My Dirt Transformed Within A Breath | Willowroot

Mosspaw had taken to being an apprentice quickly. In the rigidity of the structure it brought to her life there was the offering of the comfort of being able to measure her own success, and to know that she was improving. She enjoyed getting up at the crack of dawn and going to bed before it set. It gave her joy to repeat the same little motions over and over until she managed to get them just right. Addressing everyone and everything formally made her feel like she was an adult now, and that she would be a warrior in no time.

Despite all of that, she had not outgrown her mother. Even though she was not even a lead warrior anymore, in her eyes Willowroot was still an authority rivaled only by Cicadastar. Her command could move the world, and her approval meant the world. At the end of the day, when she wanted to know that she was doing well, she still ran right back to her mother.

"Mother!" Mosspaw called out, padding through camp as swiftly as she could without resorting to running or getting underpaw. As she looked up at Willowroot, excitement shone behind her eyes. "I have something to show you."
( ) willowroot sits primly beside the warriors' den, rubbing a paw across her ears as the last act of a grooming routine. the remnants of a small trout lay at her paws, and the bright sun above makes her coat shine as she finishes her self assigned chore. a yawn stretches from her jaws, pearly whites snapping closed as the young voice reaches tufted ears. a heavy purr escapes her chest, and she will turn to find mosspaw trotting towards her, bright eyed and eager. the girl has always been an overachiever, pushing to become the best, even at mundane things. willowroot thinks back to a day in which her tabby daughter had aimed to be the top mossball player in the clan, something that had made the other kits rather upset. now, as an apprentice, the girl has worked hard to be where she is now. lithe muscles ripple under her fur, clearly achieved from training. a rush of fondness filters through the warrior as she gazes down into similarly verdant eyes.

"oh you do!" she'll purr, ducking to swipe a lick across the girl's head. it ruffles the earthen fur for a moment, so she aims another, smoothing across her daughter's striped pelt. "something you've learned in training, duckling?"

Mosspaw revived her mother's affectionate licks gladly, pausing in her steps and perking up to accept them. For a moment, her formality and posture melted away, forgotten. A quiet purr rumbled up from her chest. It was like she was a kit again. Then Willowroot finished expressing her love, and she stood straighter again.

"Yes." She confirmed, taking a big step back in order to give herself room to properly demonstrate. As she spoke, she settled down into the stance that she had practiced so rigorously with her mentor. "Aspenhaze was teaching me water-based combat and they said I did this move particularly well."

There was no water for her to use for her demonstration, but she trusted that her mother would be able to see that she was preforming the technique correctly. She flicked her tail as though to splash water into an enemies eyes, then leapt forward. Her claws slashed through open air. Then she looked to her mother expectantly, eager for her feedback.​
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