Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022

.: MUD & ICE :.
Mud was an orphan, raised along the river by his older brother and constantly stealing prey from loners just to keep his belly full. Ice was a sheltered barn cat, always wanting more out of life than just catching plump mice and sleeping on beds of straw. It was love at first sight when their two families joined Rain's group in the pine forest. Well, at least it was on Mud's end! As a young bachelor surrounded by competition, he did everything he could to win the beautiful calico over, from romantic outings to showers of compliments. It seemed to work, for the two ended up becoming adoring mates and welcomed their first kit into the world. They were the picture perfect family.

It was just before the Great Battle when Ice discovered she was pregnant with their second litter. With Lily nearing adulthood, it seemed perfect timing if not for the danger in the forest. Fortunately for them, Mud returned from the war; their family wouldn't be torn apart. When the mention of five clans sprung from the mouths of cats, it didn't take much convincing for the family to decide where they wanted to live. Mud was eager to return to the place he grew up, and Ice was excited to raise their kits on a protected island free from predators. It truly is a happily ever after for this young family!


  1. This litter is not first-come, first serve. Applications will close on August 10th. There will be four kits in this litter - one is reserved for Fernkit, one of their original kits from a past site. The three other slots will be open.​
  2. We will be choosing based on the applications as well as the roleplayers' activity with their current characters. There is no set form - you can apply with as much or as little information as you'd like!​
  3. This litter will follow realistic genetics, which can be found below. No genetic mutations are allowed, but birth defects are!​
  4. We reserve the right to rehome any kits who fall inactive for over a month. Please only apply if you are confident you can remain active with the kit, as we really want to avoid rehoming!​
  5. These kits must remain in RiverClan until warriorhood. After that, it is heavily preferred they remain in RiverClan, but plots may pull them elsewhere and that's okay!​
  6. No angsty backstories from their youth are permitted; Ice is a very attentive mother and would be raising them with love. Their father and older sister are similarly caring.​
  7. Birth date, aging rules, and starting age have not yet been decided, but as soon as we decide on those the applicants will be updated!​
  8. Have fun! These are your characters and we really want to see how they flourish and grow.​

Sire: SH chocolate
Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying chocolate)

Toms can be red tabby, black, or chocolate
She-cats can be tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, black, or chocolate
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits will have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color except blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-chocolate kits will carry chocolate
- red kits will mask either black or chocolate

Below are the parents tags if you would like to see their specific traits.
Mud and Ice

Mud and Ice are both Gen 1, making this litter Gen 2.
Mud and Ice's firstborn daughter is Lily - she is this litter's older sister.
Mud has an older brother, Clay, who will be the kits' paternal uncle.
Ice has two younger brothers, one also named Clay, and the other named Beetle, who will be the kits' maternal uncles.

It is heavily preferred that applicants choose names that will be most realistic for the parents to choose. Prefixes already used by currently active characters should try and be avoided!

Ice will most likely choose short, simple names based around what she first sees after they're born from within the nursery. For example, she will be naming Fernkit.
She would also choose the name Pinekit for the home her family fought for during the Great Battle.

Mud will choose any of these names.
Iciclekit, Rimekit - for their mother, Ice
Rainkit - Mud idolized Rain a lot
Dark-kit, Scarletkit, Gingerkit, Firekit, Sandkit, Lightkit, Turtlekit, Frondkit, Crescentkit - for the kit's general color, appearance, or something else special about them - or no reason at all! He just likes these names!
Lotuskit - most likely to be used on a kit resembling Lily
Rock-kit, Boulderkit, Steepkit, Cliffkit, Mountainkit, Valleykit - strong, stable names


  1. Fernkit played by waluigipinball
  2. Steepkit played by DetectLife
  3. Dark-kit played by nico
  4. Iciclekit played by Marquette
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((edited to be more in depth))
OKAY i caved,, tentatively drops her off

— named for her boxy form and distinct markings
— cisgender female, uses she/her pronouns
— a bold, loud voice. laughter is a roaring chuckle​

— Steepkit has a short, ruffled pelt that remains unruly even after swimming. Flanks of inky black feather into a white stomach, the snowy contrast continuing to her stout front legs and up her throat. There, white sweeps in a band over her neck, just above her dark shoulders. Open golden eyes sit in a wide face, framed with ivory. Broad salt and pepper cheeks meet with a tufted chin, rounding Steepkit's young countenance into a squat triangle.
Though often set into a perpetual scowl, joy is easily tugged onto the kit's expression. Topaz eyes are hidden behind creased lids, small pearly teeth peaking from a beaming smile.

