pafp My heart is hazardous | gift

Nov 22, 2022

Brookpaw had given their medicine cat apprentice a gift, which as far as rankings went now put him at the top of her shitlist because how dare he be more liked than she was. Murdering him was out of the question, she didn't know where to hide a body! And besides, it would be too easy anyways so she wanted to earn her place back being the coolest cat there was doing actual hard work! Which meant she needed to find a present for Starlingpaw too and it had to be better than Brookpaw's present or she'd have to go back to Plan B and honestly, the mudhole she fell in while searching would probably work as a pretty good grave! That was decisions to make later, first and foremost she had a delivery to do.

She is more mud than apprentice as she stumbles into the camp, caked from head to toe in layers of muck, dripping loud squelching puddles of filth with every step; a trail of swamp lays behind her as it sloughs from her form. Poppypaw moves with a confidence that sings of insanity, not a moment of hesitation as she plops and plods along forward to the medicine cat den with her prize held tightly within her teeth and obscured by the layer of grime around it that also now coats her teeth. The moment she arrives to her destination she spits it out and it skitters across the floor with a soft rattle. "Staaaaarrrrlinnnnggpaawwwwwww!" Her voice rises up in a cheerful greeting, a sharp contrast to her messy appearance. A paw raised to her face to swipe a glob of muck off, splashing it onto the ground and she began to sputter as dirt got onto her tongue, quiet spitting noises punctuating her following words, "I found a-pbbbbthh-I FOUND A COOL ROCK FOR YOU! PBBBTTHHH-!" The rock in question was the dirty lump that she had dropped moments before, now sitting there looking less pretty than when she found it. Probably needed to clean it a bit...oops.


Poppypaw is a cat that Starlingpaw had always admired, in a weird way. She was always so confident, so sure of herself, the adults found it obnoxious but Starlingpaw felt the sting of jealousy whenever she saw the way Poppypaw was able to be so plainly herself. The black and white she-cat would never be able to obtain that level of boldness, as much as she wants to there is a block in her head, something that renders her unable.

When the red and white she-cat approaches her, Starlingpaw's first thoughts are bitter. So many cats that wanted to be her friend now that she had been announced as her aunt's apprentice, but she quickly shakes the thought away. Surely it had nothing to do with her new position and Poppypaw was just being nice... Either way, she was not used to it. Not used to having friends. She would enjoy it while it lasts, as she's almost certain it won't. Ever the optimist the stuttering she-cat was.

Her lips tug at the corners in a small smile, Starlingpaw is not a materialistic cat but these gifts, first from Brookpaw and now from Poppypaw were too sentimental to simply just throw away. She looks down at the rock that the muddied apprentice deposits at her feet. Any normal cat would be disgusted by the level of filth that covers its surface, but for Starlingpaw the rock kind of reminds her of her brother. The dirt is only one layer to the rock, underneath she can just barely see the evidence that it was rather pretty, it just needed a wash first, that was all. "Th-th-thaa-thaaank thank you thank you P-p-p-poppy-poppypaw" she says, green eyes lifting from the rock to the other apprentice. "H-how-howwww how did y-you how did you get s-s-so dirty?" she can only imagine what the answer is.

Clamour crashed nearby, and from where he sat doing nothing-in-particular (his favourite passive pastime) Teaselpaw watched Poppypaw almost spit her own throat out while gifting a little trinket to his sister. Weird that she managed to get so dirty carrying a rock around- had she fallen over or something?- but there was something charming about the gesture despite the... chaotic way in which it was delivered. Taking time for a luxurious stretch, Teaselpaw sauntered his wa over, a yawn splitting his ivory jaws. Eyes of liquid sunset settled upon the strawberry-hued apprentice, mud haloing her grin as if she'd attempted to eat mud rather than prey.

"Yeah, and you bought her half the swamp as well." Sparing his sister a glance, it seemed Starlingpaw hardly minded. Teaselpaw would ever deny his filth, but he was no clean denmate- perhaps that was where she'd gotten her tolerance. Verifying that Poppypaw did indeed have dirt in her mouth, a low chuckle shuddered from the monochrome tom, eyes half-lidded in amusement. "Hahah... gross." Humoured, a fanged grin graced his features.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Citrine eyes follow the skittering object that Tornadokit just barely recognizes as a rock. Watching, as it rolls to a halt before Starling's paws. That same yellow stare glided upward to appraise the filth-caked apprentice that took the time to gift it. The gesture was endearing enough she supposed. However, the child could not understand why Poppypaw did not take the time to clean herself up to at least some degree before delivering said gift. Starlingpaw hardly seemed to mind and perhaps that was all that mattered. The little curly furred black smoke walked over wearing a grimace of sorts that she could not mask for the life of her. Stopping beside Teaselpaw the little brutish femme leaned forward a tad before withdrawing back, huffing at the tom's comment. "Aren't you cold?" Tornado questioned, lifting a single brow. "It's already cold enough without being coated in wet mud." She could hardly imagine and honestly she didn't want to. Her nose wrinkled as her tail gave a flick. "It's going to take you forever to get all that off."
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
There's a beautiful normalcy to the scene before her.

Poppypaw, covered in mud, smiling and lightheartedly giving a gift to her sister. Starlingpaw, graceful and demure, shying away in the spotlight like a shrinking violet. 'She's always been delicate like that, a thin stemmed flower surrounded by thorns.' Then there's Teaselpaw's boyish brashness and Tornadokit's straightbacked concern...'How do they all do it? How do they end up so unapoligetically themselves? Do they not fear scorn the way I do?' They're so normal, and Lilacpaw feels like an outsider looking in. She faintly wonders if there was something she was supposed to be taught in her early kithood, or something that got skipped over when she was being made. Whatever it is, she feels like she'd break the beauty before her if she interferred and yet....

She's been staring from afar a little too long.

'Oh-Shoot that's not proper at all- Cats think that's weird do something SAY SOMETHING!' Her brain spasms and she pads over with a rather stiff smile that seems to mean well, just ended up a bit too forced. "Maybe I could help you clean it up a little bit so you can put it with the gift Brookpaw got you!" There. She joined the conversation, if nothing else she had some sort of foundation.