my bones ache | magpie


step out of the sun
Feb 9, 2023
give them no reason to stare

It was funny, Wolfpaw felt as though he had been a mindless machine for maybe a moon now. Like everyday came and went the exact same. He was the same, camp was the same, it was the same chores, the same lessons with Ferndance, the same conversation over the same meal. It was sort of nice, Wolfpaw just had to work. There was no thinking or time to ponder things. About the only thing he felt he had been missing was maybe Starclan. It seemed he had been ignoring them in favor of collapsing into his nest exhausted.

Today though had been a little different. He hadn't felt so out of it, he had been disappointed. But, it did mean that he had worked himself a little less hard, and now the sun had set and he still felt awake. For awhile he just lay, grey eyes open and peering around the growing darkness of the den, flopping from side to side. But his eyes just would not take sleep. He pondered what to do and then remembered that there were ancestors playing in the sky right now. With a small grunt he lifted his body from the nest, looking over the other cats. His eyes stopped on his brother, Magpiepaw looked asleep, but it was sometimes hard to tell with him. "Magpie, you want to hangout outside?" he softly spoke the words right above the black ears of Magpiepaw. Wolfpaw couldn't really recall if he had spent time with his brother over this moon of what felt like limited control, so while he was aware of what he was doing he might as well spend it with perhaps his only friend.

no slipping up if you slip away

Magpiepaw had stopped missing the nursery but he had never stopped thinking about how much he enjoyed just being left to his own devices. Training with Rainecho wasn't the worst, but since his tail injury he had not been able to do much at all and it really soured his disposition. Not that one could tell, the dark apprentice's expression rarely changed from its blank neutrality even when he was upset, so only cats who knew to read him otherwise had an inkling otherwise. Wolfpaw was right, in that he wasn't sleeping, but his eyes were still closed when the question came up and snapped open wide in reply.
"Yes." Of course he would like to go outside, he always liked to be under the stars, watching them shimmer and shine and wondering when he would one day have the wings to reach them. Clumsily the uneven apprentice rose, head bobbing as he oriented himself to stand and his tail lifted just enough to not drag the ground in its cobweb and twig dressing. His steps were placed carefully to avoid bothering any other apprentice as he clambered over to Wolfpaw's nest and then stretched himself out to try and get to the exit of the den without his paws catching and tripping him up.
"I wonder if the shapes are there." He did not see them in the clouds, but the stars connected in lines to form them at times and once he saw a cat winking at him from above. He didn't know who it was but he winked back all the same.