Dec 28, 2023
Please wait for @Graykit! xxxNo need to wait for @Horizonpaw + @Twinklepaw.

It almost feels unfair — Hazecloud had spent her last day as a queen tidying up the nursery, and now Eveningpaw has to leave it. The keyword is almost; there is nothing that can possibly deter her from the boundless joy of having the invisible walls of camp disappearing, and in turn, giving her access to the whole wide world. It's just... her, Horizonpaw and Twinklepaw have work to do. Already.

She wishes she could say it's fun or exciting, at least. Neither of those prove to be true when she moves from the nursery to the reed-woven den that houses the apprentices again- and probably not for the last time today. This is simply a chore: in with the old, out with the new... wait, no, the other way around. Eveningpaw simply relishes in sneaking old bits of moss into her new nest when she thinks nobody is looking, Hazecloud's scent clinging to it for a few days more.

Her flank brushes against her siblings' pelts when they pass one another on the way, and there is just one thing that stops her in this never-ending dance. The plush brown of Graykit is not difficult to spot, especially when the lack of his voice pulls her attention onto him.

Eveningpaw more or less understands how he feels. She had been a mixed bag of emotions when Riverpaw, Pebblepaw and Shellpaw switched dens — jealousy, sadness, joy. It felt like they were leaving her behind, even though she knew even then that's just how the system works. Like clockwork, kits would become apprentices; those same apprentices going on to become warriors; perhaps moving again if the stars align just right or they grow old enough to warrant retirement.

She all but flinches when she notices it's her who froze, not the world itself. She can only hope she didn't unnerve Graykit by staring... and now, by approaching him.

"Hey, Gray," she purrs, intentionally shortening his name to draw attention away from their now-different ranks, "I might have brought too much moss with me. Wanna share? We can fluff up your nest with the leftovers, and it'll be like sleeping on a cloud, I bet!"

There is a bitter taste in his mouth as he watches Eveningkit- Eveningpaw now he reminds himself- move into the nursery along with the rest of her littermates. He is being left behind, unimportant and discarded in the wake of the excitement of becoming an apprentice. Without him. She would become a -paw and start her training and it didn't matter that he was only a moon behind. She would move on and forget all about her friend in the nursery, even when he becme an apprentice himself. She will have made other friends, better friends and they would roll around in the fresh kill pile together and throw worms at one another, they would do all the things that they had done together and she will realize how much more fun she was having with someone who wasn't him.

So he stays away, watching from a distance with a look on his face that suggests someone had died rather than the celebration that he knows he should be feeling. He should be happy for her, he knows, should be running over there with a congratulatory word upon his silvered tongue for her and all the other kits. But he can't. He just can't. Eveningkit looks over then and their gaze meets but he averts his eyes, feeling like he wants to be anywhere other than here right now.

It's too late though, she drifts closer and there is nowhere he can go to escape. Guilt threatens to crush his very soul but he cannot help it, he does not return her smile nor does he meet her eyes. "No. That's okay. Thanks." he mumbles softly and at the same time he curses himself for making it so painfully obvious that something is bothering him but he could not bring himself to force it. Not when his heart weighs so heavy in his chest.

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  • 81982729_t5hu4ZT91MAtJ8v.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training
Jealousy and grief were difficult, complex emotions for young hearts to feel. It was all-too understandable why Graykit would be sulking as he mourned the loss of his closest friends, who had been by his side since they were old enough to open their eyes. But Eveningkit- now paw, had every right to be excited about this new stage of her life. Becoming an apprentice was still the greatest day that Cloudpaw herself could remember having, though leaving behind ones' former denmates was admittedly a bittersweet moment. She could see how both of her peers might be struggling to adjust to this change in circumstance.

The ethereal molly approached the pair with a breezy smile, though her pale green eyes were searching as they flickered between Eveningpaw and Graykit. "That's such a lovely offer, maybe i'll take that extra moss myself to make my own nest comfier!" she mused lightly to try and break the tension that was palpable in the air. With a sympathetic look, she leaned over to gently bump her shoulder against Graykit's, hoping to coax him out of his sour mood just a little bit. "We should help Eveningpaw set up her new nest, don't you think, love? Then you'll know exactly where she's at when you come visit her." What a shame it would be if a new den was enough to come between such good friends.

  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 7 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and elegant.
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, currently crushing on no one // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Much like under a mother's disappointed gaze, Eveningpaw wilts all the same with the lack of Graykit's usual vigor. She knows he's hurting; she's had first-hand experience too, but even with that in mind, she doesn't find the proper words that could comfort him. Memories of their jokes and games float to the forefront of her mind — if she had known that such a change would open up a rift between the two of them, maybe she wouldn't have been so excited to become an apprentice.

At a loss of what to do, Eveningpaw almost considers shouldering past him mutely. It is Cloudpaw who comes to her rescue, with gentle nature and even gentler words, aiding Eveningpaw in more ways than one.

"Yeah!" Her sudden exclamation makes her drop her offered ball of moss, but it is not the priority now. There's a brief moment where she blinks gratefully at Cloudpaw, but she keeps it short, lest Graykit finds it insulting. "That'd be great! You see, I can't do it alone. And, and, maybe we could prepare a nest for you too, Gray! Then you'll have it ready to go by the time you become a 'paw."
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His gaze flickers to Cloudpaw as she approaches and the taste of bitterness upon his tongue is immediate. She swoops in to take what had originally been offered to him with greedy paws. No he stops himself. That's not fair he had said he didn't want it. So why did watching the moss be handed off to her feel like this? He keeps his expression carefully blank, but his claws curl into the sand and tears spring to the forefront of his eyes. His ears fill with a low droning that almost makes him miss what Cloudpaw says next. Almost.

He reaches up with one paw and uses his forelimb to rub at his eyes, trying his best to pretend he is just sleepy but knowing he is not fooling anyone. It was a good idea, what she proposed. But right now, he feels foolish, small. He doesnt deserve it, the immediate forgiveness Eveningpaw offers but when he looks in her direction he wonders how he ever could have let the idea of abandonment at her paws cross his mind. "Y-yeah" he says voice cracking as he tries his best not to let the dam break. "That's - yeah. I'd like that. Can it be next to yours?" he feels so dumb, why?

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • 81982729_t5hu4ZT91MAtJ8v.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training