( + ) cheerful, boisterous, courageous, loyal, earnest
( / ) wary, noisy, prone to playful violence as affection
( - ) incredibly stubborn, quick to anger, out of touch with her emotions
— Growing up in a nurturing environment, Steepkit will be a very confident and curious kit.
— Her loyalty to Riverclan, being of the first generation after the split, will be unshakable. She will have little interest in the other clans, taking great pride in the river territory and their practices.
— Steepkit will thrive in the river despite lacking agility- making up for in strength and stamina.
— A typical warrior, she will adore training and battle practice. Competitive and determined she won't take losing lightly.
— As she grows older, and larger, she will take advantage of her strong form in protecting her clan. Acting as a fierce front for her family and home gives her a great deal of satisfaction.
— Past the intimidating exterior is her jovial and kind heart. To her, strength is important but compassion is invaluable.
— Will learn to have very strong values of loyalty, fairness, reap what you sow and hard work.
— Very physically affectionate and open around her family and friends.
— Steepkit is prone to feeling emotions at their extremes- leading to an unrivalled cheerfulness, and temper. As she grows older she will gain a better grasp of her anger, though will still struggle to express it healthily. Any outbursts will be explosive, and even if she manages to postpone them Steepkit will seek out a quiet moment to let off steam.
— She hates the way anger feels however and will forgive others easily​
LIKES sharing her catches, practical jokes, competitions, feeling relied on, snow
DISLIKES twolegs, unfairness, bullying/senseless unkindness, afraid of fire, spoilsports

REFERENCE(*with some alterations)
a) as a kit she will lack the scarring and grizzled aspects of this design
b) she would be short haired to match Mud and Ice's genetics
c) orange/yellow eyes instead of red​
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  • GENERALi'll shake the ground with all my might
    darkkit, no previous names
    ↪ named after his dark fur.​
    cis male, he/him/his
    ↪ gay - single, not looking​
    unborn, aging rate tbd
    kit of riverclan
  • APPEARANCEi will pull my whole heart up to the surface
    shorthaired chocolate tom with low white and central amber/blue heterochromia
    ↪ from kithood, darkkit will be notably all legs. long and spindly, he appears similar to a newborn colt. even though he tends to trip over his own paws early on, as he matures, darkkit will find his balance. he will become poised and elegant, carrying himself with dignity. however, as a stark contrast to his proud demeanor, his short fur is scruffy and often unkempt. it sticks out at odd angles, with a slight wave to it. he possesses a dark chocolate coloration which fades into a light dusky brown near his abdomen and the underside of his flowy tail. white provides a stark contrast on his chin, neck, the toes of his front paws, and his tail tip. his half-lidded, down-turned eyes are primarily dull amber, with a blue ring around his pupils. there always seems to be a lazy smile on his face, but he carries with him a pensive aura.​
    smells like reeds and river water
    sounds higher pitched due to his juvenile age; will mature into a smooth, baritone voice
    no physical illnesses
    ↪ link to toyhouse!​
  • PERSONALITYfor the innocent, for the vulnerable
    POSITIVE TRAITS: caring, charismatic, introspective
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: self-assured, peaceful, melancholic, spiritual
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: detached, repressive, childish
    ↪ darkkit is, on the outside, a very friendly and considerate tom. he tends to have a starry-eyed outlook on life, blurring the lines between optimism and foolish idealism. peaceful by nature, darkkit despises conflict of any kind and views it as an insult to starclan's will. as such, he prides himself on maintaining a pacifistic outlook no matter the circumstances. he tends to look down on others who willingly involve themselves in violence, and believes himself to be morally superior to them. gifted with a golden tongue, darkkit has a natural penchant for befriending others with his charisma and thoughtfulness. one of his goals in life is to, ultimately, spread kindness; this stems from his delusion that starclan has brought him into this world to be a shining beacon in the dark. however, underneath his cheery demeanor lies a melancholic soul. when alone, he's prone to introspection, analyzing his faults and negative emotions which he deems are 'tarnishing' his pure soul.

    when faced with such negative emotions, darkkit represses them. he would rather pretend that he is perfect and happy rather than face his own inner turmoil or, stars forbid, confess them to another. this causes him to ultimately be detached from reality, as he pretends that negative situations simply do not exist or are too minuscule to truly worry over.

