private My jealousy, jealousy // Florabreeze // Started following me


my father never talked a lot
Jun 6, 2024

Ever since the meeting, Cloverkit has been rather- angry. He’d been sitting outside the nursery with his mother and his sibling as Orangestar went through ceremonies and promotions and the like. Though what he didnt understand why Florabreeze had been assigned to this Jellypaw. Who did this Jellypaw think they were?

Then Florabreeze had more split division between them and this Jellypaw, and it only made him more irate. Did she not love them anymore? Did he do something wrong? Was she going to leave too like his father did? Who was Jellypaw and what was their purpose? He didnt know, and wanted to know. He was going to demand answers from his mother whether she liked it or not! He deserved a reason of being second best didnt he?

Cloverkit was sitting outside of the nursery, alone, as everyone was still sleeping as it was nearly dawn. He had not been able to sleep well in the hotness of the nursery so he’d gone outside for some cooler air for a little bit. Also he knew those daylight warriors would be showing up soon and he was determined to catch her before she could find this Jellypaw.

No one was allowed to take his momma from him!

  • CLOVERKIT he/him, kitten of skyclan, two moons
    A long haired, cream and ginger tabby chimera with heterochromia and low white // very shy, quiet nad judgemental // hard to befreind, hard to form relationships
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by wolf_1997@wolfie on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Today was like any other as far as Florabreeze was concerned, she'd wake up in the early morning to join her fellow daylight warriors on their walk to camp with the steadily rising sun signalling dawn as their guide. When they reached it she had decided to send Jellypaw off to go spend the morning socialising. She'd hate to separate the poor girl from her friends and to be honest she wasn't the hugest fan of training too early in the morning either. Besides, she wanted to make her rounds to see how Honeysplash and the kits were. As much as she didn't think having an apprentice would change things it really did, she still made an effort to visit but her breaks were further apart when she found herself worrying over Jellypaw as well.

With a tired but content sigh she trekked across the camp clearing to the nursery, only to stop in her tracks when she realised that Cloverkit was sitting right in front of the nursery by himself. Worry seeps into her bones as her strides become longer, did anything happen while she was gone? Was it the rogues? No- it wouldn’t be anything bad because then he wouldn’t be unattended like this. What was he even doing out so early? “Goodmorning Cloverkit!” she sang out, trying her best to not let her concerns or uncertainty drip into her tone. Things like that were not for him to worry about, not at this age.

Stopping in front of him she tilts her head, peering past him to confirm the more rational thoughts that everyone was fine and… yeah! It seemed good, thankfully. The sigh of relief is quiet but in the tranquillity of SkyClan at dawn it is easy to pick up on. “So what're you doing out here all by yourself then?” She wasted no time to sit by his side, tail curling around him as she meowed.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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While Florabreeze seemed so casual about it as she walked up to him, greeting him in that sing-songy voice he'd come to associate with nothing but good things. She peers past him and he makes sure to sit up straight, puffing out his white furred chest as he was going to have this serious talk! It was super serious and she needed to know he wasnt easily replaced. This Jellypaw wasnt going to damper anything if he could help it! Itd be easier if his momma lived here with them but alas Honeysplash explained she went home at night. A dayight warrior or whatever, but still he fumed when she walked in with that apprenticed.

Cloverkit lifted his head up at her as she asked him why he was out here alone, that wasnt important! If his mother knew he was out here waiting so early for Florabreeze, she'd have a heart attack for certain. They barely were able to leave the nursery as it were and he didnt want to risk further hurting that. Regardless, the little ginger and cream tabby kit wasted no time in bluntly putting out his thoughts, "Youre not allowed to replace me!" he started with intensely and his dual gaze bore into her yellower green hues.

"Jellypaw might be able to leave camp and be called a 'paw and stuff- but just wait till i can too! Then youll have to pay attention to me," The young tomkit continued onwards harshly and his tiny voice cracked under his more concealed emotions, "Youre my momma and no cat is gonna take you from me!"


It's a blessing that Cloverkit is rather blunt with his words, seemingly a trait inherited from his sire. It was interesting, seeing that difference, though she didn't really have the time to dwell on it. “Replace you?” she doesn't falter her gaze, ensuring that the young tomkit is met with the dignity and respect of sharing eye contact at this moment. Had she replaced him? Florabreeze didn't think so, he and his littermates were the only kits in her life at this moment despite her interactions with his denmates.

The mention of Jellypaw puts things in perspective, that must have been a big change for him. She hadn't thought of it like that, since she had experienced SkyClan solely in warriorhood- well, daylight warriorhood. Having an apprentice was normal, that attention was always divided between duties and personal time. She had thought that she spent the same amount of time away as usual but clearly she may be wrong in that judgement. This was the first time he's had someone previously close be tugged away slightly by duty as a warrior, sympathy flowed as she considered how hard that must be.

“Cloverkit, I'm not replacing you with Jellypaw” it's softly spoken, like a coo used when regaling him with stories in those quieter moments of the nursery when she'd look after the litter while Honeysplash stepped out for some time alone. “You always have my attention, Jellypaw's my apprentice and a friend” She’d like to think there's some kind of friendship there but she wasn't going to try and explain complicated relationships to him just yet. “We train together but when I have the free time I always try to visit you” sometimes things called her away, there was always a small pang of guilt when that happens.

Then he continues and calls her his momma. It was a weird feeling, to be regarded like that, she hadn’t been anyone's momma in a while. Florabreeze was rendered speechless as she tried to grapple with this realisation. Clearly it only seemed natural for the small kit otherwise he wouldn't have said it, she clears her throat in an attempt to regain some kind of control of herself. “No one's taking me away, I'm right here” she shuffles so that she's laying down, able to properly be at Cloverkit's level now she attempts to press her forehead against his own.

“My time is being shared, it's okay to share my time with both you and other cats, including Jellypaw. I won't love you any less.” She rumbled with a purr, right now she chalked Cloverkit's behaviour to a standard kit possessiveness but still, there was a desire to try and squash that behaviour while he was still young. “Wanna go inside? Don't wanna scare your mother with you not being there when she wakes up.”

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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