no angst music by mark mothersbaugh | baby au

[help! all of your characters have been babified in this au! what kind of shenanigans do they get into?]

Robinkit scampers from the nursery, stubby triangular tail held high and much too large paws threatening to trip her up every other step. The queens had let the kittens out to play and enjoy the newleaf weather so the little tortoiseshell was determined to maximize her experience. Bright yellow eyes scan the camp and behold a shiny black beetle crawling across the ground. Cool! "Hey! Hey look at that!" She squeals with delight to anyone listening as she darts towards the beetle, moving much faster than before. This time her paws do betray her, tripping her mid-step and sending the kitten tumbling head over feet. "Oomph," Robinkit mumbles as she finds herself gazing up at the sky rather than down at the ground. She rocks side to side, trying to shift her chubby kitten weight enough to roll to her side and be able to get back up. "Someone help! Don't let the beetle get away!" She cries out in a childish kind of impatience, not fully upset by her predicament but willing to be upset if her treasured play thing (that she hasn't played with yet) gets away.
Shadekit let out an annoyed huff towards the sound of Robinkit's shrill screech. His black ears flattened against his head, his teeth aching at the sudden noise. He didn't like being assaulted with sound ever, and even less so early in the morning.

"Clearly, I am not looking at anything." the kitten scoffed towards the noise-maker, completely disinterested in her game or her beetle or whatever it was that had her screaming so insistently. "I can't look at anything because I have blind eyes." He does his very best to enunciate as his mother has told him. Mumbling was not becoming of a warrior, she had insisted before tapping his mouth open with one paw. He must speak clearly and with purpose if he wanted to be heard.

Of course, his mother never told him what to do if the cats around him were ten times louder than a woodpecker in greenleaf.speech is in #b4bcb4

A cry for help. Petalkit flattened her ears toward it, scrunching up her nose in distaste for the behavior. Although, before she could open her maw to scold, she got to hear behind the reasoning. She'd too be upset if something she had been toying with got away in result of clumsy paws.

Shadekit announced in annoyance to his incapabilities and she rolled her eyes at the excuse. Atleast, she got to be hero.. in a way. Petalkit didn't exactly want to help without stirring some sort of thrill into it. Why should she help someone without benefiting herself?

Tiny paws lept forward towards the beetle, aiming to bat it around between her paws. "What'd you do if I took it?" She mischievously mewed, glancing over her shoulder in direction of Robinkit to search for a reaction. Challenge her, she dared. Maybe something more fun could come out of playing with plain beetles.

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Unfortunately for Shadekit's already ruined peace, Swiftkit simply wasn't in the mood to be docile and quiet. Drowsiness wasn't gripping at her as she went scampering out of the nursery, an enthusiastic shout leaving her muzzle when she heard Robinkit's call for assistance. "I'll help get it! It won't be able to escape from Swift... Swift... Swiftfang!" She stumbled over the imaginary warrior name as she tried to think of a suffix that would work for her. One that inspired respect and confidence in her from others, though suddenly most options had fled from her mind. Fang at least came naturally, considering how much she enjoyed chomping on the tails of other kittens stuck in the nursery with her.

Her stunningly amazing plan was halted in its tracks, however, by the interference of Petalkit. The older child's paws landed on either side of their "prey," her words prompting a huff from Swiftkit as she stamped her own paws in response. "Hey, that's not fair! I was trying to help! So if you take it, I'll... I'll.." The little chimera paused, searching for words before she lowered her body in a crude mimic of a battle pounce. "I'll fight you for it!" It wasn't quite the challenge that Petalkit had been searching for, but she still presented one nevertheless. If she wasn't just going to let her ill-gotten prize go naturally, then Swiftkit would have to make her release it.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

If Robinkit were more perceptive she might feel bad over being so loud, but egocentrism rules the youth's life so she doesn't bat an eye at Shadekit's annoyance. He's just being a party pooper. "Well sorrryy Shadekit about your blind eyes. You're not the only one out here though," Robinkit quips as she finally heaves herself to her paws just in time to see Petalkit leap towards the beetle, forgetting about Shadekit's grumpiness rather quickly. Joy sparks in bright eyes only to extinguish when she hears the other kit's taunt. "HEY! Y-You can't take it! That's... that's STEALING!" As if the beetle had somehow belonged to Robinkit in the first place. Regardless anger flairs in crested chest at the portrayed betrayal of her nursery mate, dimming slightly when Swiftkit offers to help.

She scampers over to Swiftkit's side, grateful for the other's determination to right Petalkit's "wrong" by fighting her. "Kick her tail good, Swiftfang!" Robinkit goads, kneeding the ground eagerly while closely watching the beetle being batted between Petalkit's paws. She'd get her beetle back one way or another. If Swiftkit couldn't fight Petalkit off then... then Robinkit would have to take drastic measures and go tattle on Petalkit.
( penned by kerms )