my heart is full of swords [hums]

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    QUEENIE HUMMINGBIRDHEART ; wishes she could change her name
    A persistently loyal follower of Sootstar, Hummingbirdheart doomed herself when she attacked Rivepaw as the rebels were being chased from WindClan’s territory. Wolfsong tore into her eyes before crushing her throat, ending her life without fanfare. Her body lies buried in WindClan’s graveyard, but her spirit resides in the Dark Forest.
    ⤷ named for her constant noisemaking and dedication
    — female; she/her; afab
    — dark forest resident; former tunneler of windclan
    — 19 moons; ages every 1st
    ⤷ killed by wolfsong on 12.6.23 at 17 moons
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST
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    longhaired cinnamon classic tabby with low white / carrying dilute


    Hummingbirdheart’s vanity was her most central trait in life, so after death it is no surprise that she’s become something twisted and monstrous. Her frame stands spindly and too-thin, long legs spidery underneath her body and sharp claws ever-extended. Her posture is hunched, as though her body cannot quite move as she commands it to any longer. Her once-pristine cinnamon tabby pelt is a mess of blood-spiked fur, and her silken mane of fur is stained nearly fully crimson from wounds that never cease their bleeding. Her beautiful face, once the center point of her pride, lies in ruin. She appears to have only a bloodied mess where amber eyes once would have laid, with deep, still-oozing wounds branded across the sockets. Her throat lies splayed open, the head nearly severed from her body. She has limited vocal capabilities due to her ever-unhealed injuries, but when she manages to make noise it only comes out as a horrible gurgling or croaking sound. Pitch-black smoke trails from her eyes and her throat, billowing behind her like a dreadful banner.
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    Far more volatile than she was in life, Hummingbirdheart haunts the Place of No Stars with a constant stream of gurgling cries. In life, her vanity was he most central trait. In death, her natural beauty has been robbed from her. She is spontaneous and unpredictable, having obviously become more violent after being killed.

    Lawful Evil. Light Cleric. Cannot speak, but attempts to anyway with gurgled cries and a croaking voice. Often bursts into bitter, mad laughter. Has a near-perfect memory.
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    NPC xx NPC | sibling to none
    Mate to none | Parent to none
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Wolfsong, Sunstar, Rivepaw

    loves women, attempts to flirt despite her horrifying appearance
    SMELLS LIKE: blood and necrosis
    speech is #916769
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  • GENERALyou with the dark curls, you with the watercolored eyes

    ↳ named in hopes that she will become graceful as she ages (and coincidentally, her name aligns with her tendency to hum to herself)​
    female, she/her, afab
    ↳ lesbian, difficult to catch her eye​
    5 months, ages on the 1st
    tunneler apprentice of windclan
    penned by @foxlore
  • APPEARANCEyou who bears all your teeth in every smile
    spindly cinnamon tabby with low white
    ↳ with thin, spidery legs and a tiny, slender frame, hummingbird is a near-perfect candidate for tunneling. her pelt is mostly short and silky, but her ruff and tail are much more pronounced. she is a creature of good looks, and she is aware of this fact—vanity has been her shield against much of the conflict that she has faced within the clan. her pelt is striped with warm cinnamon and amber, touched on the underside by powdery white.​
    lh cinnamon classic tabby with low white / carrying dilute
    smells like
    sounds like
    physical illnesses / scars
  • PERSONALITYi can always hear you sing, i wanna hear you speak to me
    POSITIVE TRAITS: dedicated, patient, unflappable
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: loud, impulsive, energetic
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: blunt, hardheaded, rude
    ↳ labeled a feral individual as a kit, hummingbirdpaw has only mellowed out slightly over the course of her apprenticeship. she is still prone to hitting and swiping with needle-sharp teeth and claws, and does not understand the need to keep any opinions to herself. her bluntness may be seen as a weapon to some, cold hard honesty aimed at the weak spots of others, but it is simply a byproduct of a child who has never once in her life been told to shut up. she is loud and oftentimes ill-mannered, traits that her mentor has tried time and again to train out of her, but she does show temperance when surrounded on all sides by dirt. while in the tunnels she is poised and silent, communicating through soft hums and other such noises. she exhibits patience in excess, willing to lend an ear to another for as long as it takes. she does not take scolding well, and is prone to bouts of stubbornness that consist of a clenched jaw and a refusal to speak to certain clanmates. when under pressure, she is able to remain calm and treat situations with all the seriousness that they require.​
    never stops talking when aboveground, almost never talks when underground. shows a wildly different personality when in the tunnels vs when not in the tunnels. tries to relate others’ problems to problems that she has faced in the past. prefers not to form plans beforehand, think it’s better to come up with plans on the spot. is easy to make laugh. has a near-perfect memory. hums frequently, jokes that her name suits her perfectly. doesn’t know when to back down or quit.
    ↳ lawful neutral
    ↳ light cleric​
  • RELATIONSHIPSwhile a stranger braids my hair back out on the street
    NPC xx NPC[/ABBR]
    ↳ npc siblings​
    ↳ no offspring​
    mentored by npc
    ↳ currently mentoring none
    ↳ mentored none​
  • INTERACTIONand in your dreams we are shooting at snakes
    mediocre fighter, moves quickly and erratically. doesn’t hit hard, but hits fast and aims for vital areas. fights dirty, will use the environment to her advantage. not good at swimming, but can instinctually swim well enough not to drown. good at climbing, but doesn’t get many chances to climb on the moor.
    will start fights | will not show mercy | will not flee even if overpowered or outnumbered
    STRENGTH: ●●○○○○○○○○
    STAMINA: ●●●●●○○○○○
    AGILITY: ●●●●●●●●○○
    HUNTING: ●●●●●●●○○○
    SWIMMING: ●●○○○○○○○○
    CLIMBING: ●●●●●○○○○○
    CONSTITUTION: ●●●●●●○○○○​
    easy to talk to, will talk an clanmate’s ear off. talks loudly and cannot keep a secret. is a known gossip.
    quick to trust, slow to forgive, has difficulty making friends
    INTELLIGENCE: ●●●●●●○○○○
    CONFIDENCE: ●●●●●●●●○○
    CHARISMA: ●●●●○○○○○○
    CREATIVITY: ●●●○○○○○○○
    WISDOM: ●●●●●●●●○○
    HUMOR: ●●●●●●●○○○​

