"Hey Stormywing." Stormpaw raises her head, seeing her kin pass by. She feels with a sense of heartache that she hasn't been spending perhaps as nearly enough time with her as she would like. Stormpaw stands up from her resting position, stretching out her legs and shaking out her fur. She is nearly full-grown now, ready to be a warrior. The thought of that shakes her with excitement. What would her name be, she wondered. What would Owlear's assessment be. Could she be able to pass it?

She wants to warm her muscles and she needs a distraction. The forest offers ample opportunity to hone in her skills, and she sees Stormywing available so why not? The tricolor apprentice smiles at the older she-cat, tipping her head to the side in a begging manner. "Wanna hunt with me?"


Stormywing had been lost in thought as she trotted by her kin, hardly noticing she had been there until her voice pipes up. She pricks her ears and turns to look at her before she tosses her a casual smile in greeting. "Heya, kid," She trills, coming to a halt. Stormpaw ain't much if a kid now, though. She stands at Stormywing's height, filled out with muscle where there was once kitten fat. Her little cousin sure has grown up quite a bit, she realizes with a grin. "Sure! I was gonna see if there were any birds deeper in this way. Come on," She urges, giving her kin a friendly shoulder bump before she continues on.

When they're further into the forest, she looks back at her with a quirked brow. "You know, you're getting pretty close to being a warrior. You think you'll get your name once we get home?"
Stormpaw raised her head with a hint of pride. "I'm not a kit." She reminded Stormywing. Underneath her feathery coat was the sleek build of a year-old cat. She had just turned twelve moons over the journey, and her warrior ceremony was ever in her mind. She laughs, accepting the bump to her shoulder as she trotted alongside her grey-pelted kin.

"I'm old enough." She reasoned, but the more she thought about it, she felt that lingering cloud of pain that Little Wolf was no longer with them. With that weight resting on all their shoulders, she could hardly think of the journey as being the fun excursion anymore. "And no other ThunderClan apprentice has ever done anything like this... I think I will." She smiles sadly with pride, shaking her head as she attempts to cling to something more pleasant.

"Maybe Stormleaf for the lungwort." She joked.

  • STORMPAW of THUNDERCLAN LH FEMALE TORBIE WITH HIGH WHITE (CARRYING DILUTE) a small and slight creature with patches of black tabby and red tabby fur and bright blue eyes. her facial features are round, obscured by a heavy feathering of fur around her cheeks. smells of oak wood and basil, her voice has a rough, raspy edge to it that sometimes peaks into higher pitches, and her gait is described as firm and solid.

    born to flycatcher and flamewhisker and raised alongside her brother falconpaw, stormpaw was always hyper-aware of an expectation of excellence hanging over her. she fails to excel at hunting, the skill her parents are most known for, and struggles with a severe identity crisis revolving around her obsession with thunderclan as the savior of the clans. she finds herself lost without meaning when she tries to detach herself from thunderclan as a whole, and uses a religious fervor in starclan to distract herself from her mental crisis.
Stormywing laughs and tosses her head in a dramatic eye-roll. "Stars, no. You need something way cooler than Stormleaf." No kin of hers would end up with such a lame name! She tips her head in thought, ears flopping to the side as she ponders. "Maybe something like Stormclaw or Stormflame. Something super cool, you know? Like my name," She finishes with a haughty, teasing grin towards the calico. Her tail fluffs up, sticking high in the air with arrogance but her cousin would know it's all in good fun. "I'll have to show you the best spots in the warriors den. You'll have to sleep on the outside 'cause, y'know, you'll be a new warrior and all, but there are some spots that are better than others."