- Apr 10, 2024
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glowingsun & 13 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan warrior

It doesn't seem to matter how much time passes, how much she tries - she always feels like an outsider within her own clan. Like that little kit hovering on the sidelines of the nursery, weathering glares from their parents and bravely ignoring whispered condemnations of 'cursed' - pretending that when the other kits played with eachother and she was left out, the butterflies could be her friends instead.
It's not their fault, she thinks. She's the odd one - strange, from the way she looks, to the way she talks, to the day she was born. Too quiet, too shy, too forgiving.
She knows right from wrong, doesn't she? And yet, she lies so easily to her clanmates, to her siblings - says that Wrathpaw was with her even when she had known his paws to be stained with blood. Goes along with the others when they talk about how much they hate riverclan, how sunningrocks is rightfully theirs - even when she doesn't really believe them. Tells herself she wants to be alone, when she knows she really wants anything but that. Yes, lying comes easily to her.
Instead, she allows herself to slip further into her mind, receding behind her walls like a snail in it's shell. Gets better at shrugging off others words and concerns, at avoiding her siblings no matter how much she adores them. After all, it's hard to get hurt, if she never lets them in. And yet... she still feels lonely, no matter how hard she plays pretend.
But as paws tread softly across leaf-strewn ground, mind lost in thought, a familiar scent reaches her - decided out of place now. Shadowclan - once more wafting across the border that has so recently seen blood spilled. Ears fold back for a moment as the large molly sinks in on herself, before taking a deep breath. " Erm... h-hello? You're- you're not supposed to be here. This is Thunderclan land, " she starts, before her blurred vision can recognize the cat she sees before her.
━ actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ━
W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y