private must've been a ghost * circe


mister walker away
Nov 8, 2023

The alley he's taken up residence in, is much like any other from his experience, cold, cramped, and scarce of food. In search of something that satiates the grumble in his gut, a scruffy mess of fur he's lumbering around the outskirts of his current vacancy. Bear knows not to venture too far - knows the ins and outs of fending for himself, his homes in the cramped shelters of where ever he can cram himself under to sleep. The foul scent of crow food clings to him. Body pressed low to the ground in caution he emerges from where he's wedged himself, alongside a dumpster which offered little shelter. Concrete damp underfoot from unknown causes, he makes his way out of the narrow alleyway, sad blue eyes scanning the area. Only after being satisfied of no threats does he continue forth, the street eerily empty for sunrise.

The objective is food, he's expecting to scrounge it from another alleyway, if the area has any more to sparse, mice or rats tended to make their occupation around dumpsters. Even the measly prey would not be objected to, crow food considered a desperate, but not unusual measure. He leaps onto a nearby fence, using the vantage point to scope out, most of the places are brightly colored, with brightly colored things in them. The scent of meat drifts over on the breeze and he prepares himself to leap off the fence to see about entering one of these brightly colored places. The mad dash for shelter before it became too late leaves the shaggy rogue unfamiliar to the surroundings.

//ooc Backwritten prior to joining SkyClan.

𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe stared, wide eyed as a cat's shadow barreled towards her shelter.
"Stop!" Panic evident in her voice, "Stop now! Before-!" The ground began to rumble. Something... fowl smelling. That same thing that snapped at her was coming back. Fox dung. The newly-made rogue had been waiting for that darned thing to go away, but this cat! Stupid.
"Quickly! Under here!" She called, sticking a paw out from her hiding place. She had crammed herself under a raised wooden patch in some housefolk's yard. "It can't get under here!" She hissed, seeing it's unnaturally large nose appear near the edge of her found wooden hole. Resiting every urge to swipe at the monster, Circe pressed herself against the ground.
"Or better yet - go!" She called over her shoulder. "The smell is food! It's food!"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang