private MUNE GA HACHIKERE-SŌDE | viperpaw

Like a huntress they prowl through the hollow, leading their littermate to a secluded corner of camp where they could converse in private ( away from the piercing green gaze of the very tom they wanted to avoid ). His eyes reminded them of Father's... same slippery, untrustworthy nature too. When Scorchstar had assigned him to mentor Viperpaw, however, Rowanpaw had cause for alarm. Unsure if their brother would understand the direness of the situation, they had opted to lecture him themselves.

An intense bi-colored stare exchanges with Viperpaw, a disapproving scowl etched onto the tunneler's maw. "You shouldn't listen to a word Sootspot says," Rowanpaw warns her littermate, gaze shifting side to side as if to check if he was eavesdropping somewhere in the background. They hate feeling like this. They hate not having any authority compared to the warrior and former Sootstar loyalist. They were so close to warriorhood—them and Viperpaw both—so it was quite ridiculous that their brother had to be subjected to Sootspot's "teachings" for the last moon of his training.

They flick an ear back before hissing quietly, "He hated our father. He probably hates us, too." Rowanpaw still remembers the disdain and judgment that Sootspot held for Snakehiss on his final day. They wonder if he secretly hated Snakehiss for betraying his mother. Then again, hadn't he betrayed his mother, too? "Just do your best with what you already know. You can prove him wrong." You can prove Father wrong, too. Snakehiss had always put moor runners on a pedestal. Tunnelers were "dirty, small and weak", banished to the tunnels because they were not swift enough to hunt above ground. Not that Father's opinion even mattered anymore, but if only he could see his children now — they were tunnelers and they were proud of it.

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    — rowanpaw / eleven moons / they/she pronouns
    — windclan tunneler apprentice / mentored by swiftshade
    snakehiss† x berrysnap / littermate to viperpaw and privetfrost
    — sh black/tortie chimera w/ blue and amber heterochromia, scratches across right eye
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