shelter must be good for something ♰ intro-pafp


Oh, sinners come down ♰
May 1, 2023

"Nnnngh-this is all YOUR fault, you food-loving idiot! I don't know why I tried to save your sorry hide! I should've left you in that cage to ROT!" A long black leg stretched out, kicking against the side of the metal cage, white paw slamming into the mesh seperating them from one another as if he had any way of breaking through it. This was a mess and the worst one they had gotten into yet and it was his own fault for following this fool around; he would've been better off still roaming the world alone without a care. The black tom huffed indignantly, rolling himself from his back to stand back up in the too small container, beneath his paws he felt the rough fabric of a blanket supposedly meant to give them something to nest in but it only reminded him of the burlap sack he had once been stuffed into as a kit before being left to die so he gave it a fiesty swipe to push it all into the corner. Heavy steps set him pacing back and forth from one side of his cage to the other, black whip of a tail lashing furiously as he struggled to come up with some means to get them out of here. Gods only knew what kind of torture was to come their way from those horrible upwalking creatures, he'd never met a good one in his life so far and he doubted they existed. In a world of gray they settled firmly in the black of it, wretched and cruel.

He hears mutterings of the word 'SkyClan', some kind of group that was apparently pretty poor at keeping its members protected if they all ended up here with him and the idiot. "If you forest bozos got anything useful then feel free to share, but otherwise who cares." Wolf huffed, a dismissive snort rising from his maw and his teeth white in the dimlit room that almost shook from the force of the sound within it.
The room was loud, almost defeaning and he couldn't stand the cacaphony of cats screeching at one another from long distances, somewhere in the midst a kitten began to shrill loudly.
"And someone SHUT THAT KID UP!"


Nervous laughter came from the cell beside Wolf, from the very cat he wanted to smack. Long legs were tucked under him and he seemed to be at ease regardless of the shouting and fear that permeated the shelter. How did he get here? Well. He thought it was awful foolish of some twolegs to just leave food out in the open... So he helped himself! And then suddenly there was a click, and then Wolf was stuck in a trap with him.....And then they were here.

"But it smelled so good though!"
He replied in his defense. Not that it was really any defense.

But... Who would pass up free food??? Not him!!!

He heard the other cats constantly talking about a Skyclan. Whats a Skyclan? Is it in the sky??? Were there cats in the sky? No. Impossible. Perhaps while they were stuck here, he would learn more about these forest cats and their home. Well...Former home, it seemed.

"Don't worry, we'll get out of this. We always do!" He tried to reassure Wolf. He was absolutely sure they would find a way out. They couldn't be stuck in here forever, right??

"Yelling at kits won't make them quiet! You have to be nice to them!"
He said. Poor kitten was probably scared, yelling at them would make them more scared!
This was juuuuust peachy.

Perfect! Amazing way to start off a nice, relaxing adventure, was getting captured by some schmucks who didn't even know she was already spoken for!! Fornite bet her stupid twoleg forget to tell them that she was his - it seemed like something he would do - and now she was trapped!!! Gah, did she look like some homeless cat??? Obviously not!!!

And not to mention all this screaming, crying, yelling, and complaining by all these losers!! It was unbearable. Of course she wanted to help them get out too, but like, maybe calm down a bit first? Crying obviously wasn't going to work if it hadn't already! As two cats started to bicker next to her, she couldn't help the loud sigh that came from her small form. "Yelling more won't help! Can't you tell how many other cats are already screaming at the top of their lungs?? Obviously that won't do anything!!" Despite criticizing the loud cat, Fortnite herself was yelling, seemingly oblivious to her hypocrisy. "The other guy's right, you can't just yell at kits to make them shut up! ...You gotta scare them!" Clearly, she just listened to half of his words. And she wasn't even that much older than the crying kits, so what was she even talking about?

[penned by bnnuy].
I've been trying not to
Remaining trapped behind cold metal bars until the two legs with long white pelts came to attend to his every need was boring. He'd run out of food a long time ago and calling out to them for seconds seemed to fall upon deaf ears. Normally he could coax them into giving him extra, but not since the rapid influx of cats filling all the cages around him. Spindly limbs turn the boy about in snappy, jerky motions, paws stomping about as he paced the small space. His head lolls to the side, cocking in a way most would find disturbing as bi colored eyes grow wide. He bellows, emitting his best imitation of a horrid zombie's pining call. Maw twisted into something ghastly. He stops, pausing abruptly to change character and emit the shrill scream of a trapped bystander. "Ahh! Help me Leon!" A line he often heard chanted whenever his former twolegs sat in front of their tvs and played their games.

But another yell from across the way causes him to snap back to reality, no longer engrossed in his game of pretend. It was apparent that perhaps his acting skills were not appreciated. "Scaring me doesn't work." He chimes in, teetering forward to press against the bars with a wide, toothy smile. "Never will." Plagas' split tail ticks back and forth before piping up again. "Who are the forest bozos?" He questions.
Go off the deep end
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  • Haha
Reactions: RoseTintedMoon
More yelling cats, how wonderful... He should probably be used to it by now, but everyone was certainly getting more rowdy as time goes on, and more cats arrive. How much room does this shelter even have, anyways? Feels like it should be reaching the limit, assuming there is one. And to no one's surprise, another angry cat. He still hasn't talked much other than to comfort, and seems like that might not change. "...Who is Leon?" the tabby asks one of the kits he can hear. "Is that someone you missin'? Maybe they made their way 'ere." Not out of the question with all the weird names going around here.

"Also, don't scare them kits. There's enough fear already, and the last thing I think any of us want is even more yellin'," he huffs to the other young cat. "Just be patient, maybe this 'SkyClan' really will come 'a running? I doubt they'll just leave 'em all here." Less mouths to feed, sure, but they seem like they do care about their fellows.