└─── °∘ ❄ ∘° ───┘
Mar 27, 2023

Some of the warriors could be a bit firm in their demands, not cruel, but firm. A older warrior, Mouseleap, had just gotten done telling Roepaw to "quit lazing and go finish the elders den". Roepaw obidently goes to finish the job, but as she pads past him he can't help but hear her muttering sass back under her breath. Blizzard Fang lets out a wheeze and a cackle, "Oh, Roepaw! Just you wait and soon enough you'll be another Mouseleap." He purrs, turning to follow her to the elders den as he tried to engage in conversation. "Stern words from her, but she's served our clan loyally. Best to keep her happy, hmm?"

Rubbing up along the entrance of the elders den he looks around, "You got anyone to help you with this...?" It's been a long time since he's assisted in cleaning the dens, but he wouldn't be opposed to giving Roepaw a paw.

// @Noor <3 (i cant figure out roe's @ sry)


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Truthfully, the cinnamon tabby had more than likely been pushing it as of late. “It” being her still just-healed leg, that didn’t matter though, making sure she was prepared for her warrior ceremony was much more important.
Still, breaks were just as- even if it stretched from early morning to well past sunhigh, Roepaw earned it.
That is, until chiding words demand that she get off her rear and clean the elders den.
She waits for paws to recede before her muzzle scrunches, "you go finish the den." She grumbles almost inaudibly, reluctantly getting to her paws when a hardy laugh begins to ring out from behind her.
She hears Blizzard Fang approach and almost freezes, cheekbones flaring as they flustered.
She almost attempts to shuffle away from the older tom, concerned about receiving another scolding.
Yet, he trails behind her, joking about how soon enough, she’ll be destined to follow in Mouseleaps grumpy pawsteps.
His amused demeanor lets Roepaw relax a bit, at least he had found humor in her quiet talk-back, instead of fetching Mouseleap whilst demanding an apology.
"Heh. Yeah… I guess so" Roepaw hums in response to Blizzard Fangs quip about keeping the she-cat happy.
He stops at the entrance, just a tail length behind Roepaw, so she has to turn around when he begins to speak once more. The mollys brow quirks in curiosity, cloudy green gaze looking around the uncleaned den. "No, I think all the other apprentices are out training." She replies with a shrug, mindlessly beginning to roll up an old nest, the top layer giving a soft crunch from its staleness. "Aren’t you like.. too old and important to help me out?" Roepaw is oblivious as ever to how her words could be offensive, in her mind it is simply… the facts. Geared with her unfiltered mindset, her words come out casual, curious if anything. Why would a seasoned warrior want to help some troublesome apprentice?