    darkkit exhibits many strange mannerisms, the most notable being the pebble that he carries around. he believes that this pebble has been blessed by starclan, and that it grants it's holder with eternal happiness and freedom from negative thoughts. he's fond of lighthearted mischief, playing pranks and tricks which mainly falls under the category of him sneaking up on others and 'bapping' them.​
    suffers from no mental illnesses
    ↪ isfj
    ↪ neutral good
    ↪ 8w9​
  • RELATIONSHIPSi'll show up on the front lines with a purpose
    ICE x MUD
    ↪ littermate to fernkit and ???
    ↪ younger brother to lily​
    mates with no one he's a fetus
    ↪ no offspring he's floating in the womb​
    mentored by ??
    ↪ currently mentoring no one
    ↪ mentored no one​

  • INTERACTIONand i'll give all i have
    very easy to best in battle because he's a literal infant
    will not start fights, will end fights, will run away?
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★☆☆☆☆​
    kind and outgoing, however easily comes across as ignorant and unaware.
    easy to talk to, enjoys the company of others
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆​
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IK he is reserved but posting fern's bio anywayssss

— FERN for a nearby fern ; PAW for his apprenticeship
— ?? moons, ages ??
— cisgender male, uses he/him pronouns
— bisexual with a feminine preference ; appreciates beauty above all else
— no crush, no mate, no offspring
— ICESTAR x MUD PELT ; younger brother of lily, littermate to ? and ?
— sweet, rambling voice of the higher-pitched variety​

— a scrap of a ginger tabby, fernkit could possibly be the ugliest kitten to ever grace the earth. a long, thin muzzle is set below huge blue eyes that seem as if they might pop out of his head if he is slightly squeezed. his fur is thin and matted, the tabby pattern barely visible- and upon his chest and surrounding his left eye are scattered bald spots. his scrawny body sits upon even scrawnier legs, with paws that look much to big for his body. another bald spot spans a ring around his tail, looking as if it had been scratched at despite the fact he has never touched it himself. his fur is pale and without any volume, a thin veil hardly covering the pink of his flesh. even when he is smiling he looks somewhat scared due to his bulging bug-eyes, and is overall built like a breadstick one could snap in half.

( + ) receptive, reliable, passionate, altruistic, charismatic, friendly, well-meaning
( / ) tends to overwork, optimistic, emotional, empathetic
( - ) unrealistic, idealistic, unintelligent, possessive of objects, gullible, naive
— loves to swim, especially in starlit waters
— is something of a hoarder
— hates dirt and has a fear of becoming ill
— very, very easily impressed- but finds joy and hope in even the tiniest thing​

[color=#689E65][I]KIT OF RIVERCLAN[/I][/color]
[indent]— FERN for a nearby fern ; PAW for his apprenticeship
— ?? moons, ages ??
— cisgender male, uses he/him pronouns
— bisexual with a feminine preference ; appreciates beauty above all else
— no crush, no mate, no offspring
— ICESTAR x MUD PELT ; younger brother of lily, littermate to ? and ?
— sweet, rambling voice of the higher-pitched variety[/indent]

[indent]— a scrap of a ginger tabby, fernkit could possibly be the ugliest kitten to ever grace the earth. a long, thin muzzle is set below huge blue eyes that seem as if they might pop out of his head if he is slightly squeezed. his fur is thin and matted, the tabby pattern barely visible- and upon his chest and surrounding his left eye are scattered bald spots. his scrawny body sits upon even scrawnier legs, with paws that look much to big for his body. another bald spot spans a ring around his tail, looking as if it had been scratched at despite the fact he has never touched it himself. his fur is pale and without any volume, a thin veil hardly covering the pink of his flesh. even when he is smiling he looks somewhat scared due to his bulging bug-eyes, and is overall built like a breadstick one could snap in half.
— [URL=''][color=#689E65]TOYHOUSE[/COLOR][/url][/indent]

[indent][b]( + )[/b] receptive, reliable, passionate, altruistic, charismatic, friendly, well-meaning
[b]( / )[/b] tends to overwork, optimistic, emotional, empathetic
[b]( - )[/b] unrealistic, idealistic, unintelligent, possessive of objects, gullible, naive
— loves to swim, especially in starlit waters
— is something of a hoarder
— hates dirt and has a fear of becoming ill
— very, very easily impressed- but finds joy and hope in even the tiniest thing[/indent][/FONT][/JUSTIFY][/BOX]
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— named after the turtles in his home by the river
— masculine \ he - him \ heterosexual
— unborn kit \ ageing rate tbd
— kit of river clan

