private MY FATHER, YOUR TEACHER - drizzlepelt


Nov 19, 2023
Drizzlepelt was his father's apprentice. Drizzlepelt was someone that his father cared for. While Hollywhisper was off on his own, separated from his family and having to do what he could to survive, Drizzlepelt might have been here, with Duskpool, learning how to be a warrior. But he isn't jealous, not really. He'd never have met Duststorm, or he'd have met him a lot later in life. Instead, he's more curious about how Duskpool was during Drizzlepelt's apprenticeship. What kind of mentor he had been, how he treated the other, among other things.

“Hey Drizzlepelt,” he begins as he approaches the blue tabby. “I'm curious - how was my dad as a mentor? Do you have any stories about things he's done? From before I got here?"

// @Drizzlepelt sorry for the short post… this was my warm up ;A;​


When Hollywhisper approaches him, Drizzlepelt gives the tom a warm smile. While they haven’t had much time to interact really, of course the other was someone the blue tabby would love to know. He is related to Duskpool, after all. It’s not that hard for him to notice some similarities, the way they both hide themselves despite how much they do care. It feels harder to read the son though, but that’s to be expected. Maybe that will change in the future?

“Hey there, Hollywhisper,” Drizzlepelt purrs. “I’d love to tell you! Where to start…” It feels like so long ago, now. There is some fondness in thinking back to his early days, and he almost laughs at himself, musing like an elder. “I didn’t like him at first. Not that I gave him any trouble, but I didn’t really try to connect either. Duskpool slowly grew on me over time, though. I saw him for the earnest man that he is, as he treated me kindly despite my reservations.”

“To think he’s ended up as my father, even if it’s not in blood… it’s funny.”
A small chuckle, thinking of how their relationship has turned out. He wonders briefly what kind of cat he’d be if his life went differently. Not as good, that’s for sure. But him being a father figure comes with its own worries. “Unfortunately, most stories I could tell you aren’t exactly… pleasant. I swear to StarClan, he attracts dogs like elders attract fleas. He doesn’t know when to quit, and it’s put him in danger a lot.” Despite Drizzlepelt’s scalding comments, there’s still a hint of warmness behind them, knowing it’s from a good place.