private my lover's a serial killer // yewberry

siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
It is in the midst of this awful wind that siltcloud makes her move. With the crash of branches smacking against one another, and scents mingling almost indistinctly - well, it's easy enough to get away from camp. She's a warrior now, which allows for much less scrutiny. Nobody cares if she 'hunts' on her own - honestly, some days she wonders if anyone would notice if she disappeared entirely. But that is not her purpose here - no, she has better things in mind than a simple wander.

Dust hued pelt is rolled in a puddle of... something within the carrionplace, hiding both her own pollen-like scent and that of shadowclan deep beneath the awful unpleasantness. She doesn't know who she will run across first - clan cat or outsider - and it is better to be safe than sorry. She follows the thunderpath first, until she can't anymore, and from there her paws carry her further and further through unknown territory until she is finally met with the sight of the twolegplace. It takes both longer than she'd expected and yet hardly any time at all.

Surrounded by strange walls and unsettling items she's only seen laying strew brokenly about the carrionplace, she moves with caution. She skirts about the streets, diving beneath bins and down alleyways in her aimless wanderings, steadfastly avoiding the twolegs presence and hoping to go unseen for as long as possible, until finally she spots someone. There is nothing planned about this act except her presence here - instead, the lithe molly waits only long enough to make sure they are alone and will not be interrupted before darting forwards, hoping to sneak up behind yewberry and yank his tail with her teeth, hopefully catching him off guard and off-balancing him. It's an impulsive move, but so is this whole expedition - fueled simply by her own aching inferiority and curiosity.

// @Yewberry

He hates to admit that most of his time is spent in self loathing. He is caught in a tumultuous sea of his emotions, unable to swim and with no land in sight. He is slowly drowning, slowly losing the will to fight the current. He would not let his friends know, this wasn't their burden to bear. He made his nest, and now he must lie in it.

It is because of these burning thoughts that he does not realize he is being watched.

He drags his feet along, aimlessly wandering the twolegplace in search of nothing in particular. He does not hear the pawsteps rushing towards him. The teeth that dig into his tail and yank it cause him to yowl in pain and shock. He's seeing stars, stumbling back from the sudden pull. He whirls to meet his aggressor, anger burning in sunset amber eyes.

"What's your problem!!" He snaps at Siltcloud.

He lifts a paw and aims to smack her in the face with claws unsheathed. He's been on the streets enough to know that if someone is attacking you, it's almost always a fight to the death. The same can be said for the clans, but in his experience, it was worse here.​
siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
It sees she hits her mark, tugging and pulling at fur and skin with powerful jaws before letting go. Siltcloud is already darting back in retreat by the time yewberry can retaliate, sharp claws just grazing her muzzle. She feels the sting of welts and maybe even split skin, but it doesn't deter her in the least. She's set her mind to this after all - best to follow through. Dull green eyes are near expressionless save for the bloodthirsty glint within as she speaks, words quiet and yet sharp "You were just the first cat I saw," she says simply, as though that is a normal reason to do such a thing, But then again, when has anything about siltcloud been normal? A wolf in sheeps clothing, she may have been quieter than her brother, but she'd certainly not fallen far from the tree.

She circles around him again, this time darting forwards to slash as his flank with sharp claws before retreating again even if successful, movements never pausing. She keeps her own body tightly coiled, tail tucked low and ears flat, circling him like a starved wolf as she looks for weak points. She will not give the stranger an opening if she can help it. "What's your name anyways?" she asks dully, as though this is a simple conversation and not the heat of battle - though really, if she's successful in her efforts she'd certainly like to know the name of the feline who met their end at her claws.

He circles with her, tail lashing. She speaks so normal, as if this was just another day for her, a common routine. Yewberry realizes that he's in trouble. She's out for his blood, but that doesn't scare him. At one time it may have, but he has reached a point where if he saw himself, he'd go for blood too. Put the pathetic big mouthed wretch out of his misery.

And yet in the midst of his self hatred, there was a little glimmer that told him to fight, to keep on living. Perhaps it was instinct, perhaps he hadn't given up on himself yet completely.

He waits for her to get close again. As soon as she makes contact with his flank, he rears up a clawed hind leg and kicks it out at her neck and chest area. It was a reckless move, letting himself be struck to let an enemy close, but the back legs weren't often used in combat. Most cats understandably used their front paws. Yewberry hoped to utilize his back legs, he knew the damage a powerful kick could do. He's seen rabbits break ribs before with their hind legs.

His legs weren't as strong as a rabbits, but he could make it work.

"My name is Yewberry." He answered. ​
siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
The blow to her chest catches her off guard, and she can feel fur and flesh tear for a moment, but she only darts away again. It's like a game of cat-and-mouse, toying and taunting him, her every move calculated. She won't make the same mistake twice, she thinks, taking note that his hind limbs are just as dangerous. "Yewberry.... you one of those clan cats then-?" she asks curiously, mimicking the way she's heard loners speak of them before, as though she herself is not the same as him. He does not smell of any clan she knows however - how strange. She waits only long enough to see if he'll indulge her in conversation once more before darting forwards once more, leaping with forelegs outstretched in an attempt to barrel him over, hopefully sinking her claws in and sending them both sprawling. Its about time to get serious, she thinks - she can't spend all day here after all, not if she wants to make the long journey back before the clan gets too worried. If she's successful, she'll attempt to sink her teeth into his shoulder and pull. She wants to inflict as much damage upon yewberry as she can.

The blow connects, and he's satisfied. Perhaps he can weaponize his hind legs more... But he'll have to be careful. Doing so leaves him less balanced, and that was the last thing he needed.

"Former Windclanner." He says. He almost spits it, but he keeps his energy focused on not dying instead.

He watches her movements closely and braces himself for the oncoming impact as she leaps for him. It sends them sprawling, her fangs biting into his shoulder and pulling. He hisses in pain as he feels flesh part from him, and in a bid to get her off and probably cause more damage to himself, he starts kicking at her with his hind legs again hoping to shred at her side.

He's not sure how he'll get out of this, or even treat this shoulder wound, but he doesn't want to die here. For the first time in moons, he doesn't want to die.​
siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
A smug sort of satisfaction alights within the girl as she tastes success - and more accurately, blood. It was no killing blow - but perhaps if she's lucky enough, she'll get another chance. Fur and flesh tear as they go flying, but victory is short lived. Pain cuts through her single-minded focus as the blow connects against her side, rending flesh from her flank, and she lets go without a second thought, darting back away. Dull gaze surveys the damage in an instant, even as she spits out the unpleasant mouthful, and she decides her business here is done. "Well that hurt," she murmurs, green eyes watching the steady trickle of blood as it flows. For now, she will retreat - she's already more injured than she had planned, can already hear the questions that will be thrown her way thanks to the state she finds herself in. A clumsy leap has her climbing up and along a nearby garbage bin, paws scraping metal and plastic, tail swishing as she stares down at yewberry for the last time. "Goodbye, former-windclanner," she says rather lamely, voice polite, as though she hasn't just tried to end his life. And then she's off, darting away and vanishing into the shadows. It's going to be a long trek home after all.

// && out <3