must be dreaming // intro


lost in the desert but you're my oasis ❀
Jan 21, 2024

The wispy-furred, silvery shape of Pricklykit lounged at the mouth of the holly bush that cozily held the kits and queens of her now home, SkyClan. Her yellow-green eyes enviously rested upon the still too distant ferns of the apprentices' den, just out of the reach of the black tortoiseshell smoke kitten. The stuffy scent of a kittypet no longer clung to her sooty, mottled fur. instead, the smell of the frigid 'leaf-bare' air had settled into her pelt.

She had called the forest her home for about two moons now, and memories of her short-lived life as a kittypet slowly ebbed into a blur, the details muddying together. Had she been a few moons older, perhaps she would have missed her old life. She'd been taken from her mother - who's features she could barely recall - a bit too soon, and placed into the arms of an elderly twoleg. They had been kind, but one day did not return to the den and yet again, the she-kit had found herself alone. With the den's entrance left ajar, she had gathered the courage to venture outside and pierce the air with her mewls of desperation as she grew hungry-- which paid off when a passerby took notice. They smelled strange to her; of pungent wild scents unknown to her nose up until that fated meeting. She was then whisked away to a world beyond her wildest dreams where cats flourished in great numbers, sustaining themselves without need for twoleg comforts.

It hadn't taken her long to adjust, she quite liked her new life of biting into still-warm feathered creatures and falling asleep to the sound of wind in the trees. She had begun to grow a bit bored with spending her days inside the nursery, though-- kicking around clumps of moss all day whilst there were much more exciting things occuring beyond the outskirts of camp was no longer her idea of fun.

"Why can't I be an apprentice yet..." She sighed, her words billowing out into a cloud of white that dispersed as soon as it hit the air.​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan

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A quiet laugh comes from behind the kitten, inside the nursery. "You'll have your time, Pricklykit. Not long now until you start your training and wish you were back in the nursery," she teases her, a gentle smile spread over her muzzle as she watches her, always keeping an eye on the kits who venture out of the den they reside in while she's here. Statichaze rests her head on her paws, content to simply lay back and keep watch from afar. Despite the complaint, she doesn't think she's going to try to venture out and prove herself(though Pricklykit could always prove the queen wrong), so she doesn't feel as if she needs to be ready to chase after her and bring her back to camp.
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Wide green eyes pivoted to the sound of a kitten, grumbling into the air- and at her aloud wish to be an apprentice, Twitchbolt felt his stomach twist a little bit. It... it wasn't fair that he should worry for a cat almost fully grown, almost ready to bear the mantle of an apprentice how Blazestar had decreed it. But he'd seen cats carved down by claws out there, cats bigger than an apprentice- knew where foolishness, where naivete, where leafbare got you.

There was no use dumping a torrent of worry on a kit, though- especialy one with an innocent complaint on her tongue. Ears pivoted to the muffled voice of Statichaze within the nursery before green-drowned pupils settled upon Pricklykit. "I don't think you'll ever wish to be back in the nursery, will you?" Voice frayed and hoarse but gentle and humoured, he prodded Pricklykit into speaking her truth, on doubling down.
penned by pin ✧
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anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
A molten hue slithered to Cactuskit, marred lips curling in an awkward grimace, hues narrowing with the motion. With a new law set, kits expecting to be apprenticed were stuck in the nursery until six moons, a law that Duskpool admittedly agreed with. These kids were too young, dealin’ with the horrors that were clan life, fightin’ rogues and clan politics that left his head reeling since he joined. “Don’t know, kiddo.” He rumbled, tone uplifting in mild amusement, neutral despite his harrowing thoughts. “Ya might be regrettin’ that statement once ya become an apprentice, enjoy it while ya can, kid.”
thought speech

//ooc: name changed to Pricklykit due to Cactus not being allowed~

Hm? Was being an apprentice really that bad? Surely it couldn't be worse than sitting around in the nursery all day... right?

"Wha... what do you mean?" The fluffy tortoiseshell smoke questioned. It wasn't as if just one warrior was telling her this-- multiple older cats had gathered round her and agreed. Perhaps they wouldn't expand on what they'd meant by that, maybe she'd just have to find out for herself. But it didn't matter whether she wanted to be an apprentice as soon as possible or stay a kit for seasons to come. Moons would pass at the same rate no matter what, whether she wished them away or savored them. She would grow into an apprentice regardless, so wasn't it a good thing she felt excited?​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan