mud on your face | muddy ground

Finally the snow had begun to melt. It was a relief that in the past few days the snow had largely vanished and other than some bracing winds, the worst of leafbare was starting to ease off. Flycatcher knew there was still some time until newleaf was fully upon them so he wouldn't rule off anymore snow in the coming weeks, but for now, he was simply glad for a brief reprieve in the weather and was keen to make the most of it.Leading a patrol out into the forest, they hadn't had much luck yet. Whilst they had been keen to get out again, it seemed that the prey they hunted were less keen. Things seemed to be looking up when Flycatcher spotted a squirrel. Making a signal with his tail, Flycatcher gestured for the cat nearest to him to fall in behind him. The lead warrior proceeded to inch closer and closer to the grey squirrel, using the typical ThunderClan technique of leaning back on his hunches before launching forward. If he had been successful in should have been a clean catch and kill. But as the blue tom was about to propel himself forward with a jump, his paws skidded in the mud thanks to the added momentum and he slipped over, landing with a small thud and startling the squirrel away. Flycatcher watched it leave with a dejected look. "Sorry," He apologised to the patrol, gingerly rising back to his paws. "I'm not sure what's worse - this mud or the snow."
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Getting as low to the ground as possible proved to be quite a challenge some days with limbs as long as his. Depending on what was being hunted his back would still be visible amongst what little coverage they had. Stalking was still a weak point for the ticked tabby. Simply running things down with the aid of his long legs made hunting easier for him. However, he was learning how to be a proper member of thunderclan and that meant learning their tricks of the trade. No matter how frustrating they proved to be sometimes. Silently, Silverlightning falls in behind Flycatcher, holding his breath as the lead warrior shoot's for the catch. Yet the slickness of the mud and gravity combined proved to be a fickle thing as Flycatcher fell to the ground, startling the squirrel.

Pushing off of his haunches Silver sprints forward in a last ditch effort to secure their prey. Long legs consumed the distance, closing the gap between himself and the tree dwelling rodent. The squirrel jumps, scaling tree bark as his paw lurches forth and only manages to swipe it's tail. A miniscule frown tugs at his lips as he watches the critter ascend, a single ear twitching at Flycatcher's apology. "We will get the next one." Silver finally voices, turning to face the lead, with a flick of his tail. Grey eyes gaze upon the mud streak lying in their wake. "I would say mud. At least you can gather some traction with snow." Not to mention mud squelched between the paws and was a nightmare overall to traverse through.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

sandpaw followed along with the hunting patrol, taking large steps as if that would save her from the mud. her legs were already coated in the stuff, it was going to be a nightmare to clean.

she watched silently as flycatcher and silverlightning both lurched for the squirrel, stifling a laugh when the lead warrior slipped in the mud. it's not like it was funny to lose prey, but watching the blue tom lose a fight with the mud sure did bring a small grin to her face. that was the extent of the fun, because then it was back to talking about boring stuff. still, sandpaw would have to offer her two cents. silverlightning's answer just wasn't correct. "that's like picking between eating a frog and a lizard, both are equally awful." she had never had either, but those stinky shadowclanners ate them so they had to be bad.
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Sometimes, Burnpaw wonders what merits qualify a cat to be selected to become a lead warrior. Were they good hunters? Good fighter? Did they give the best council were they the wisest? He will have to make a note to ask his mentor or his grandmother later because no matter which way he looks at Flamewhisker or Flycatcher he cannot figure it out.

He watches the display in front of him with a quietly disapproving frown displayed on his ebony features. He could not believe he had missed that it had been right in front of him! He gives a grunt of approval when Silverlightening says that he prefers the snow over this mud, at least the snow didn't make him feel so nasty at the end of the day. He would be cleaning mud out of his toes all night! Before he can voice his agreement though, Sandpaw chimes in and says that asking her to pick one is like asking her to pick between a lizard and a frog. "I'll bet you've never eaten either of those, Sandpaw " he sees, wrinkling his nose with silent laughter. "My ma told me back when she lived in the marshes she used to eat them all the time and it wasn't THAT bad". Little Wolf had regaled his siblings with stories of their familiy's old home, and of course, back then, he had a million questions about it and of course, the tastiness of the prey had been one of them.

"The mud is definitely way worse" he says, turning his attention back to the two older toms. "At least the snow is like a free bath" He hated baths but with his long silky fur they were a necessary evil, but when the snow melted in his pelt he felt cleaner than usual. It was cold but at least there was that.