MY BABY BLUE | skyclan patrol

Some time had passed since the spotted tabby had led anyone to the western borders, if his memory wasn't failing, he could pinpoint the last time to before the river had crusted over with ice. He thought he'd missed the experience, it was not always easy for a long-term Lead Warrior to delegate responsibility to another, but this particular patrol came with a certain caveat that had bristled the fur along his spine since the moment he'd stepped out of camp. Dawnglare's disloyalty to the clan had been swept so far under a pile of leaves that it was like it never happened, a nightmare moreso than reality, but Silver couldn't easily forget the enemy that their medicine cat had declared his love for. Time could not heal a wound that'd never been tended. His mouth pressed into a thin line as he reached the edge of the river, the odd eyes of the tom looked out to the reeds ahead, squinting at the rustle of them - the wind? Or RiverClanners watching them from afar?

His tail lashed in acknowledgment in case it was the latter, a signal that he would not be as easy to sneak up on as the fish that they gorged on. Gaze void of much other than the desire to complete his duty, the maine coon mix began to rub against a tree stump, turning to face his patrol when he believed his scent to be sufficiently scattered. "Crowpaw, Drowsypaw, help Fireflypaw collect whatever herbs he needs." Dawnglare was as likely to swat them away as he was to cry about their very existence as something Star-blessed, speaking to someone that made a little more sense would hopefully ease the burden of the task he'd given them. "The rest of you, spread out and get this border strengthened. RiverClan's not a foe but StarClan knows what might come wandering in from elsewhere." Just as he wasn't keen to forget Dawnglare's sins, the consequences of sheltering RiverClan from vicious rogues hadn't left his mind either. Blinking fervently, Silversmoke cast his attention to Crowpaw, observing the other's behaviour with his sibling like a wolf watching for weakness from an elk.


A dappled light-brown-and-white form was padding over towards Silversmoke, orangish-amber eyes narrowed against the bright sunlight. Once she reached the patrol leader, Birchbranch gave a respectful dip of her head to Silversmoke.​

''Greetings,'' The younger warrior meowed formally, giving a whisk of her snow-white tail. The she-cat sat down and began to was a paw as she waited on the rest of her patrolmates along with the lead warrior. Birchbranch paused in her washing to mew a few words. ''It sure is nice weather. I hope we can find as much herbs as possible.''

"Newleaf is here, so herbs should be aplenty." Fireflypaw chirps in response to Birchbranch's words, tail fluffing up as he digs through a patch of weeds to find what he's looking for. His nose pushes through green, so much green, and yet with ease he yanks a plant from the ground that smells sweet. "Crowpaw, Drowsypaw." He begins, blue eyes flicking towards his mentor's direction before he continues. "Smell this. Can you help me find more of these? When you do, just call me over and I'll pick them myself." He didn't need the apprentices getting the herb in their mouth, contaminating the holiness that Mother gave them. His half siblings were dependable enough.​
Riverclan... He has friends in Riverclan and he can't help but feel a bit giddy seeing one of them again. I wonder how you're doing Otterpaw. They're from different clans and he knows while friendship is not forbidden most cats choose to speak only to those within their own clan. He knows the reason why. If any of them were to have strong feelings such as romance, it would be difficult to strike each other down in the heat of battle. As for the riverclan apprentice in question he doesn't think he would faulter in fighting them should their clans suddenly find themselves at war. Not that he hates the apprentice or would cast them aside so easily, but because he held respect for them. How could he call himself a friend of Otterpaw if he halfheartedly faced the riverclanner in battle? If anything there would be no hatred spat towards the other if he lost his life. If Starclan would allow it, when the time came for Otterpaw to join their ranks he would like to be there to guide him.

However, there would be no wars today. Today, was a simple patrol lead by his mentor who appeared to be in a foul mood (more than usual). The smoke tom is unsure of the reason, but he decides it would be best not to bring it up in public. I don't need another scolding. He and Drowsypaw are given orders by the silver warrior to assist Fireflypaw in gathering herbs. Not sure how much help the two of us will be fore Firefly, since we aren't exactly medicine cats. This thought goes unsaid. Instead he nods, "Yes Silversmoke." While Silversmoke has plenty reasons to be concerned on how he would act around Drowsypaw given what had happened with Lupinepaw in his presence... The lead warrior would have nothing to worry about. Crowpaw as unlikely as it seemed held no animosity towards his brother.

