sensitive topics MY FINGER ON THE PULSE / private

Orangestar departs Highstones with a sense of grim resolve and more questions than answers. The stars linger, as if still watching: it's a clear morning, the sky amber in the east, the last sparkles dew coating the ground in a crystalline carpet. The dry scrubland that stands between the territories and Highstones is quick to greet her, catching at her long pelt as she walks, her mind elsewhere as she follows the rising sun towards the nearest scent markers. It's still greenleaf: she sees no misting breath in the dawn, and her brisk pace has no chill to shake. From WindClan's border, she will be able to find her way home. She should be home by evening, at least, provided she stops again at Fourtrees or manages to find a puddle to lap from on the way. A hound bays in the far distance, likely in the far reaches of WindClan's territory, and the air is alive with the coming day.

For the moment, with the wind at her tail and home on her mind, she remains blissfully unaware of the eyes watching her pass by.

  • // @hollowcreek @Possumscratch.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


possumscratch & 20 moons & trans masc & he/they & duskclan rogue

Life in duskclan is certainly exciting - but for all that he's done his best to take to this so called 'clan life', there is still a pat of Possumscratch that wants nothing more then to cause chaos. Still, it's not as though he hasn't seen any battle - hasn't felt claws tear into fur and teeth bite down into flesh. With leg all healed up once more with a fresh set of scars, when he sets out with Hollowcreek he is not exactly expecting to find a fight - but he certainly wouldn't mind one. So when the chimera spots another in their path, he is quick to nudge the other - " Isn't that a clan cat? erm... skyclan, right? " of all the clans, it is one of the most familiar to him - a scent that coexisted alongside twolegplace streets, far more concrete then his mothers bedtime stories of Shadowclan. " We should hav some fun, right? " grating voice adds, excitement quick and sharp as claws unsheathe.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

M I G H T G O T O H E A V E N , B U T P R O B A B L Y N O T !

  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar
( ) Broad shoulders jutted harshly against ghastly skin, slinging to waning muscle and flesh as Hollowcreek clung to survival. Rumblerain had commanded they journey twolegplace once again and the fading memory of more supplemental food carved a gnawing hunger within every inch of his being. Hollowcreek's search for food is far more crazed than before, and so he scoured with Possumscratch further out than he had tempted in the past.

Sootstar had used Highstones to hunt before. While the rabbits that lurked were scarce and thin, it was food nonetheless. However a different face would greet them than the stray WindClanner he expected. SkyClan as Possumscratch pointed out. Dark eyes squinted as he slithered away from the cover they tucked themselves in, giving a subtle nod to his Clanmate. "I'll keep her distracted... you go around." Hollowcreek muttered as he drew closer to the ginger-patched molly.

"You're a lot farther out than the last SkyClanners we've seen." A hot exhale left in a scoff as if he recalled the event with fond nostalgia. "Sooo chatty, that one. And your turncoat WindClanner, too."
  • Angry
Reactions: Orangestar

possumscratch & 20 moons & trans masc & he/they & duskclan rogue

The grin that stretches across narrow face is a feral thing, full of too sharp teeth and excitement that seems rather out of place for the situation. Still, ith a flick of his tail the boy slips away, gangly form sunk low as it can go, belly brushing the ground. Amber eyes focus in on the molly - only half-listening to Hollowcreek prattle on, bragging about some kill or another. The moment he finally shuts up, Possumscratch moves - claws swiping at orangestar hind legs as he pounces, using his long legs to his advantage. He's just as quick to step backwards again, darting left and aiming to bite at her shoulder.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

M I G H T G O T O H E A V E N , B U T P R O B A B L Y N O T !

  • Angry
Reactions: Orangestar
// tw for description of death in the last paragraph of this post!

The tom that calls to her is unfamiliar. Orangestar's head swings around, bristling at the presence of this stranger, and her eyes narrow at his comment. The last SkyClanners they'd seen? She doesn't remember sending Clanmates to Highstones any other time than their medicine cats attend.

"What are you getting at?" She asks reflexively, eyes narrowing against the weird, familiar feeling that squirms in her chest like bile. Once upon a time, her immediate dismissal of the taunt would have been which one? but in his late moons, Dandelionwish had proven himself just as much of a SkyClanner as the rest of them. A former WindClanner he had been, yes, and that had been a topic of contention to Orangestar; but he would surely reside in StarClan now as a cat of the Pines. Her mind makes a second, further leap of logic: the last cat Dandelionwish had been seen with was Applefrost, who certainly fits the description of chatty.

Bitterness coats her tongue once more as they close in. It brings with it the putrid scent of rogue, bitter, almost moorland but wrong. She'd caught it three times now, twice in the waking world, and any grim calm that Orangestar wishes she might be able to hold onto is shattered into pieces as she realises she is muzzle to muzzle with her littermate's killer.

"... It was you wasn't it?" She spits, and she is not afforded any more of that realisation before her hindlegs catch fire with the score of claws across her skin.

Legs buckling, Orangestar whirls with a hiss, aiming sharp claws at Possumscratch's muzzle as his teeth glance off her shoulder. Regardless of whether she makes contact, the scent of blood fills the air: her own, brought forth by this stranger's attack.

Something else is brought forth, too: the wind changes, bringing with it the sound of baying once more. This time, however, it is much closer, and the scent of dog washes over the three cats. With ruddy fur turned ablaze by the early morning sun, Orangestar freezes at the sight of the howling brute barrelling towards them. She's swept back by moons, the final stretch of the Journey, tripped and staring into salivating jaws until Periwinklebreeze had used himself as bait.

This time, shoved aside by her assailants as they scatter from its path, Orangestar has no time to run before it's upon her. Growling and frenzied, canine teeth close around her neck. Orangestar barely has time to make confused, shocked eye contact with Snowpath before something snaps deep within her (different, this time, from the last, but undoubtedly just as important) and the SkyClanner's second life is lost to the hound.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Pinkshine has grown to know these tunnels more closely than she'd ever thought she would. Quietness was always key, of course... a truth that she struggles with as a cat that was naturally kind of not., but she'd caught her first prey forever ago. She'd been trusted on special missions alongside Scorchstreak, picked her way beneath the earth without ever hearing a rumbling who's there? Or what's that? even once in her life. Though she felt really loud, with whiskers feeling every tremble in the walls, each breath from her clanmates seemingly warm against her fur, she moved in silence. They all did. If the rustling of their pelts was like a drop of water, loud in a quiet place, soft amongst another dozen drops, the barking of dogs was like a storm, whipping toward her ears, loud and frenzied.

She gasps, and suddenly she's rushing, rushing, rushing, because would a dog snarl so wickedly at nothing at all? Would it work itself up over nothing at all? Sunstar's monster had been a quieter thing – or maybe it was the flames that had hid the snarling then. It doesn't matter, because she's worrying, and she's moving, and she finds the sky with a suddenness that she thinks only a tunneler could ever have. Stagnant air becomes wind whipping her fur. Whoever it is — whatever it was wouldn't know where they came from. They'd see cats in the distance, outlined by a dawning sun. Or maybe... maybe she wouldn't see anything at all.

" Orangestar? " shock pitches her voice high. She's in the jaws of a monster. It hadn't stopped its barking, at all. It was only muffled by her neck, or maybe her blood, seeping red onto the moor and in her mouth. Pinkshine's stomach lurches. Did moor monsters seek out cats with stars in their name? Her footsteps threaten to slow, but she couldn't stand to see it again. Was this one of those times? One of those times that Scorchstreak would tell her it's smarter to run away? She... isn't sure. Doesn't think so. Orangestar is all alone, but she doesn't have to be. Small sets of paws thrum the moors, Pinkshine wails to her clanmates, " Help her! " all before charging for them both. She tries to reach back – tries to remember... A lesson with Scorchstreak comes to mind. Weak points. Fight smart. Praying to StarClan that the paws with her are her clanmates and not something worse, as furious of a yowl that she could muster accompanies the slashes she lays to the mutt's legs. One life was all it would get from Orangestar, she promises.
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𓆧 In the darkness, Cricketcry's fur stands on end and his heartbeat speeds up. A hound's bark, the ensuing frenzied growls muffled by the earth surrounding himself and his counterparts. The tunnelers are urged forward, towards the mouth of this tunnel, the nearest exit possible. They're spit onto the moor and Cricketcry emits a shallow, broken growl as Pinkshine darts away, straight into the midst of trouble. The tom knows what must be done, he snaps over his shoulder urgently, "H-Honeysucklepaw, s-stay low. Stay here and if I tell you to run, you run into these tunnels. Take the first right, I'll find you." His stutter is nonexistent as he speaks rapidly, the concern he has for his apprentice heavy in his words.

The compact tom rips away after Pinkshine. No matter what, these tunnels will protect the Windclanners from the hound-- it's large and formidable, but this will be it's downfall. It wouldn't be able to follow them into the depths of tunnels, where they've been dug out just enough for the slight of size tunnelers. Cricketcry doubts they'll be able to kill the hound, but maim... irritate it enough that the cats are no longer seen as entertainment to be thrown about? He knows they can do that.

He pauses halfway down the slight incline that leads to Orangestar, eyes darting rapidly to survey the area: burrows, converted to entrances to the tunnels, four he can be sure connects to the sprawling system... but two he's not seen in use since before the fire. Do they dead end, long been caved in by the disuse and lack of upkeep? He nods as he pinpoints the closest burrow to the hound and then streaks down towards the macabre.

Pinkshine's young, inexperienced. Some could argue the same for Cricketcry, too, but he has moons on him in comparison to Pinkshine. He won't stand for them to be threatened by the jaws of danger. Adrenaline pumps through himself as he yowls, "Over here! C'mon!" He weaves back and forth, attempting to draw the hound's attention. A limp body is dropped by the beast-- Orangestar-- as its attention is drawn to himself. "T-that's right! This way now... Someone get her into safety!"

A streak of white and brown, Cricketcry whips around to sprint to the nearest shelter. His hindleg slows him down. The hound is in peak condition and in a frenzy from the blood, gaining quickly on the small cat. Cricketcry grimaces, ears flatten against his skull and he pushes forward. Pain, warmness from hot breath and blood alike, his rear has been grazed by the hound's canines as it attempts to snap hold of the tom. It happens just as Cricketcry's forepaws touch inside the the tunnels. Safety... He hurtles himself into the tunnel, the sound of furious barks piercing his ears and reverberating in the tunnels. He's safe, for now. Whiskers twitch as he hurriedly rounds a corner of a tunnel, slowing as he approaches another exit. He pokes his head out, glancing about wildly. The hound is still preoccupied at the entrance Cricketcry had taken, pawing in a fury and drawn to Cricketcry's spilled blood that he had tasted moments ago.


  • OOC— tl;dr Cricketcry has led the hound away from Orangestar with the intention that she can be dragged away to safety (the tunnels) while incapacitated. In the process, he's sustained a shallow wound on his rear. The hound won't be distracted for long! apprentice tag: @honeysucklepaw
  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan 𓆧
    𓆧 he/him/ 28 ☾
    𓆧 petite, reclusive, & wistful
    𓆧 has a slight limp
    𓆧 lh chocolate tabby/fawn chimera
Cricketcry practically turns into a ball of spikes all the sudden and Pinkshine's normally sunshine voice screeches with the strain of worry. She says a name Honeysucklepaw doesn't recognize- another leader that she ought not to care about- and urges the rest of the group of tunnelling cats to help. Her deep-seated desire for purpose invigorates her paws, only to be stopped by the bullet-speed demands of her mentor to stay low. To stay out of the way. Her brows furrow in frustration, hardly picking up on all the letters he'd flooded out of his mouth before he's already racing towards the moonlight to pursue the younger warrior.

"I'm not a baby," she sulks to the ghost of where her mentor had just been, thistle-tail lashing furiously as she turns to glance towards those who remain left behind with her so far. What a bunch of fox dung... What was even the point of leaving camp if she was never allowed to actually do any of the exciting stuff?

Mossy eyes glower towards the entrance of the tunnel for a few moments, ears sat forward to listen to the chaos ensuing outside- "Someone get her into safety!" Well.... that sounded like something she could do actually. Poking her head out into the moors with a quick swivel of her ears to listen for other less obvious threats, she stares at the roseate stained figure on the ground. Oh... it's because she's literally orange, she thinks to herself, tracing the splotches of tangerine fur with an amused twitch of her whiskers.

What a dumb name...

She blinks, gaze flitting towards Pinkshine who swats at the dog's legs while her mentor shrieks for its attention. This would be plenty distraction enough- "C'mon, c'mon," she chirps impatiently at those lingering in the tunnels before skittering across the grassy knoll with her body as low to the ground as possible. How's this for staying low? A petty argument to be made given the amount of danger they were slithering into.

She peers around the still-formed leader with an annoyed frown, wondering how long she's meant to wait for the sap-stink molly to wake up. It wasn't like Honeysucklepaw was as long-legged as her brother, couldn't easily lift her off the ground when the SkyClanners own legs reached further than hers did at full height. Augh... "Can your huge butt even fit in the tunnels," she asks in a low grumble, grabbing at her scruff and pulling (pathetically, unhelpfully) to try and drag her back towards one of the reformed burrows that would protect them from snapping jaws.

She would need some help to lug this giant fuzz ball anywhere...

  • 'cherry-kissed iron, a field of petaled battle'
    - ward of cricketcry of wind-swept moors
    - she/her
    - orphan daughter to mintshade and gracklestep

    a solid pitch she-cat with fern-green eyes
The tunnelers burst onto the scene, as one when they spring for the tunnels, but fanning out as they look to somehow get rid of this thing. Distantly, she can hear Cricketcry give a sharp order to his apprentice. Pinkshine doesn't really hear what, too focused on digging needles into the brute's legs. Jaws too full of Orangestar's fur ( She's sorry, so sorry ) she can afford to snap her jaws without toothy retaliation for a little bit, at least. But it isn't long before Orangestar's body is dropped as if she's limp prey — to this thing, hulking and horrifying, she was.

Pinkshine backs off, scrabbling backward with calico fur puffed to nearly twice her size. Cricketcry joins her, but his strategy is different, one to do with garnering attention rather than inflicting wounds. Pinkshine is but a whisker away from being in the dog's path to him. The warrior takes off with a speed that she's sure only WindClan warrior could possibly muster, and Pinkshine looks after the two with jaws agape. Unthinkingly, she cries out with a ragged scrap of his name, " Cricketcry! " Thank you, she wants to say. And then after that, Please stay alive. Bristling, she turns back to Orangestar, scrambling toward her and the slinking form of Honeysucklepaw both.

The apprentices jaw is locked around the Leader's scruff. It seemed impossible... Pinkshine's seen much larger cats at the gathering, of course, but Orangestar was still bigger than every one of them. Despairingly, a blue - ringed gaze glances around. What had Cricketcry told her? What was the plan? Honeysucklepaw can't move her on her own... and where was she gonna move her to? Pinkshine's eyes flit across the scene, it wasn't... " The tunnels? " She questions. She lays eyes on where they had come from, an opening covered by heather and leaves that Orangestar wouldn't find otherwise.

Pinkshine shakes her head vigorously. " She's not gonna fit! " she mews, wearing something between a smile and a frown. " And... and what if she woke up? " She definitely would, with how long something like that would take... Eyes round with worry, she casts a glance back to where the dog could be heard, desperately trying to snap its way to Cricketcry. Again, she shakes her head, willing away the whimper welling in her throat " We gotta — We gotta get her to camp. Maybe we can l-lose it in the heather, " she breathes. " O-on our backs, okay? She's gotta wake up soon... "

It's awful, the way Orangestar doesn't budge when Pinkshine tries to wedge her way beneath her body. With huffing effort, she could be settled atop her and Honeysucklepaw's shoulders. And she's still heavy, too.
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