camp MUSHROOM MUSHROOM || Truffles

Rabbitnose was a great tracker. This, everyone knows. He uses this skill of his to hunt prey and catch it on swift paws to feed his clan like any good clan cat does. But Rabbitnose isn't just a good hunter...He is a good forager as well. He stalks through the undergrowth in search of prey, and when a long hunting session came up empty pawed, he decided to do the next best thing.

Truffle hunting!

Still keeping his senses alert for prey, he walks through the forest and inspects the bases of the oak trees that fill it. Truffles had a specific smell... And if he dug a little at the earth, he'd be able to smell it. Using his MUSHROOM HUNTER INTUITION, he picks a particularly large oak to start with. He circles the trunk, and then picks a spot to start digging. White paws are quickly sullied with dirt as he digs deeper and deeper until.... He finds his prize!!

Lumpy, plump truffles sit on the roots of the tree, and he frees the root from the dirt to then sever it and carry the truffles easier. He kicks the dirt back into the hole, and trots off to another tree to begin the same process. Starclan has blessed him this day apparently, and he finds more truffles within the earth to bring home. Severing the root and taking his now six truffles in his jaws, he fills in this hole as well and decides it's a good time to bring his haul home.

Some cats may consider him an idiot, but this skill has helped him survive before. When prey could not be found, he'd look to the ground below to find food. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing! And with prey dwindling and rogues crawling around, they couldn't afford to be picky. He'd consider them to be blessed to live in a forest full of trees that truffles like to grow on, actually.

Dusted in dirt and with dirtier paws he enters camp with his prize and sets them by the fresh kill pile. He looks proudly at them, and has no problem announcing to the world that they are here.

"I FOUND TRUFFLES~" He shouts, even if he knows not everyone will be as enthused as he is about these mushrooms. They just don't UNDERSTAND.​
( ⁀➷ )  A curious nose peeks from the mouth of the medicine den. One of the big cats has returned to camp all dusted in dirt and carrying some strange prize. Her eyes are wide and dilated as she tries to make it out from her vantage point. Truffles? It's no animal she's heard of. Looks like... Little lumps. Has she seen any before? She can't remember. Are they rare? Are they special?

These cats know so many interesting things. "I wanna see!" declares Fallow, in a rare instance of actually engaging with someone in camp. More just yelling at him, truthfully. There's an imperious note to her tone. "What're truffles??" She can't go over and investigate herself, but the cat seems so proud that it must be something good.

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ThunderClan seems fortunate enough to feed themselves, but their food has been by no means plentiful. Even if they could eat, there was still lingering anxiety that made it hard for her to enjoy a good meal. Brindlepaw often finds herself offering the smaller morsels to kits, and she lingers further and further away from the fresh-kill pile as the season of hunger drags on. She hasn't even entertained the idea of eating something that isn't prey (or god forbid an herb should she fall ill). Well, at least not until...

'I FOUND TRUFFLES~' The cry splits the air, pulling Brindlepaw from her hungry reverie. The young tortoiseshell apprentice blinks in surprise towards Rabbitnose. She rises to her paws to investigate the warrior's haul, and she suppresses a giggle and bounces around her mouth at the sight of the ThunderClanner. If she were any more sour she might mention the way he looks like he should be out digging holes with WindClan, but she thinks better than to potentially insult Rabbitnose. Instead, though her voice is still laced with a bit of amusement, she asks: "Do you often eat these?"

Then, Fallow comes to join them, and she's answering a question she doesn't know the answer to. "They're like umm..." Brindlepaw begins to speak before she's certain of the answer, but any explanation she might have been planning to spit out dies on her tongue before it comes to fruition. Her face twists up in momentary confusion. How should she explain these to Fallow? Should she just not bother? She's not her mother after all. "They're like... special plants," Brindlepaw declares after a concerningly long moment of awkward silence for her to ponder her own choice of words. Sheepishly, she turns to look at Rabbitnose, hoping he might have a better explanation than her.
Sunshinekit's wide frame and plump belly are a clear display that, being a kit in the Clan, they've no loss in meals. Sure, the prey brought around seems smaller, or brought through the ringer to some capacity, but the optimistic tortoiseshell doesn't mind enough to complain. Instead, they usually bid a calm, 'thank you,' before devouring every scrap offered to them. Their father's haul of truffles will be no different.

"Hi, Papa," Sunshinekit chirps as they bring themself to join the small group. Truffles... they can't tell if they look familiar or not. Rabbitnose always seems to come home with odd looking prey, so this is of no surprise ultimately. "Mmm... they'll taste good, I think," they then posit, though the question of their delicacy was never asked. If anything, the child hopes to encourage the other two that a bloodless meal can still be a satisfying one.​