development my body is a cage


i've found catharsis in every wave
Oct 17, 2022
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

'I almost tripped over her - she would not let me leave the nursery - you should've seen her, she was the cutest kitten.'
'That ThunderClan leader must have an entire clan of kits.'
'My kits are my life.'

Inherently. these were the sweetest things to hear. It was expected, but pleasant. Parents were meant to love their children unconditionally. What kits and their parents had between them was the truest representation of love. It was felt whole-heartedly, uncontrollably, and inconceivably - rest any soul who attempted to take that away.

Motherhood was one of her deepest desires, which she held so dearly to let it crush her day-by-day. Not because of what she had, but because she did not have even a semblance of it. RiverClan was like a family (or an oligarchy) but it would be foolish to say they were the same. No sharing of tongues could equate.

Amid these racing thoughts, the territory slipped away behind her in the night. White paws stained burgundy from low-lying thorns, she continued weaving her way through the forest.

"Maybe, I will find you someday."

Love felt like it was only obtainable on the moon. There was little that tethered her to this existence; only, that she promised her life to her clan. "Promises are unbreakable when you make so few." Along with the warrior's code, she had her own morals to uphold: keep your word, and don't give up without a fight, to name a couple.

The moon shined upon the rapid waters below in the Falls. ThunderClan's territory was practically a void - the treetops suffocating eachother for just a bit of moonlight. Feeling a bit less crushed by the weight of her undoing, Bounce would give a sigh of relief. Condensation pooled out from her mouth, reminding her that leaf-bare was on its way.

"At least I'm not having whitecough kits."

ooc- shes kinda in between borders so i figured i would put this here.. also not to crowd the riverclan sub with this cuz its a bit hard to interact with​