border MY FRIEND THE CAPTAIN, WE CALL HIM MORGAN [ ✦ ] thunder dawn patrol

RiverClan is not a clan that he particularly loathes, but nor does he particularly like them either. He had been a young apprentice when the battle over sunningrocks was fought, and to this day he has not forgotten the way they had refused to help when dogs had invaded their territory and then they had the audacity to try to lay claim to a piece of the territory they had refused to defend. Oh well, it was theirs now and the cats across the way didn't seem like they were at all eager to get it back anytime soon. Just as well, it should have been Thunders to start with. This is where he takes his patrol today. Maybe they would find some mice or voles here while they marked the border. It certainly wouldn't hurt to bring home some fresh-kill, especially now that Roeflame was eating for stars knew how many. And, he supposes with a begrudging look in the frost-colored toms direction, Gentlestorm could probably find some herbs here too, away from where the deer had already begun stripping the forest.

"Badgerpaw" he says turning to his apprentice "Can you tell me which battle move is better to use against an enemy RiverClan patrol? The Lightning Strike or Forest Attack?" he is careful not to mention specifics about these techniques, this close to the border, you never knew who could be listening. As he waits for his apprentice to answer, he nods his head for the rest of the patrol to go and start marking their territory before his attention swivels to Gentlestorm. Stars he would never get used to that name. "Gentlestorm. What herbs should we be on the lookout for here?" medicine was not his forte, after all. He could look at an actual herb and a weed and never know the difference.

// @GENTLESTORM @Hickoryskip @Mothfur @badgerpaw

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
  • Love
Reactions: ixora
ThunderClan,” Iciclefang murmurs quietly into Cicadapaw’s sizeable ear. The small patrol has splintered at the water’s edge, each of them doing their best to secure a bit of fresh-kill for the Clan. A scent laden with the musty, oak-heavy musk of forest undergrowth wrests in her nostrils and bathes her tongue; she scans the shoreline for a silvery-gray pelt, but sees nothing worth investigating. ThunderClan’s bulky, black-pelted lead warrior Burnstorm speaks quietly to a streaked apprentice; otherwise, Iciclefang turns back to her own protégé with a dismissive glance.

She flexes her claws, remembering a day long ago when blood had been spilled over the rocks she now frequents to dally with her mate. Burnstorm had been her opponent then—they’d both been apprentices, teeth bared and out for blood. She wonders idly if he remembers scoring his claws against tortoiseshell fur. What a stroke of fortune that they both served on their respective leaders’ councils now.

What do you scent, besides ThunderClan?” She turns to Cicadapaw, her blue eyes narrowing against the slant of the rising sun.

  • ooc: apprentice tag @CICADAPAW
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

ꕀꕀ Disinterest flickers in yellow eyes as they settle upon the other clan’s patrol. He harbors no ill will toward ThunderClan, only the same disdain with which he looks at all the other clans of the forest. ThunderClan’s crimes had been committed nearly a year ago now, long before he was born, and so Sandpaw’s distaste for them surely does not ring as strongly as Iciclefang’s or Smokestar’s. Still, he holds each of the other clans at a sturdy tail’s length—any one of them could be an enemy just as easily as they could be an ally, and he has never been one to place his trust blindly. As the calico lead warrior speaks to her loathsome apprentice, Sandpaw focuses his attention back on his fishing. Still, he can’t help but glance up at the patrol opposite the water every so often, inquisitive despite the dislike that he feels toward them. The Gentlestorm that the black-furred warrior speaks to must be their healer, and the apprentice’s gaze shifts to him. He’s huge and fluffy, and looks nothing like a medicine cat. How does he even know what a herb is?

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Border patrols were always amongst some of the most mundane tasks Badgerpaw could undertake. As outgoing as she was, of course she was one to try to strike up conversation with neighboring clans, though it always seemed her interest was not shared.