— siblings tbd
— father to none
— previously mentored none
— mentored by none

a black and red tabby tom with green eyes
— Turtlekit is a lean tom, sporting tall legs and a skinny body that will grow with him as he ages covered by a midnight black pelt. Draping his back like a blanket is a patch of red tabby fur, dotting other various spots in his fur as well, like red stars in a night sky. Also breaking the darkness is a white spot on his chin and a tuft of white on his chest. His eyes are a dark green color, resembling the pines of his parents previous home.
— no scars, no current physical injuries
— no ongoing illnesses

honest, confident, independent, loyal
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: sarcastic, abrasive, skeptical, nosy
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: vulgar, rude, cynical, know it all
— longer personality description
— use multiple bullet points if wanted/needed
— maybe add MBTI type, hogwarts house or alignment etc
suffers from any mental illnesses?

talents, experience? what are they good at?
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
peaceful powerplay? healing powerplay?
smells like ?
sounds like ?
— penned by [you!]

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I felt the earth beneath my feet, sat by the river and it made me complete

☘ Basics ─
frondkit | frondpaw, frondnose
reasoning: 'frond' for nearby plant life; 'nose' for keen sense of smell and tracking abilities
prefers to go by 'frond'

00 months old
birthdate: 00/00
ages (aging rate here)
star sign

male [amab]
uses masculine pronouns (he/him)

homoromantic | homosexual | polyamorous
single; not looking (to young, open to plotting)

riverclan | kit
born and raised in riverclan
no past ranks
future apprentice, warrior

☘ Appearance ─
sh chocolate w low white
a small tom with soft, round features, frond's appearance is rather effeminate. to-big paws and wide eyes give him an even more youthful look, often leading to him being mistaken as even younger than he is. soft, sleek fur in a a shade of chocolate so dark its nearly black covers his pelt, clinging tight to his body and kept effortlessly in place by it's short length. the only area in which his fur differs in texture is a small patch by the base of his tail, which sticks up in a perpetual tuft no matter how often he grooms it. white tips his front toes and covers his back paws, as well as one ear tip. pale seafoam green eyes and white whiskers complete this look.
small and soft, with to-big paws and eyes
no scars
smells like moist soil and plantlife

design by artist | visual reference
accessories: n/a
hygiene: clean and well groomed, pelt always shines
body language: positive, friendly, open - posture is confident and graceful, gait is assured save for a few stumbles due to his large paws

weight: here
height: here
length: here

100% | extremally healthy
no current illnesses or injuries
no chronic illnesses or disabilities

☘ Personality ─
friendly | passionate | cheerful | social | talkative | eager-to-please | emotional
positive: happy-go-lucky, outgoing, compassionate, inquisitive, eager to learn, positive
neutral: chatterbox, clingy, easily distracted, inattentive
negative: easily manipulated, naïve, overly trusting, poor impulse control, prone to outbursts

a social butterfly at heart, frondkit is an outgoing and friendly young boy, if a bit hyper and high-strung at times. always eager to learn knew things or please those around him, frond is a sweet child with his heart in the right place. however, he struggles to stay focused and actually learn anything, always ready to move onto the next great adventure before the last has even begun. bouncy and happy-go-lucky, frondkit is nearly always smiling. in tune with his emotions, he's usually quiet cheerful, but when he does get upset he's prone to outbursts of anger and often throws tearful or petulant tantrums.
behavioral quirks
speaks loud and fast, often forgets to breath and has to take long pauses

extroverted | heartchart
likes: his family, riverclan, making new friends, fish, rocks, rainbows, the color pink
dislikes: reptiles, sitting still, snow and ice, bullies, being stuck in camp, cattails (they make him sneeze)
favorite food: fish
favorite color: pink
favorite time of day: sunrise
favorite flower: water lilies
favorite weather: rainy

mentally stable | adhd
symptoms: hyperactivity, short attention span, trouble regulating mods, hyperfixations, talkativity, has trouble regulating his voice

☘ Relationships ─
mud x ice | gen 2
3 littermates (fernkit, tba, tba)
1 sibling (lily)
other relations: Clay (maternal uncle); Beetle (maternal uncle); Clay (paternal uncle)

crushing on / in a relationship with none | 1/? shipname
previously crushing on: name (amicable? rejected?)
previously in a relationship with: name (amicable? rejected?)

