private my baby, my baby ;; ver's kits


disgraced knight
Jun 27, 2022

❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

@falconkit @mothkit @ZAPKIT

"Falcon, Moth, Zap- There's something I need to tell you. It's about my first home, SkyClan." Vermilion is never the type to dance around important topics- he's always been straightforward and to the point, but in these moments he finds himself hesitant. If he tells his children about SkyClan, will they hate him for leaving them behind? He already knows he has to send them to SkyClan; he's scrawny now, all bones- barely holding himself together until the next meal was found. Scraps or not, he's been giving everything to his groupmates instead of eating himself.

"Come, sit. We have much to discuss before we make our journey, yes?"
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falcon twitched his ears as he was called. His head turned towards his father, a blink leaving the child. Was this another one of his stories? He approached, his tail swaying behind him as he did. Young as he was, he could still see the decline in Ver's body, and it was something that weighed on the child's mind. It had for a while now, anyways. Instead, he kept his mouth shut and approached his father, sitting neatly with his tail over his paws. "What is it?" He asked, head tilting towards Ver.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
Tall ears angle towards her father's voice, feathered tail sweeping behind her. Much like Falcon, she's noticed more and more, day by day, how Vermilion has deteriorated. Whilst she, her siblings, and several others remain with some meat on their bones, his ribs sit on display through thin, taut skin. Moth doesn't like the image, though she's come to respect it more than detest it. He's a formidable leader amongst their sewer cats - and she figures starvation is a part of that leadership. She trots over, her displeasure with making a journey at all clear in her expression.

"Do we have to go?" Moth asks, again tail swishing behind her. She cares so little for SkyClan and the stories her father may have of it. In truth, She finds more love and care for the cats she's been raised with, and frankly the idea of separation fills her with frustration and anxiety.

[ mobile ! ]​
"I'm not going anywhere!" Zap decided rather loudly, her fur bristling as scarily as a kitten could muster. She had heard her aunties and uncles in the sewers talk about SkyClan and they sounded YUCKY! She wasn't going with them! "i'm not moving and you can't make me! She spat.

❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

Vermilion watches as each of his kits move forth to join him, the shaky tom leaning his head down to gently nudge each and every one of the small kits before he listens to the complaints of his most feisty kit. She doesn't want to leave, doesn't want to stray from his side; she was loved by every one of the sewer cats, too. It was hard to let your child go, especially when you knew they needed this sanctuary.

"It isn't safe with us, little spark." He does his best to reassure her, but it falls flat in the face of his bluntness. Moth complains as well, but she's less angsty about it. "Yes, you must. But you all will be able to see me soon. I never stray far from the Sewers, you know this." Vermilion hums softly as he wraps his tail around his kits, pulling them in close. His body trembles from the rush of cold winds.

"Blazestar is a good tom, just misled. You must understand that he was doing what he believed was right back then. While I might not have forgiven him yet.. I don't have it in me to be angry at him." He clears his throat, a cough stuck momentarily. He turns his head towards the forest not too far from them, squinting his eyes towards the SkyClan scent. He would need more time to forgive Blaise for his wrongdoings, but it wasn't like Vermilion didn't trust SkyClan as a whole. They would protect his kits, better than he could right now. His chest aches, and Vermilion lets himself drop into a crouch, a soft wheeze pushing itself from his chest. Yes, he could do with this position. "When you get there- and you will be there, I want you three to be on your best behaviors. Falcon, you must look after your sisters. Am I understood? It's a tom's job to protect the flock."
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falcon watched his sisters step closer and volunteer their feelings. Something in Falcon didn't want to leave, either- but the way the sun rose over the horizon, the trees dotting the skyline... A huff left him, almost longing for it. He looked back towards the rest of his family as Ver started to speak again. Ears flattened at the mention of Blazestar. For everything that happened? Why would their family be so far away if that cat was so good?

Falcon exhaled through his nose, long and bothered. He moved to press against his father once Ver dropped into a crouch, brushing his pelt against him. As much as he wanted to tell him no, that he couldn't, it wasn't fair- he didn't have an option. "Yes, Dad. I understand." Perhaps his sisters would resent him for agreeing- but what choice did he have? Falcon couldn't just disagree and leave them to their own terms. Responsibility suddenly settled onto his shoulders, and he squared his stance a bit, inhaling quietly. You got this. No need to panic. His gaze shifted to his kin, and he spoke. "Da' wouldn't make this decision if it wasn't for our best interests. Zap, Moth, c'mon, yeah?" He stated.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK