He could feel his muscles itching for practice. It was often that Berryheart felt an urge to stray from his duties- though he had learned to temper his most fickle moments. Still did he sometimes wander somewhere he wasn't supposed to, or catch a mouse without a hunting patrol... though he had been ThunderClan's medicine cat for many moons now, there was a part of him that could not shake away the skills he had built when he was a warrior. It seemed important to keep at least his fighting capabilities honed; all his life his capabilities had slumbered under a facade of drowsiness, and now they lived within the shell of a medic, too. One would never expect a healer to fight as well as any warrior.

It had been a while, though. Too long- so long, in fact, that he feared he may be faltering. And he would not let that happen, for the good of his patients and his apprentices. Exiting his den into the daylight, he perused the clearing for a face- and then he saw her. The cat who had trained him. His mother, his leader- steeliness and resolute in his eyes, he made his way over.

"If you have a moment, spar me please." Direct as ever, he asked it as soon as she met his eye.

Raising her kits had taken place in a completely different time to now. Mentors did not exist. There was no organization to training. It was up to parents to make sure their brood learned the skills necessary to survive, to hunt and climb and fight well. She had instilled these teachings in all of her kits. Her two first litters had been taught by both her and Gray Wolf, but with her final litter, after his passing, it was up to her and her alone to make sure they were capable. And she did not disappoint.

One of her prized pupils approaches her now, that determined look in his eye and when she catches it she blinks. His request falls on interested ears. She smiles softly, chin lifting. "It's been too long," She trills, agreeing it would be fun to spar with her son once more. She gets to her paws and pads to a more secluded part of camp, green eyes trained on him. "Do not mistake my age for weakness, though, my son." The statement is made lightheartedly, amusement hanging in her voice. She finally turns and crouches, eyes twinkling with mischief as she waits for him to make the first move.

"Oh, entertainment? Finally, I have been restless all morning in this nursery." Sunfreckle's dappled head raised up with a smile after watching the approach and agreement, sitting outside the nursery to bask in the sun while the kits slept still and enjoying the moment of peace even if it came at the expense of boredom.
Howlingstar was a perfectly capable fighter in her own right and her remark of her age had a wry smile weave across his maw, he highly doubted she would ever be unable to put up a good fight no matter how many moons might pass; stalwart as she was. The medicine cat was no slouch either really.

Berryheart was a cat he admired in more ways than one, but one of such things he had marveled upon from the beginning was his skill as a combatant even on such a path as that of a medicine cat. The tortie tom was perfectly capable of defending himself and his clan, missing appendage aside, and it was why Sunfreckle had tried as hard as he had initially to learn rather than simply accept that a three-legged cat would not be as useful as a more able bodied one in a fight. While walking had never been an issue, nor maneuvering at all, he'd always felt hesitant to battle train though he was less so now since his initial joining in the clan. The red tabby was far from the most deadly of opponents, but he was average enough at this point that he felt a touch more confident in his ability to defend his clan. In a small way, Berryheart was to thank for that looking back.

At her acceptance, Berryheart's crooked teeth flashed in a rare grin. However small, it was the most tangible smile most cats would ever see the medicine cat bear. "I would never," he assured her, faith unwavering. He knew how fearsome an opponent she could be- it was why he had sought her out specifically. That, and he had faith she would not pull her punches. Nifty spoke then, and Berryheart glanced over his shoulder at the fiery-pelted lead warrior- an invisible spark lit in the tortoiseshell's heart, then. He fixed the red tom with a grateful look, given the motivation now to truly impress- and then, he was off.

It was as if the winds of the highest peak had suddenly struck winged paws- moments ago relaxed and ponies, Berryheart's battle stance struck his form like electricity. He moved swiftly and unpredictably, fleet footed as he hopped from side to side, attempting to muddy his mother's judgement as to which side he would attack. An ember-freckled blur, one of his front legs shot forward, attempting to strike her front legs, left to right, and knock her off balance.
Howling quirks a brow, glancing towards Sunfreckle who sits nearby to watch. She gives her friend a smirk, remembering her first lesson with him back when he was nothing more than a former kittypet with soft paws and no muscles. How the times had changed - now, he stands on her council, trusted and respected. Her glinting gaze seems to say, Watch and learn!

At the first sign of movement, her gaze snaps back to the tortoiseshell. Despite his disability, he moves remarkably fast. She recalls how quickly she had realized he was gift when he was young, easily taking down littermates in spars when they hadn't expected it. Even when she expects it, his speed is too much for her. His ivory paw swipes her legs, and she stumbles before she's able to jump back, slowing her planned attack. It takes her a moment to regain her balance, and by then it may give away what she plans to do. Nevertheless, she darts left to circle him, ears pinned to her skull. Narrowed eyes search for an opening before she finally lunges forward, hoping to shove her forepaws into his side to topple him over.

He had always known his mother to be a fierce opponent, and met her well with that knowledge, gaze slightly-narrowed in concentration even as she stumbled. He knew she would not go down so easily, therefore his guard did not drop even as his strike connected. Expectedly, she kept on her feet and moved quickly, and Berryheart grunted with the force as she barrelled her paws into him. Perhaps that was the advantage in knowing one's opponent, though... he anticipated how hard she was going to hit him. The leader stored powerful strikes in her coiled muscles, and sent him skidding- but, reacting quickly, he managed to stay on his feet.

Berryheart pushed against her weight, twisting his neck around and attempting to throw her off of his side with a powerful headbutt, hoping to use her attack against her and topple her to the ground instead.