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    ↳ named for her constant noisemaking and dedication to her clan
    — female, she/her; afab
    — dark forest resident / former tunneler of windclan
    — 19 moons / ages every 1st / died 12.6.23 at 17 moons
    ↳ penned by @foxlore ; PINTEREST


    Hummingbirdheart’s vanity was her most central trait in life, so after death it is no surprise that she’s become something twisted and monstrous. Her frame stands spindly and too-thin, long legs spidery underneath her body and sharp claws ever-extended. Her posture is hunched, as though her body cannot quite move as she commands it to any longer. Her once-pristine cinnamon tabby pelt is a mess of blood-spiked fur, and her silken mane of fur is stained nearly fully crimson from wounds that never cease their bleeding. Her beautiful face, once the center point of her pride, lies in ruin. She appears to have only a bloodied mess where amber eyes once would have laid, with deep, still-oozing wounds branded across the sockets. Her throat lies splayed open, the head nearly severed from her body. She has limited vocal capabilities due to her ever-unhealed injuries, but when she manages to make noise it only comes out as a horrible gurgling or croaking sound. Pitch-black smoke trails from her eyes and her throat, billowing behind her like a dreadful banner.
    ↳ lh cinnamon classic tabby with low white / carrying dilute
  • intelligence ●●●●●●○○○○
    confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    charisma ●●●●○○○○○○
    creativity ●●●○○○○○○○
    wisdom ●●●●●●●●○○
    humor ●●●●●●●○○○

    (+) dedicated, patient, unflappable (/) loud, impulsive, energetic (-) blunt, hardheaded, rude, vain
    labeled a feral individual as an apprentice, hummingbirdheart has only mellowed out slightly in her warriorhood. she is still prone to hitting and swiping with teeth and claws, and does not understand the need to keep any opinions to herself. her bluntness may be seen as a weapon to some, cold hard honesty aimed at the weak spots of others, but it is simply a byproduct of a child who has never once in her life been told to shut up. she is loud and oftentimes ill-mannered, traits that her mentor tried time and again to train out of her, but she does show temperance when surrounded on all sides by dirt. while in the tunnels she is poised and silent, communicating through soft hums and other such noises. she exhibits patience in excess, willing to lend an ear to another for as long as it takes. she does not take scolding well, and is prone to bouts of stubbornness that consist of a clenched jaw and a refusal to speak to certain clanmates. when under pressure, she is able to remain calm and treat situations with all the seriousness that they require.
    — mannerisms: never stops talking when aboveground, almost never talks when underground. shows a wildly different personality when in the tunnels vs when not in the tunnels. tries to relate others’ problems to problems that she has faced in the past. prefers not to form plans beforehand, thinks it’s better to come up with plans on the spot. is easy to make laugh. has a near-perfect memory. hums frequently, jokes that her name suits her perfectly. doesn’t know when to back down or quit.
    ↳ lawful evil
    ↳ light cleric
  • npc xx npc | sibling to none
    mate to none | parent to none
    ──── admires sootstar
    ──── close friends with who
    ──── friends with who
    ──── likes who
    ──── conflicted about who
    ──── dislikes who
    ──── loathes who
  • strength ●●○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○
    hunting ●●●●●●●○○○
    swimming ●●○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    constitution ●●●●●●○○○○

    bisexual / single
    ↳ quick to trust, slow to forgive, has difficulty making friends
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will initiate fights / will not flee even if outnumbered or clearly overpowered / will not show mercy
    excels at confrontation, memorization, decision-making, navigation
    poor at planning, fighting, comforting others, knowing when to quit
    — sounds like: what / voice claim
    — smells of
    — speech is #d7945e
    ↳ peaceful or healing powerplay is always allowed
  • ► Dear Arkansas Daughter - Lady Lamb
    the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
    Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
    Cornflake Girl - Florence + the Machine
    Pyre - Mel Bryant & the Mercy Makers
    Aubergine - Lady Lamb
    song - artist
    song - artist
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    [center][box=70%][justify][font=arial]Text [COLOR=#d7945e]"Text"[/COLOR]
    [/font][/justify][right][color=#e9a8ae][font=tahoma][outline=black][i][ my materials in pyre ][/i][/outline][/font][/color][/right]
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