Burnstorm's question brings about a click of the tongue from the young molly, who tilts her head as if thinking long and hard. With the trees thinning along the riverbank, there wasn't really much forest to utilize for a Forest Attack. Ambush could be easy from Sunningrocks, though, using the stones to hide behind or gain a higher ground. "Lightning Strike?" she suggested, meeting her mentor's gaze hopefully, searching for any kind of approval. Battle was never her strong suit, and common sense much less: but she'd give herself any shot to impress her mentor.

While they wait for Gentlestorm's answer, the tortoiseshell's green gaze travels to the opposite side of the river. Another patrol nearby - she spots a warrior and apprentice marking their own border, and another cat on his lonesome fishing from the river. She watches the sandy-furred apprentice for a while through a curious lens. "I wonder what fish tastes like," she muses, to nobody in particular. As Sandpaw's gaze finally raises to look pointedly towards Gentlestorm, Badgerpaw takes the opportunity to wave her tail in greeting.

  • BADGERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 11 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    daughter of n/a // apprentice of burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Perched beside her apprentice at the rivers bank, the sudden noise that echos from across the river causes the silvered tabby’s focus to shatter, sapphire optics flickering upwards to glance at their neighbors.
Thunderclan. Iciclefang greets from somewhere nearby, and Lakemoon feels her ear flick.
While Iciclefang begins to speak to Cicadapaw, Lakemoon would turn to her own apprentice.
"The one at the head of this patrol is one of Thunderclan’s lead warriors, Burnstorm. You recognize that grey cat next to him from the gatherings? Thats their medicine cat apprentice." Though, last time she had seen the snowy tom, his name had been Hailstorm.
Where was Berryheart?
Cautiously, she eyes both her estranged kin and the medicine cat apprentice. Wouldn’t the brindled healer usually be accompanying them as well?
The blue tabby has half a mind to ask, though ultimately decides to hold her tongue, for now.




♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothfur walks behind the patrol, enjoying the unfamiliar land around him. Even though the tom has patrolled here before, it's rare. He remains lost in thought but stops for a brief moment when he smells that Riverclanners stood near, behind their border of course. The tom could only hope that things will remain civil as he catches up to the patrol that he lurks so far behind.

The tortoiseshell tom caught up to Gentlestorm, walking on the side of the older tom where their borders meet. He has heard about the clan's history with Riverclan from the elders, but remains unattached since he played no part of it. Still, he keeps his guard up.

It’s always nice, being up in the early morning. Even if all the clans have cats that go out on a patrol at this time of day, it still tended to feel peaceful in a way you can’t find at any other time. Despite RiverClan being one of their natural adversaries, Hickoryskip didn’t really mind them, for the most part. It’s not like they’ve come to try and take Sunningrocks lately either.

She mostly just watches as their shared boarder brings cats from the other side, and apprentices are tutored. Her tail raises in greeting briefly, smiling ear to ear in an attempt to be as polite as possible. “Hey there, RiverClan! Gentlestorm is his new name, he got it after… well… he’s our only medicine cat now.” Hickoryskip gives a sad smile, hoping she doesn’t have to elaborate. It’s not her story to tell.​
LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
There’s a pause between the two groups, and Lakemoon has decided that her presence has reached its expiration. Her apprentice has been educated, greetings exchanged… the silver tabby is content with leaving, now.
Gentlestorm is his new name, he got it after… well… he’s our only medicine cat.
Ice pools under sharp cheekbones, Lakemoons attention once again snagged with a frosted "Excuse me?"
Her lowly-spoken tone does not betray much, but azure optics are sharp as blades when they turn expectantly to Burnstorm, an estranged cousin who she had barely ever spoken to, yet he is the only one present that shares her bloodline- that could possibly understand her bewildered double-take.
Those who knew Lakemoon did not know her as a gossip, her expectant expression an anomaly.
"…What has happened?" She hums, icy tone concealing any worry for her brindled uncle.
