance... confidence? If those things even meant anything different, they were basically synonymous. In that reassured step that came from a job well done, Lichentail also had reason to be paranoid of their position- Cicadastar was none too happy with them despite what harmless intent they'd had and after being summarily ambushed by a sadistic fox of a WindClanner... well.. the shadows no longer seemed empty... no longer brought them peace.

It was all the more frustrating then, to hear their name murmured in passing amongst a group of odd constitution. Snakeblink keeping Catfishpaw company was no great surprise but Fallinglight seemed nothing if not a little frustrated (they would not deny that reaction amused them) and Ravensong looked all the more furious his den was being encroached upon. But it wasn't those things that held their attention it was their name.

Call it paranoia (Lichentail wouldn't) but it only encouraged their approach, ear perked as a frown settled on their face. Why talk about them and not to them? Was some sort of story being shared?

It is the sudden hissing of a familiar smoky femme that gives all the context they need. "If they are my friends then surely they will have no issues sharing what they were saying about me..." Drawing icy eyes between Snakeblink and the apprentice he had sought to entertain, they tilt their head in a question, "I'm sure it is nothing I should be upset to hear, right Snakeblink?"

"Though based on the faces I'm seeing, no one seems too impressed with this conversation- what's going on?"

It occurs to Snakeblink when Pikesplash interjects into the conversation that perhaps ‘in front of the medicine den, damn well near to the center of camp’ might not have been the ideal setting for such a sensitive topic.

”No! No, I only meant that the two would be… well-matched. Since they are both…” prickly, taciturn, and serious, ”... Black? And of a similar disposition.”

He nods along as Pikesplash adds his own intelligence to the conversation — it’s nice to have some suspicions confirmed, and he did forget Petalnose’s big news. The tom’s question throws him for a loop: yes, paired-up; how could this statement be misconstructed? This time it truly eludes him. Thankfully, Stalkingpaw answers Pikesplash; unfortunately, it means yet another person has heard this little chat. He tilts his head towards the apprentice, silently acquiescing to her explanation.

”Cindershade can be intimidating, but I promise you she is very nice.” He pauses, thinking it over. ”Deep down. You don’t have to be scared of her.”

Though being scared of the dark-furred molly would at least urge the apprentice to caution, unlike him. And he has to agree with Pikesplash: he too would rather not be yelled at by Cindershade. Part of him wonders if she would mellow if she had a mate, but he’s not brave enough to speak that aloud. Speak the name of the bear and it might appear.

Besides, he’s distracted from the thought by Stalkingpaw’s next words: Is there anyone you like? He glances at the two other cats, fighting to keep his curiosity off his face lest he be too off-putting. It doesn’t occur to him to reply, as if the apprentice could not possibly have meant to include him in it. He likes everyone in the clan, but of course none in a romantic manner: he doesn’t have the time, and that’s for the best. He doesn’t think he could bear the ache of unrequited infatuation, not on top of everything else he has going on.

And then multiple cats butt in unexpectedly, many of them the subject of previous gossip, and Snakeblink’s shoulders progressively creep up higher and higher as he hunches on himself, ears pinned back in dismay.

To Fallinglight, more stung by the outright rejection of his idea than by the harshness of the young warrior’s words: ”No need to be rude: it was merely a hypothetical. Though if you know anything I don’t…”

And to Ravensong, who would have been none the wiser if not for the previous outburst and looks terribly miffed to be the subject of discussion: ”Apologies, Ravensong, I did not mean to pry.” He did. He did not mean to be heard, though. He doesn’t budge when the medicine cat dismisses the lot of them: he was asked to entertain Catfishpaw, and if the peanut gallery is dispersed, then all the better for it.

But instead of leaving, more appear. He sighs imperceptibly. It seems he’s being punished for his sins.

At least Saltsting’s reaction (or lack thereof: he just doesn’t seem appalled at the thought of himself and Ravensong) validates his original suggestion. He knew there could be something there.

Things continue to go for the worse: Hazecloud and Lichentail’s are infinitely more prickly about their ‘thing’ than Ravensong could ever be, and to have one hear and be followed closely by the other… What a nightmare. Snakeblink has half a mind to stand up and leave with his life while he still can: the way Hazecloud glares at him, he doesn’t value his chances to survive the interaction very highly. And this isn’t the kind of mortal danger Cindershade would condescend to protect him from: she would be more likely to laugh at him outright for getting into such a situation, again.

But he’s doing better than Pikesplash: the way Hazecloud makes the blue tabby the target of her ire, it’s clear he’s the one she means when she speaks of Lichentail’s friends. That guilt in particular, Snakeblink is glad to do without.

(Although it is bittersweet — as much as it shouldn’t. He hardly believe he and Lichentail were friends before this. Friendly, perhaps, but he doesn’t fool himself into thinking they held him in a much higher regard than required by their shared position.)

He’s surprised when Dipperpaw calls him out directly, asking how he would feel if others discussed his personal affairs in public. She does not strike him as a particularly mouthy apprentice. Knowing this, he lets her remark sit with him for a moment longer, taking it at face value and wishing to answer it honestly. But he can only shrug in response: ”They already do.”

Gossip is everywhere, especially in a clan setting, and everything about him invites others to whisper behind his back — though it might just be that he has made an habit of eavesdropping, and notices it more when it’s about him. Yesterday alone he heard two queens wondering idly if he could be blackmailing Cicadastar, to have been made a lead-warrior in spite of his cowardice; yes, it feels uncomfortable, but romantic gossip is hardly this critical of the cats it’s about, right?

(He is quickly starting to question that, given the reactions around him.)

If they are my friends then surely they will have no issues sharing what they were saying about me… Right, Snakeblink?

Like the rest of them, Lichentail’s appearance should push him deeper into embarrassment; but Snakeblink is once again distracted, this time by their words.

Am I your friend?” It comes out more skeptical than he meant it too; it’s only that he’s surprised, and, despite everything, pleased to hear that Lichentail would call him such. Although it may only be because of Hazecloud’s previous words; they may not mean anything by it at all. Still, he tries to reply in earnest. ”I was merely bringing Catfishpaw up to speed, so to speak: she has been confined to the medicine den a long time, and Ravensong did not report the kind of mundane news that I have.” In a more apologetic tone, he murmurs, ”It may have gotten a little… private. It didn’t occur to me that any of this was a… a secret, I suppose.”

After all, he heard about it. Surely he was not the only one?

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • "why is everyone MAD AT ME" says man facing the consequences of his own actions
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo