music boxes & chatter toys | swiftclaws


▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
Jan 8, 2023
Truthfully, she thinks shes silly for how the interaction they last had played out. But... Is it her fault it keeps playing in her mind, over and over and repeated every hour? Perhaps. She has longed for touch for so long, longed to lean in to a friend and get the comfort she needed... So why? Why was she acting like this was any different? Maybe it was the way he had actually been warm, like a hug, or maybe it was the way her face had heated up tenfold, akin to magma. Or maybe, maybe its the way he said it so nonchalantly-

Stop. Thinking. She has to pound it in to her mind to get even some semblance of peace on the inside.

A rough huff tumbles from her lips, born of pure frustration as she places her paws on once more burning cheeks. She has half a mind to go out there and shove her face in to the snowdrifts but then she'd risk the chance of embarrassing herself even more in front of her clanmates. She had done enough when she had asked if the carrionplace patrol was okay- no they weren't okay! She pushes herself up to her paws, she has to get out of the warriors den or else she'd suffocate herself with her thoughts.

Or at least, she tried to get away. Eyes trained upon her paws she shuffles out and away, thinking she did good with dealing with things. Until she smacks straight in to another cats chest and already is she screaming on the inside, recoiling back with wide eyes. "Oh my Stars I am so sorry! I- I didn't see you, i'm so sorry!" she immediately apologizes and yanks her gaze away and up from her paws before dread immediately fills her like a sinking ship. Familiar blue tabby fur, green eyes. Oh. Oh... "Swiftclaws!" a spoken squeak, eyes wide and she thinks shes about to have a heart attack with her misfortune. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" drawn out, awkward smile, ears pinned back, oh she was really in for it now! She wishes her brother would come by and swoop her out of this mess but he was on patrol and shes all alone to deal with this. Please forgive me!
// @Swiftclaws
Swiftclaws had always been pretty affectionate more so then many of his clanmates, he enjoyed sharing warmth with his companions laying alongside them, sharing tongues with them all of it just felt good to him it made his bond with them so much stronger. For that reason he doesn't look to far into the way Irispool reacted to his touch, that and the fact he was as dense as the rock that made up the thunderpath. He did find her pretty and enjoyed her company a lot, they'd been apprentices together after all with her only being just a tad younger then him but truly he'd been too busy whenever he wasn't getting distracted with his own troublesome antics to spend as much time with her and his other friends back in those moons. He has plenty of time now which amuses him to some degree when he was told by his mentor so many times that he'd have much less time to fool around when he had warrior duties to tend to felt like most of the time especially recently he spent his time in camp whenever not on patrol. He doesn't mind too much even if he'd always itch for more action, there was plenty to do in camp from taking care of dens to checking in on everybody. He'd been padding away from the nursery when he knocks right into somebody, he almost trips over but quickly rights himself. He almost apologizes first instinctively, after all it would not be the first time he smacked into one of his clanmates. What could he say, he was often in so much of a rush caught up in his own little world it happened!

He blinks as Irispool; the very cat who'd bumped into him began to apologize and blubber out flustered words. He smiles a light laugh purred alongside his words ❝Hey don't worry about, bumping into me is plenty of fun don't know why more cats don't give it a try! You're one of the lucky few❞ he's quick to jest wanting nothing more then to make his friends worries dissipate and if not it'd be a distraction from it. He figures the way she holds herself is simply out of guilt, utterly clueless. He winks ❝I'll bump into you next time when you're least expecting it, we'll be even promise!❞
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