
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — tw for brief mention of emetophobia/nausea in second sentence

The discovery of Batwing's broken body having been splayed across jagged rocks had been enough to make his heart drop and his mouth to dry, it was a sight that he wished upon nobody and he's glad that he had pulled his battered body from there so none of the warriors that had gone with him had seen. The weight of the smaller tom feels heavy on his back and shoulders throughout the trip there were moments where he felt bile rise in his throat and threaten to spill from his maw but he continued on walking alongside one of the younger warriors that helped carry back the body of the lead warrior. This would be no different from any other vigil that he has done yet it makes his heart ache terribly knowing that Batwing's going to have his pelt decorated by petals and rosemary to hide the scent of death, his best friend, is dead and its not something he wants to accept but must.

The blue chimera had so much to live for and his older kittens to watch grow into great warriors yet the lead warrior had been stripped of that right when he made the choice to sacrifice himself for Thunderclan, his friends, his family, and unborn kits to lead those wolves away. He had barely arrived on time to witness the birth of his first kits and he would not be there to see the second arrive, he'd have to watch from above where the stars burnt the brightest... That's where Batwing would rest. Alongside the bravest warriors that Gentlestorm had gotten to know and he can rest easy knowing that Batwing would be reunited with the rest of his family, they would be there to greet him.

Now, the paws that had been deemed as talented by his late mentor places rosemary carefully over the chilled body of his friend and close to his side are Leopardtongue and Bravepaw. He allowed them to help him with preparing Batwing's vigil so they can find some bit of solace despite the harsh circumstances that the queen had become a widow and their son fatherless. Bravepaw had prepared a nest for his dad that had his old nursery toys on them wanting for the lead warrior to be comfortable on his final night before his body became part of the earth, Gentlestorm mumbles quiet apologies when Leopardtongue and his paws awkwardly bump into each other while dressing the limp form with rosemary. In a kinder world, Batwing would've been there to greet his second litter and watch his first become warriors. He would've retired to the elders den with Leopardtongue until they both fell into an eternal slumber where they would be curled around each other, intertwined as they always were, and meant to be.

This is not the world they wish for. It's unkind and unforgiving. It reminds him of the mountains once more and he feels sick to his stomach.

Gentlestorm lifts his copper gaze to glance over their work only to glance to see if his family approved and clears his throat, he parts his jaws to speak but no words tumble out from his mouth. He falls mute for the first few heartbeats, the stinging in his eyes returning, and the way his throat constricts from the grief he felt unable to will the words forward. The large healer remembers the last talk that he and his best friend had before everything had crumbled underneath their paws, he recalls the last time they spoke when their groups split during the journey, and how the two of them pressed their foreheads to one another in silent comfort. How Batwing would glance behind his shoulder to cast a final look to him. Come back alive, Hailstorm.

He had come back alive and to Highstones despite being battered emotionally and physically. Hailstorm dying bit by bit throughout the trip back home with Stormfeather on his back carrying her with Lightstrike or Flamewhisker, the warrior had died so that Berryheart's predecessor could bud and bloom into the future medicine cat of Thunderclan.

"You told me to live... Why couldn't you?" A whisper that's far too quiet for anyone's ears slips from his jaws still feeling the tightness of his throat as a few salty tears begin to slip from his face, the body does not answer him continuing to lay there without warmth and life. He knows the answer yet he feels selfish. You could've promised me... You mousebrain. Gentlestorm thinks but he knows that Batwing would rather die than ever break a promise made to him and his ears press against his skull, a shaky paw lifting to wipe the tears from his face and sits upright as he clears his throat once more to speak "Tonight we mourn the loss of Batwing and share tongues with him for the final time." He pauses as a shaky breath leaves him, "He has given his life to this clan more than once, when we had embarked on that journey for lungwort and sacrificing himself to kill the wolves. He was a loving mate, father, friend of all, and my best friend." Another shaky breath and sniffle leaves the pale tom.

"I hope that he's been welcomed warmly by his family and that he may rest easy knowing that Thunderclan is safe. He'll be dearly missed... I hope that Starclan will allow him to burn the brightest tonight to remind us of his courage..." And I'm right here catching some of the light coming off of you. Gentlestorm finishes pressing his head against Batwing one final time just like they had before splitting up in two groups during the journey and shuts his eyes wanting to break into a large crying heap but he must stay strong... For them. His copper eyes open to look to Bravepaw and Leopardtongue sadly then sits close to the widowed queen so that they may share tongues with Batwing one last time.

/ leopardtongue and bravepaw helped gentlestorm w/this vigil as a heads up


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
Leopardtongue had not planned on the patrol that had gone out with Gentlestorm to bring her mate back, his body broken and carried on the backs of his clanmates. She wasn't sure if this was what she preferred, to see him this way for the final time but still being able to bury him, to let him go to StarClan in the way their ancestors had intended with a proper burial and a vigil or to simply believe that he'd float down the river in an odd burial of the water, still able to make it to StarClan for surely they wouldn't deny him that right, not after what had happened with the wolves, not after he had sacrificed so much.

But the river was not a proper burial spot for him, not for any ThunderClanner, so she could only assume that it was StarClan's will that he were to be found that day by his best friend, by the medicine cat of the very clan he'd died to defend from the threat that had loomed so heavily over their borders.

When Gentlestorm had told Leopardtongue that it was time to prepare him for burial she almost didn't go, swallowing down her worry of seeing him like this one last time before she moved out from the nursery silently, paws watching as he began to weave herbs into his fur and quickly she followed along doing her best between picking up the plants that covered the stench of fish and death and the tears that threatened to fall once more as her son helped to work on the nest. When she and Gentle bumped into each other as paws worked she'd cast the other a glance, a silent plea to stop apologizing when it happened for he had nothing to apologize for, and when she were done she stood near the medicine cat, near her friend and her mate's best friend and silently mourned as he spoke.

When he was done she'd let her own head fall and move to touch the other, resting along his side as she let the tears fall once more into Batwing's fur. "I love you Batwing." She'd speak, muffled by fur as she'd prepare to sit vigil for as long as she was allowed before they would have to move his body, before she would be unable to see him until she, too, had passed.

  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Sad
Reactions: WOLFWIND
Losing Batwing felt surreal. The loss of her other Clanmates was, of course, just as depressing as losing Batwing, but there was something that felt more personal in having lost him - not in the way that Leopardtongue or Bravepaw felt, nothing could ever match a family member's grief, but all that Softpaw could think of as Batwing had been brought into camp one final time was how he'd been so alive just before leading the wolves to their demise.

She could remember how Batwing had gotten the apprentices together, taken them away from Howlingstar and her warriors as they decided what needed to be done about the wolves after the attack, and divvied them all out to do work and repairs on the camp that had been destroyed. Softpaw had gathered twigs and twisted them into barriers with Batwing's supervision, and now he was gone, just as he had been so alive not long ago.

"Your courage and leadership will be remembered," Softpaw murmurs, and it will live on in those you leave behind. She thought, glancing over at Leopardtongue, lost in her grief over her mate. And Bravepaw, who had lost his father; and all of Batwing's kittens that wouldn't get to know him. It was a great tragedy, but Softpaw hoped that his family would carry on his legacy to the fullest they possibly could. Leopardtongue and their children would see to it.​

Although he hadn't been close with Batwing, he had been a noble warrior and father, and was a terrible loss. His kits, both litters, and his mate were left to find their way without him. He was familiar with what it was like to lose a parent as a young cat, and his chest ached with grief and sympathy for the lead warrior's family, watching them sit with the battered body of the black tom. The moment that day at the gorge replays in his mind - Batwing, stepping back, leaping into the air, the mist lapping at his paws as he went; the way, that for a moment, he seemed to soar, as if it were somehow possible that it would not be his end, and the way that the gorge swallowed him whole, the wolves tearing after him, throwing themselves into the cliff's maw after him. It's a painful memory, even for someone who hadn't known him that well. His eyes cloud with sorrow as he sits nearby, careful not to get in the way of the lead warrior's friends and family, dipping his head out of respect. "Your bravery will be remembered forever," he murmurs, eyes falling shut.


