MY LOVER'S AN ABYSS | fierypaw

The winter had finally begun to ease up on delicate joints, and though Chrysalispaw's body still rang of youthful vigor of adolescence, the cold still howled beneath ribbons of plume and muscles of abrasion. It was pervasive, persistent, and impertinent. Those were all the qualities that the flame-furred cat hated. But, for the first time, Chrysalispaw's throat did not feel as though ice tore at the fragile flesh. He saw leaf-bare as this corvid-like sort of character, a strident thing with talons to wrest and beaded eyes to wear. If only he had the power to swat at it with his mortal claws, to bring it down and to stop it from afflicting the sun above. Well, his prayers had been answered, or something of the sort. Snow did not descend from atop heaven's throne, and the sky had been clarent this morning, with the sun perched atop a pall of a limb. He could feel the warmth of the sun's rays flittle upon his pelt, though it was nowhere near as embellished as the brightness of summer.

Departing from the dawn patrol that he had been assigned on, the russet-and-sable feline trotted into the camp, with a gait like a pompous bird of prideful plume. He always had that presumptuous placement about him, an arrogance that clung to his fur like an avian display of feathers. The chimaera's steps made a beeline for the fresh-kill pile, which had gradually become larger and larger as the days rolled closer to springtide, as the harvest of prey had become more plentiful as wildflowers neared fruition. Even if it was still leaf-bare, the squirrels and the rabbits began to poke their heads out of makeshift dens, and the birds began to trail closer to the earth. Chrys' stomach growled like the fervent song of the harrowed wolf, tumbling and churning like an angry storm. The voracity of hunger drove most to madness if it were not bayed with sweet flesh, and even the simplest pangs of desire pulled upon the rationality of most. He was lucky to not have seen the depravity that famine acted as the harbinger as, but he had gotten a taste of that in the Windclan battle.

One deft paw rummaged through the scrawny mice and birds, turning the prey on their sides before doing it all over again. Hawkish eyes scanned for any morsel that promised to be more than lean sinew and butterfly-thin bones, though that promise ran as thin as weather's consistency, and he was starting to lose hope in finding a good meal that hadn't already been snatched away by a kit or elder (or even some ungrateful warrior or apprentice). Well, he figured he deserved it, since he was on the dawn patrol of all things. He hoped that new-leaf would bring better benedictions, but even then would spring's squalls rumble in the distant horizon. He had been so focused on himself that he hadn't noticed he stepped on another cat's foot.

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He was trying to keep his spirit up to not think about his mentors condition which had not gotten any better in fact the opposite. Cloudwing was dying and there was nothing he could do about it only to feel regret over what a shitty apprentice he was. Didn't make this dire situation any better that Jackdawpaw had started to act strange lately...and he was not even coming with him to the clan every morning anymore instead staying back in the twoleg place. Tch...that asshole. Whos idea had it been for the two to join this clan life to begin with?. Fierypaw had only joined because he had wanted them too so why did he had to get left behind like this for.

Fierypaw was tired that morning as he did his daily rutine to return back to camp to begin his other life. Yet again he was coming back alone without Jackdawpaw following along with him, and again he would have to come up with some lame excuse to why they wheren't here doing their part of the job. Sooner or later he would run out of excuses for that tom...What an idiot he was. Such a fool.

It was pure luck that he on his way here had spotted a mouse which he had decided to hunt down. With tired eyes he was now on his way to the freshkill pile to drop the mouse off before trying to get some job to do so he could avoid having to visit his mentor. Not once had he stepped in there to pay them a visit....too afraid like the coward he was.

He was not even paying attention to Chrysalispaw who was already there searching through the pile. Maybe he simply thought the other guy would notice that he was there....Fierypaw had wrong. When he got there to stand close to the other apprentice to drop the mouse down in the pile his paw got stepped on. " Mhmm!!!." he tried to yowl out with his mouth covered in mouse fur. He dropt the mouse right at the ground before he took a step back, fur bristling. " Hey dude!, watch it!" he hissed at his clanmate before he picked the paw up that had got stepped on. That had hurt!...probably more then it should have.


A muffled yowl made hackles quickly stand up, ripping him away from whatever miasmic stupor had claimed him, now plunged into the waters of transpiring reality. He didn't often allow himself to travel to the wake of waking dreams, so catching himself lacking was all the more embarrassing. Chrysalispaw met with a pointedly thistled feline, hackles raised and hisses spittling, like he stared right into a mirror of fire. Fierypaw (fitting, considering his name) faced Chrys with an infernal temperament of his own. Most cats were not as envenomed as he - they got angry, they grew irate, but never truly embittered as the adder was. He realized that he had accidentally stepped on the rather unfamiliar apprentice's paws, then.

Temper was quick to blister behind chimaeric mask, a storm that brewed within a nest of bone and brush, ready to hatch through flame-and-sable features. He was quick to draw out crackling thunder from his throat, abrasive and eroded for such a young man, but he was used to it. Still, the boy was quicker to bay his tongue than usual, as though the ravenous wolf's stomach had decided to stop pounding and mauling at the haggard host. He didn't know what washed over himself, but perhaps he would spare the similarly-fervid feline a taste of his own medicine. He wanted to consider it a strategic retreat (of which was rare for the rabblerousing, rash-minded Skyclanner), but it wasn't exactly that. He didn't know what to describe it as, really.

"For Starclan's sake, sorry. Don't go yelling up a storm just because I hurt your little paw." Chrysalispaw could've been much meaner to Fierypaw than he was now, but he wasn't. He didn't want to be, for some reason. Coward, he branded himself. Wispy tousles rested sharply against a gaunt build, though tense posture slowly unfurled like a flower at the fringe of springtide.