// SORRY FOR THE SHORT INTRO idk unique ways to start StarClan dreams

She knows where she is. As soon as she opens her eyes, she knows her physical form is back in Starlingheart's den. She looks around at the starry forest with awe, wondering who will meet her here now. Has she lost a life yet? She wouldn't be surprised. She can feel her body growing weaker with every day. She knows her death is coming, but she does not fear it. What other reason had she been giving nine lives if not for this? She does not regret a single moment she spent with her clanmates that are now gone. She doesn't regret breathing in the diseased air that hung over them so they would not feel alone in their final moments. She thinks of Owlear, of Foxpoppy, of Lichenpaw, and so many others. Will one of them meet her here today?
  • Sad
Reactions: dejavu and Jay
Gray and white paws brush past stardust. Green eyes that shone with inifinite wisdom soften as they gaze upon the familiar swirly-brown pelt he had left behind so long ago. He’s memorized by her beauty, her wisdom, her strength, if his heart still pulsed it would no doubt quicken in her presence.

”You are as strong and beautiful as the day I met you.” He murmurs, his voice soft and smooth as honey. The day they had stumbled upon her back in the mountain landscapes had been many life-times ago now. Gray Wolf wishes he could be with her and their children now, but his time has passed. He had duties to uphold here, watching over the clans and caring for all their children who have breathed their last. It was here he kept a protective eye over them.

He approaches her and places his muzzle upon her forehead, ”…It’s almost time.” he forewarns of the life she clings onto. He knows she likely needs not to be told, ”But when it’s time, StarClan will be here with you. You’ll rise again stronger than you were before.”
She turns immediately, that voice never unfamiliar to her. Her eyes are wide and already wet with tears as she rushes to him. "Gray Wolf," She cries happily, stopping to press against his starry form. His muzzle rests against her forehead and she closes her eyes, soaking in the moment. She breathes in his frosty scent and savors it, unsure when she will see him again. It's almost time, He says, and she exhales softly.

"I know." Her eyes open and she peers up at him with a somber frown. "I pray it will come soon. ThunderClan needs me. Our kits..." She sighs harshly with grief. Raccoonstripe is helping to run the clan in her absence, in everyone's absence. He and Flycatcher and Wolfwind cannot do it alone. And Little Wolf...

"Little Wolf came to me in a dream," She murmurs, gaze falling to the ground. She is silent, unsure of what to say, unsure if she wants to know for sure. Had it just been a dream she had in her Yellowcough-muddled mind? Or had it truly been her daughter visiting her, with stars dancing at her feet and moonlight shining in emerald eyes.