It's hard to look at the lifeless body of his father. Even as Leopardtongue and Bravepaw prepare the limp mass of blue fur for the vigil, he lingers behind, unable to force himself to look without bile beginning to rise in his throat, confronted with the reality that Batwing was gone, and he was not coming back. He wanted to remember his father as he lived; tall, strong, and noble, not how he was now, how he was found, cold and water-soaked and terribly mortal. Of course Cardinalpaw had to be here, though -- because he was his father's son, and there was no other choice. If Starclan brought Batwing back to them, then he would be there to receive him with the rest of his family, but part of him wished that it hadn't. That the living image of him could instead be preserved, untainted by death.

When Gentlestorm speaks, though, he must turn and join his mother and brother and face the truth. At first, he keeps his eyes screwed shut, remaining in his place away from the others, teeth gritted, despite the tears that are starting to form at the corner of his eyes anyway with a sting that's been all too familiar lately. A six moon old apprentice has only just left the nursery, but he's loathe to be seen wailing like a kit in front of his clanmates, exposing his weakness -- but there's nothing he can do. He finally comes to join his family and the medicine cat, pressing his head against Batwing's cheek, inhaling what was left of his familiar scent now mixed with that of herbs and river for the very last time. ​

. ° ✦ The scent of herbs have become stuck to his paws for what felt like moons, now. From the medicine den housing him after the owls attack for nearly a moon and followed by the loss of his mentor and father, Bravepaw is sure he will never rid the scent of rosemary from his nose.

The rosetted chimera closed his eyes while Gentlestorm blessed the vigil. He can hear the strain in his uncle's voice but he continued with a strength Bravepaw did not have. Words felt meaningless for the cold blue pelt before him. Nothing he could say would bring his father back, would heal his body as the stars mended a leaders. There wasn't a single word he could utter that Batwing hadn't already heard from his son before.

I love you! I miss you. I want you to stay. Why do you have to leave? He wanted to say it all but the words are clamped shut behind clenched teeth. His Clanmates spoke of his courage, of his bravery and it felt like a curse on his own name. Would he be destined for the same fate one day?

He felt Cardinalpaw beside him as his brother touched Batwing's cheek and he coiled his tail around the others, gently. They would remain strong, as long as they stayed together.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

Grief is a familiar feeling, something that Burnstorm had experienced at too young an age and it never really seemed to stop. Batwing's sacrifice was a neccesary one, they never would have been able to defeat the dogs without him. He recognizes that and yet he still wishes it had never had to happen, that Bravepaw and his siblings didn't have to lose their father, that Leopardtongue didn't have to loose a mate.

It's harder to lay eyes on the deceased than he had thought it would be. His fellow lead warrior, friend to his mother. He grits his teeth as he approaches to keep the tears at bay and he dips his head respectfully. Gentlestorm's words make him press his ears to his skull and Leopardtongue's grieving visage makes his heart twist in pain. How would he ever live if something like this happened to Roeflame? He is uncertain if he ever wants to find out.

"It was an honor serving as a lead warrior alongside you." he murmurs softly because he is not certain what else to say. No words could be spoken that would ease the crushing weight of loss.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
She remembered the day of their return from the mountains, when his first litter had been nestled into Leopardtongue's side, Batwing's pride in becoming a lead and their fearsome call to war when they regained their home from rogue's. Quietly, she watched as Gentlestorm prepared the body alongside Batwing's mate and child.

It was difficult to comprehend the lives lost and to know many of her friends were now gone. Pressing into her mate's side the she-cat did her best to blink away the forming wetness as the Medicine Cat began to speak.

Honeydapple hated seeing the massive tom cry but given the circumstances she could only feel waves of empathy. Leapordtongue's drooping form only added to the burning in the warrior's face. Chest aching at every second her long time friend spoke in broken shaky phrases. Her blue gaze looked to the earth, tears staining the tops of petite charcoal paws.

May he rest happily and watch over the living. Batwing had so much to live for and he died bravely but the pointed she-cat still couldn't find reason in it all. So many kits would now be fatherless, their clan a rank shorter, and their lives darker. She couldn't bring herself to wish her clanmates farewell and instead chose to stay seated.

Craining her neck she buried her pale nose into the familiar scent of @GRIZZLYJAW. Grateful to have him by her side and hopeful that the stars would shine brighter with their newest addition.