The black smoke turns his attention towards his brother and nudges them, "Come on. Let's go help Firefly." When they do report to Fireflypaw, they are shown a plant. I wonder what's this even used for... As soon as he's told to smell that is exactly what he does. After all, he trusts Fireflypaw with his life. They're officially family now after all. While the seal point tom can't see, it is an amusing sight to see Crowpaw's expression warp into befuddlement. There's no way this isn't a flower right? Hazel eyes blink as he moves back to let Drowsypaw get a good whiff of what they're supposed to find. Don't flowers have bright colors? This just looks like regular old grass. Weird flower smelling grass? Flower grass? As he debates internally on whatever it was he smelled, he answers, "You got it!"

And with that, the apprentice goes off to a nice patch of green, nose practically kissing the ground trying to find the sweet scent from that totally normal plant Fireflypaw had made him smell.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

drowsypaw is glad that he's been working more on using his nose. with some of his sight gone, it only made sense of him to want to use his already sensitive nose. duskpool did say that he was pretty good at tracking, so he was glad, to say the least, that this was his task alongside his brother. his tail twitched as he listened to fireflypaw, nodding his head before taking a sniff of whatever this was. another part of him becomes glad he is not made to be versed in these. he doesn't even know if he would ever be able to remember what any of these plants did. the smell, sure. but using them? that was more for dawnglare and fireflypaw and he thanks the stars for that.

his gaze moved back to crowpaw, twitching his nose for a second before nudging him back. this seemed easy enough. find the sweet smelling plant, and let fireflypaw pick it. he's glad enough to not get a chance to mess it up. he lowers himself to sniff the ground, twitching ears back and forth before continuing onward. had to be something around here somewhere.

"don't worry, fireflypaw, we will find it."

Birchbranch nodded encouragingly to the three apprentices, Crowpaw, Drowsypaw, and Fireflypaw before exchanging a glance with Silversmoke. ''Shall we get going, then? Or are we going to wait on Dawnglare and Duskpool to arrive?'' Personally, Birchbranch didn't see the point of waiting on them if they haven't arrived yet. Her orangish-amber gaze narrowed slightly as she waited for Silversmoke's response.

[ birch is currently interacting with @SILVERSMOKE , though any of the other cats on this patrol are free to interact with her :0 ]
It seems Salmon is the first one to arrive, ready for her hunt, parting the reeds on Riverclan's side like a snake through the grass. She's so focused on the water that she almost misses the passing Skyclan patrol if it weren't for the idle chit-chat that rings between them like birds. Blue eyes flit upwards, landing upon a blue tabby that seems to be the patrol lead, giving out commands.

It has been a while since Salmonshade had seen a Skyclan patrol, she thinks... She does not frequent this spot of the border now that Moonpaw is no longer her apprentice, now that she practically has no reason to unless personally assigned on a patrol. She watches them mingle before she speaks, words flat and even. "Skyclan... I assume all has been well with you?" she'll have to move to a separate spot when they all pass... Unless the fish are deaf to the thrumming of many paws. Her ears flick in silent irritation, her eyes going back down to stare at the water.

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin
Birchbranch's head shot up at Salmonshade's sudden appearance. Her orangish-amber eyes that had been wide with surprise had now narrowed down to slits and were filled with caution. ''Everything has been fine within SkyClan,'' The SkyClanner replied coolly with a wave of her snow-white tail, glancing at Silversmoke and hoping that he would back her up. SkyClan wasn't going to give anything away, that's for sure. The dappled light-brown-and-white warrior padded over to a tree just across from the one her Clanmate had just marked and rubbed up against it until her scent covered the bark.

''How has everything been in RiverClan?'' Birchbranch asked as she padded back over to the border, though stayed on SkyClan territory. She sat back on her haunches and lifted a forepaw to swipe her tongue across the pad and draw her paw across her muzzle.
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Foxtail wasn't far behind Salmonshade, popping his head out of the cattails at the bank of the river. The young warrior was hoping to head back to camp with at least two, maybe three, fish in his jaws. Today is a beautiful day— the sun is shining, the temperature is comfortable. He couldn't pick a better day to hang out at the river and hunt some fish, but his nose twitches. His ears prick up at the sound of paw steps on the other side of the river, the scent of SkyClan invading his nostrils.

"O-oh! ...Hello SkyClan," The nervous warrior mews, his tail swishing as he surveys the SkyClanners present. They seem to be out on a herb patrol while patrolling the border, he imagines that's an effective way to stock up on herbs. Kill two birds with one stone. Foxtail would be one of the cats you'd want to entrust with patching someone up— he can't even begin to imagine all the herbs Ravensong and Moonpaw must memorize! He takes his mind off fishing— this might not be a good spot anymore with the SkyClan patrol on the other side— and looks over at a warrior he doesn't seem to recognize. "R-RiverClan is doing well," He meows as he straightens himself out. "Beautiful day we're having, right?"

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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons