MY FLOWERED NEST \ realisation

Berryheart advanced shakily from his den this morning, squinting at the harshness of the daylight. That morning, as ever, he had taken both hawkweed and chickweed, suspecting his illness to pass by quickly. Whether it was whitecough or something else, he doubted catmint was the only cure- and either way, it was benign so long as he was sure not to spread it. And during the yellowcough plague, he'd enough practice in that. Symptoms had been eased, and day by day they continued to be there but ignorable- dull headache, no appetite, a mere croak in his throat. Nothing that would not disappear, even without the best cure. He was versed enough, by now.

The difficulty breathing, that was regular. In the cold months, the shortness of breath he suffered with was incessant, all-encompassing. Thus, he should have known. Should have been more careful.

Today, his breaths rattled. An ugly sound that Berryheart heard the moment he gulped his first mouthful of fresh air- like dusk falling, his face darkened. Tightness, weariness, overtook bespeckled features. On cue, as if his own body- his own illness- was jeering at him, a gravelly fit of coughs burst from Berryheart's chest the moment he began to back away from the bustle of camp. He angled his head away from the onlookers, into the leaf-dressed wall of his den.

Dull eyes newly set with worry swept over the camp- he searched for his apprentice, and beckoned the large tom closer.

"Keep your distance," he murmured, voice a whispery, razed thing- it wasn't just to Snowy, but to anyone who might have wandered close. Green eyes wobbled from their usual stoicism. "I- I have greencough." He swallowed, falling onto his haunches. Rattling, rattling breaths. How hadn't he noticed it earlier? "Please, could you... go to SkyClan, and ask them for catmint?"

\ speaking to @HAILSTORM. but no need to wait!!!

The clump of wet moss was unpleasant to hold to say the least, it only made the feeling of the biting chill in the air all the worse against his lips and chin. But it wouldn't deter him from his duty of bringing water to those in the medicine den. For their sake he could endure a little discomfort.

To help keep his mind somewhat distracted he hummed softly to himself, a nonsensical tune that he was making up as he went, but a noise reached his ears and brought about an interruption to his tune. The tom of near-golden fur slowed to a pause as his ears pricked up high in order to tune in on the rattling breaths hailing from nearby. Shiningsun's gaze soon fell upon that of Berryheart and instinct urged him to rush to the medicine cat in order to help him, but logic prompted him to hold his ground and to step no closer.

I have greencough.

The words filled him with dread and cast a new chill through his form. In an instant he backed up further as to ensure a safe distance from Berryheart before he looked to Hailstorm for guidance in the face of the dire situation they found themselves in. Greencough was the last thing they needed spreading through the clan, but to also have their medicine cat fall victim to it? StarClan was truly testing them now.

leafbare is a dangerous season, everyone living in the forests is fully aware of that. but when you’ve only lived outdoors for barley one, the smallest of dangers are still a shock. nothing can be prepared for, everything’s erratic, and nowhere is safe. the molly learned to keep her guard up, and not be so surprised when things go poorly.

she was stationed nearby, not really doing much to occupy herself. leafhusk had done most of her work for the day, and decided to warm up in camp for a few moments. the burst of coughs sounded like a warning bell, ringing around camp in sync with berryheart. quickly, her ears swivel, and then her body to carefully make her way over, keeping the safe distance as instructed. there’s no reason to hide from the medic in fear, not when the yellowcough wasn’t that long ago.

leafhusk gives a curious glance to shiningsun, then to hailstorm, in silent approval that she's ready if necessary.

  • 75896240_sXQF5rAp9VAFrtV.png
    base: StarlingaleBases​
  • LEAFHUSK 」warrior of thunderclan・36 ・she/her
    lh molly fawn point sepia w/ green eyes. lanky & agile frame. soft & neatly groomed fur.
    ‣ backwritten ex-kittypet, joined during emberstar's reign. detailed info
    ‣ loyal to thunderclan・mentor to no one
    ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    permission to powerplay:
    - peaceful actions: healing, touching etc​
    - harmful actions: shoving, minor scrapes etc​

    all opinions ic
    ——— written by maxine
  • ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    easy difficulty・leafhusk skills are mainly in stealth & tracking she backs away if she knows an opponent will overpower her
    will start verbal fights・won't end fights・refuses to kill


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The large tom had been within camp when Berryheart had beckoned for him, he had not dared to stray far from the dappled tom having seen how his condition had worsened and the sound of rattling coughs makes his heart tighten within his chest wondering how much worse his mentor would get. His friend tells him to keep his distance of which he heeds his warning as he keeps back not drawing closer to the crooked jawed tom, his ears lay flat against his helm when Berry tells him that he has greencough and he feels his heart drop. A part of him feels at fault for the younger tom's worsened condition and when his teacher croaks if he could go to Skyclan to ask for catmint, Hailstorm immediately rises from where he sits "I will," He answers dutifully trying not to let his fear of losing someone else dig into the tone of his voice "Please lay down and rest... I will go now, I won't wait a moment longer." A promise to Berryheart before he turns away casting a concerned glance to his mentor then noticed Shiningsun and Leafhusk had been the closest to hear the news, he swallows feeling his mouth and throat go dry but he couldn't... He wouldn't fail his friend or the clan especially not his kin, they had lost enough.

The way the pair stare at him for guidance or the next course of action almost takes the breath out of him, it's overwhelming in a way but he feels that they are ready to lend a paw and assist on his mission. With a curt nod of his helm, Hailstorm clears his throat not wanting his own voice to break from the emotions he currently felt to slip into his words "Shiningsun and Leafhusk, accompany me to Skyclan. Please." He would not demand them to join him if they wished not to but after what had happened to Wolfwind and Oakfang with the fox and owl, he cannot risk any delays or suffering any injuries himself. His gaze shifts to @honeydapple and he adds on "Please make sure that he rests." A quiet mumble, he doesn't even want to risk seeing any of Berryheart's kin... He would not be able to meet their gaze and he motions for both warriors to follow him. He would not wait for anyone. He needed to get to Skyclan and back as soon as possible. Hailstorm heads for the entrance of camp with a final glance to the medicine den. Stay strong, Berryheart. He thinks.

/ out unless stopped! :] asked for both Shiningsun & Leafhusk to join him

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Last edited:
The familiar weight of moss clutched in her jaws, Honeydapple's eyes roamed across the gathering of Leafhusk, Shiningpaw, and Hailstorm. A scraggly mew from Berryheart caught her attention, causing her to almost drop the bundle. Dread washed over her speckled features as she realized the Medicine Cat was unwell. A pang of guilt gripped her for not noticing their coughs and hacks earlier. Now, with Berryheart ill and requesting herbs, the weight of the sickness fell upon them all. Peering to her massive confidant the molly's ears straightened as he addressed them in a gentle murmur. Honeydapple's eyes softened in understanding as she nodded in Hailstorm's direction. What she wished to say was - No worries I've got him. The pointed feline had dealt with plenty of whiny kittens and moody queens a sickly Berryheart would be no different.

Padding past the trio she steps closer to Berryheart. Staying mindful of his warning and still holding a few paw steps of distance between them. Laying the mound of moss to the earth she clears her throat and blinks kindly. "Here. I was on my way to clean up my old nest but I bet you'll fare better with a fresh one." A smile danced across her maw in hopes to lighten the otherwise nerve-wracking mood. It was never good to have illness in camp much less when the cats they relied on had fallen sickly. She would assure her clanmate would be rested and off to bed before Hailstorm even thought on returning to camp. Her tufted head bounced as she peered back to the others quickly calling after them. "Be safe out there!" Foxes, rogues, and the likes were out and about but she had no doubt that they could hold their own. Still her heart skipped with worry as Hailstorm's shaggy frame walked away.
as leafhusk watches the clan medics converse, she can’t help but anxiously wonder how long berryheart’s been sick. this kind of sickness is contagious, isn’t it not? everyone nearby had been instructed to step back, along with the constant raspy coughs. from where she’s standing, the tom’s condition is more clear to her. momentarily, her nose scrunches up; then she forces her expression to neutralize. the molly was here to help, not scoff. everyone had their duty in the clan right now.

her body straightened upon being addressed. visiting skyclan seemed simple enough. hopefully, they’d be in and out, their medics would have to understand the pressing matters. she knows no one will want to linger outside for too long, also. perhaps the cold will have a positive impact in skyclan’s decision making. leafhusk bowed her head in response, mumbling out a of course, to show she paid attention. her tail waved in gratitude at honeydapple’s encouragement, and she quickly followed after the duo.

  • out<3

  • base: StarlingaleBases​
  • LEAFHUSK 」warrior of thunderclan・36 ・she/her
    lh molly fawn point sepia w/ green eyes. lanky & agile frame. soft & neatly groomed fur.
    ‣ backwritten ex-kittypet, joined during emberstar's reign. detailed info
    ‣ loyal to thunderclan・mentor to no one
    ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    permission to powerplay:
    - peaceful actions: healing, touching etc​
    - harmful actions: shoving, minor scrapes etc​

    all opinions ic
    ——— written by maxine
  • ‣ please attack in underline and tag
    easy difficulty・leafhusk skills are mainly in stealth & tracking she backs away if she knows an opponent will overpower her
    will start verbal fights・won't end fights・refuses to kill