my friend, my enemy ☣︎ yewberry

Now what was he doing here? Looking for some sign of his little family perhaps? Mintshade did not react immediately to the lilac figure at the border, crouching down to observe quietly and consider her options. He did seem to be seeking something out, but he would certainly be out of luck if he thought any of those kits wanted anything to do with him. Morningsong, Larkfeather and more importantly Sparkspirit were all becoming welladjusted warriors of WindClan and they didn't need this pathetic rat of a tom continuing to reach out to them and tarnish their reputations. She wondered if he had anything to do with Galeforce's little attack plan that ended in Vulturemask dead and Sunstride injured. The dark molly didn't much care for Vulturemask, didn't much care for medicine cats at all though frankly Wolfsong was a much more tolerable replacement than that lazy good-for-nothing ball of misery. Her anger, fur bristling as she quelled it with an inhale of breath, was more for them raising claw to the dappled tom. Sunstride was far from the most annoying cat, certainly a personal favorite and she took immediate offense to what happened to him.
She could get answers, if she played her cards right, so she rose to stand with a bright grin after creeping close enough; making it clear she could've attacked if she wanted but chose not to, "You'll get caught lingerin' so close you know! Border patrol will be coming along shortly!"
She sat then, taking a moment to casually clean her paw despite not being the sort to groom often; it was meant to make her look less intimidating given she could easily crush him on size alone. Tiny little worm that he was. "Yewberry, right? Got run off with Galeforce-that was so long ago I almost forgot about it. What brings you here now?"
A lie, she knew exactly who he was and who he aligned himself with but her voice was a cool and amused purr of a sound and gave nothing else away. If she wanted him dead, it would've been as easy as one pounce and a little pressure to that scrawny neck.
Now here's a sight... A lull in the patrols that often roamed the border. Malicious and bitter thoughts raced his mind. He could sneak in. He could grip someone's throat in his jaws and spill the blood of these wretched vile parasites that latched onto the moor like leeches. He could cave in tunnels. He could-

He's become so hateful. He's almost ashamed of himself. He wasn't here to murder, even though he'd like to. He'd remember this hour. Keep note of it... So when he IS here to murder, he knows when to do it. He's about to leave when a figure approaches him.

Mintshade, he recognizes. Sootstar's sister.

He bristles immediately and unsheathes his claws. He narrows his eyes at her.

"How kind of you to warn me." He says warily.

She wasn't attacking him on sight, which made him even more suspicious. What did she want? He finds it hard to believe she didn't remember the day he and Galeforce were run out. It was a night burned into his memory for eternity, and probably a few others as well.

"Yes, Yewberry." He confirms. There was no use lying, he was pretty recognizable. "And wouldn't you like to know?" He continued. "Maybe I'm checking to see if the stars above have tired of you all finally and decided to cast you into burning darkness." He says.

He watches her. She makes no move to attack him... He finds it strange. His curiosity has been piqued. Sunset amber eyes that used to be soft and kind now blazed like an all consuming fire, but the fire waits to see what Mintshade has to say.​

Real fiesty little furball wasn't he? She was at least twice as tall as him and built more formidably and he still had the audacity to unsheath his claws and get all uppity with her. Quite rude actually, if you ask her. A lesson in politeness went a long way.
"Easy killer. If I wanted you dead right now, you'd not have gotten a friendly greeting." He'd have gotten stuck with claws before he could react, battered into the ground viciously until there was nothing of him left to resist the teeth that would go for his throat. But Mintshade didn't want him dead right now, he was much more valuable alive for the time being.

"Ooh, real dramatic. Naw, no burning darkness right now. Things've been pretty calm lately, you know." She raised a paw to her face, one claw unsheathed to scratch at her cheek lazily. "So tell me, did you have any part in that little mishap that befell our medicine cat? Do be honest, I didn't even like the guy so you did me a real favor." Not entirely untrue, she couldn't stand Vulturemask and would not mourn him even slightly, but it was just real lucky they had a backup one of those healer types ready to go and a cat she could faintly tolerate as well too. "I'm asking cause I want IN on this if you know what I mean."
Even with bristling fur, he wasn't much bigger. Yewberry lacked an intimidating figure and his face never could seem to make it work. Even when genuine anger flowed through his veins, his expression could never truly show just how angry he was. He cursed it often.

His fur lies slightly flatter as she explains herself. He figures she speaks true, because she's right. She COULD have killed him. She could kill him right now. And she isn't. Instead, she is talking to him. He still finds it suspicious.

But she's right about one thing, he is dramatic. "I suppose I am a little dramatic." He admits in an almost mumble. It's what got him here, after all. If he had just kept his mouth SHUT his family wouldn't hate him.

"About what happened to Vulturemask..? No." He answers. He looks solemn for a moment. "I had nothing to do with that. I was elsewhere at the time." He says truthfully. "At least he can see Rosepaw again now....I know the two of them were close. I hope he finds peace in Starclan." He continues sincerely.

Vulturemask deserved better. Yewberry didn't know the extent of what he went through, but he had been around long enough to know this as the truth. It's what Mintshade says next however, that takes him by complete surprise.

"You..." He looks at her in confusion. "You want to help Gale?"

He certainly wasn't expecting to hear any of that.​

The black she-cat chuckled, stretched in place and waved a paw, "Well, I guess I believe you." He didn't know about Vulturemask then he wasn't kept in the know of whatever nonsense that Gale fella was up to and that suited her fine. Yewberry offers a prayer of sorts and she nearly snorts dismissively to the sincerity of it but holds her scoffing inward; Mintshade felt a loner had no right speaking of StarClan but she kept such judgemental opinions to herself. No need to scare off her new friend.

"Naw, I want to help myself. I'm sort of selfish like that. Tell you what, this spot? I'll check in here periodically so we can talk again but for now you ought to take off before that patrol gets here. Toodles~"

With a flick of her tail she turned to saunter off without another word, whether he showed up or not she didn't care but if he did she'd start setting things in motion to get as much entertainment out of this as possible.