forms platonic relationships easily | forms romantic relationships easily
close friends:

☘ Interactions ─
no training | lacks hunting skills | kit-level fighting skills
strengths: keen sense of smell, good at problem solving, great at playing hide and seek
weaknesses: short attention span, lacks training
skills: tracking, swimming

mentally easy | physically easy | attack in bold pink and tag
peaceful powerplay is allowed
healing powerplay is allowed
non-peaceful powerplay is not allowed

morally good | loyalty to riverclan comes first
won't start fights
might end fights
will run away
willattack kits
won't attack elders
won't maim
won't kill

☘ History ─
quick blurb
quick blurb
quick blurb

birth | thread
quick blurb
event | thread
quick blurb
event | thread
quick blurb

☘ Plotting ─
open/closed to plotting | thread
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.

☘ Extras ─
archetype | alignment | hufflepuff
voice claim:
face claim:
aesthetic: tropical plants, water lilies, pink and green

created 07/30/22 | updated 08/09/22 | subaccount
all opinions are ic
played by kitty-kat

// form is completed, all empty spaces will be filled via roleplay and ic development
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Just an update! Riddle and I have decided to bump the total litter size to four kits, so there will now be three open slots! We originally had been stuck between three and four, but since interest calls for it we decided to make the change! Loving the apps so far!
  • 38ekP6T.png
    I hate names and I don't know which names will be taken in the end /flails

  • — riverclan kit
    — cis-female. she/her.
    — 00 moons. ages every _
    ↳ created 00.00.00 at _ moons.
    ↳ penned by @juniper
    [slide=Appearance ✧]
  • alignment, mbti, etc etc
    (+) easygoing, modest, observant (/) mild, neutral, casual (-) lazy, crafty, bland
    Work smarter not harder. Quite intelligent but uses this as a way to avoid tasks or find loopholes/shortcuts. She actively avoids the spotlight and prefers watching her siblings fool around. Has a very dry sense of humor that's not often understood.
    ↳ likes sunbathing addict, fish, amphibians, sleeping, floating along the lazy river
    ↳ dislikes most land-prey meals, training, [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [slide=Relationships ✧]MUD x ICE
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Iciclekit -> Iciclepaw -> Icicle?
she/her, afab
unknown sexuality
0 moons, aging rate tbd
sister to LILYPAW, FERNKIT, tbd, tbd

tortoiseshell with a white blaze on her face, white paws, and ice-blue eyes

Iciclekit has a graceful, compact body made for swimming and diving. Her fur is short, sleek, and well-oiled by her diet. She is medium height; her legs are long and defined, ending in snowy paws. She has a glossy tortoiseshell pelt, the blacks and oranges uninterrupted but for a white blaze on her face. The marking pales the top half of her muzzle and divides her eyes. Iciclekit's eyes are turquoise as a kitten, but fade into pale, cold icy blues as she ages. Her eyes are narrow and slightly upturned at their outer corners.

graceful and reserved with a barbed tongue

Iciclekit appreciates structure and order. Chaos and disorganization cause her to become irritable and stressed. She rigidly adheres to the rules -- not for any passion for them or strongly held beliefs, but because they are the rules and must be followed to maintain the status quo. Calm, collected, and poised, Iciclekit is relatively self-preserved. She is not easily impressed and has a sharp tongue, complete with a very dry sense of humor. When Iciclekit does choose to show her affection towards others, she chooses light teasing and sometimes even blatant insults. You will know she likes you when she chooses to spend her spare time around you without being asked or made to. Not much gets to Iciclekit; she allows mishaps to roll off of her fur like beads of water. However, when something does upset her, she's prone to fury. In general, Iciclekit has a glacial demeanor. Her rage manifests in ice, rather than fire. Iciclekit is a big fan of showing those who anger her the cold shoulder or pretending they don't exist. Iciclekit exists almost entirely without anxieties or baseless worries; nothing much scares her.
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Ok, this took us quite a while to decide. Riddle and I don’t love giant litters or we would seriously consider adding more slots because this decision was almost impossible. In the end, we could only pick three, so here are our chosen kits!

Steepkit played by @DetectLife
Dark-kit played by @nico
Iciclekit played by @marquette

Thank you all SO much for applying; you guys seriously made this choice very difficult! Riddle and I would both still LOVE if these characters were still brought into RiverClan just so we can interact with them!!

To the chosen applicants, welcome to the family! We are planning on the birth to be on the 17th to give you guys roughly a week to set up accounts and stuff!