MY BUBBLEGUM DEAR | bear fact files

Regardless of the camp, it seemed that her friends and peers never changed. Loss after loss, death after death, there was still a certainty among them that was strangely unsettling to the cinnamon tabby. She expected the world to change and develop so she could remain the same, but ShadowClan had stagnated like the waters of their swamplands. It was not a dealbreaker, but something the Lead Warrior would know to be wary of and to warn her new protege about as well. Boredom struck the feline quickly in camp, without her precious collection of useless garbage and nest that would make any bird cry, there was little to fidget and mess around with except for the tails of those too lost in grief to give her the time of day. Patrols weren't due for a while yet, and with a black bear still looming somewhere in the depths of the marsh, she didn't know quite how keen she was to alleviate that boredom until she knew the invading beast had moved on to greener pastures. It was then when she traced old, disjointed pawsteps in the gaps of stone, that an idea clicked in her head.

Ferndance moved forwards like a red-tinted ghost, naught visible in the poor lighting but the emerald eyes of someone very restless. She peered over the shoulder of the first clanmate she saw, presence shrouded in the long shadows of the Thunderpath tunnels until she opened her mouth. "Psst..." Her voice, quiet and demure, still did not reach the whisper she seemed to intend it to. Her ears flicked to the sides of her head as she spoke, wedge-shaped head tilting to and fro as she tried to assess the creature in the low-light. "DId you know that bears disappear into their dens in newleaf? They don't need to hunt or anything..." Lucky bears, though, Ferndance had to wonder if they felt hungry during that time. She offered a smile should the clanmate turn to face her, as proud as a cawing rooster as she recalled such things about their adversary. Near breathless, she mewed, "I wish I could've been a bear..." Large ears flatten and she suddenly snapped her teeth inches away from the other's face "ROAR!!" Loud, guttural, but vocal. Without acknowledging what she just did, she looked around camp in hopes of getting approval from Magpiepaw.
Boredom still seeps in Scorchedpaw's entire being, leaving him restless, although this is nothing new. It was hard to stay on one place, especially when it's cramped. It's a necessity, sure, but that doesn't mean there can't be some fun, right? He's already found some before this, but nothing lasts forever. Back to their current usual, it's hard not to wallow in despair.

He doesn't cry out loud this time, but he doesn't need to, as he's spooked by Ferndance's sudden change in demeanor, whispering to try and catch his attention. It might not have been directed at him specifically, but he still is the one to step up and listen.

He tilts his head at the mention of bears not needing to eat while they sleep for a long time. How is that even possible? The more he learns about other animals, the more he becomes perplexed. Well, bears aren't cats, and he'll probably never know what goes on in their heads.

He silently nods at her mentioning wishing she could be one of the beasts haunting them, though he certainly doesn't see any appeal in that, save for maybe sleeping for long periods of time. He didn't anticipate her sudden movement, though, and yelps as he leaps back as her teeth snap. He jumps again at her impression of a roar, and mutters, "Well, at least you'd make a good bear. That was pretty spooky!" Even for his standards.​

"do they, hm? smart."

those beasts terrified the living daylights out them. they so easily have killed cats... them included. it's by pure luck that they had extra lives within them, blessed by the stars as some would say. this seemed more like a curse than anything. they sit down, curling their tail around their paws, missing the touch of their mate but they ignore it for now. they twitch their ears back and forth, before speaking up.

"i think they spend all their time eating. seen one eating some sort of berry. stars know if it was poison or not."

they wished it was. to watch a bear die would have been a proud feat. but they don't. they squeezed their eyes shut before they flinched slightly at the sudden roar from ferndance, and they only pull their lip back in frustration.

"watch it! you wanna bring those things here with all that noise!?"

"Woah! Y'd make a pretty good bear, Fernie." Agateheart's laugh seemed to rival thunder itself, as though he channeled the great temerity of the storm, though with the grand grace of the river. The orange-hued feline carried himself with the rubato tempo of water, despite his fiery coat. A strange paradox, though if flame were to be bayed by the brine, then the deluge would surely be deterred by the blaze. He believed in the noble balance of all things, so it was fitting that he would embody that very conception. The tabby tom sat down with a 'harrumph,' as if his very bones creaked behind the shell, though he still had a lot of fight left in him. His eyes glowed with a dull flush and the beginnings of grey hairs began to sprout from a saffron garden, but Aggie never let that deter him. "Y'know, I heard 'em bears can even hunt wolves! How crazy's that?" He mewed to Scorchedpaw and Chilledstar next. He had heard a lot about the bears recently, many of which had been woven with the frantic motions of paranoia and distress.

Frayed nerves and restlessness have marked Smogmaw's presence from the moment he'd shambled out from the hollow. These tunnels - it cannot be said enough - harbour an atmosphere so oppressive, it manifests as a physical burden on his senses. Though the revelation that his kin hadn't been turned into bear chow applied some proverbial moss to his tension-ridden mind, there was no shaking the lingering dread which congested his thoughts like proverbial cobwebs. Not until he can return to the camp with a guarantee of his own safety. Not until these unwanted guests have been given the long-awaited proverbial boot.

Ferndance's uproar would initially contort his features into a wince, but once the deputy expels his frustration through a guttural scowl, he finds himself returning to his ordinary state of jaded monotony. Just the way he liked it. His focus then pivots to the Lead, who'd seemingly drawn a bit of a crowd with her primitive display. They're now all exchanging snippets of insight regarding bears and their behaviour, and though it be a faux attempt at intellectual discourse, the topic of conversation admittedly appeals to Smogmaw's interest as well.

"Wouldn't be a surprise if bears hunted twolegs," meows the deputy on approach, his remark coming on the proverbial heels of Agateheart's input. "But, speakin'a twolegs, I heard bears'll stand up like a twoleg to scratch their backs against trees. 'Magine." It's quite the image to conjure. One of those brutes, shifting its ample body weight unto its hindquarters, scraping its backside against the tree bark. Would be a funnier idea to ponder if those things weren't capable of spilling his insides with a single swipe.