private My mind in shambles || Scorched

[ ༻❄༺ ] Her chat with Chilledstar had been... pleasant to say the least. Their leader's word given small insight of what she should do but... there was a small hesitancy to it. There was still that unsure feeling that rippled and bubbled in Snowpaw's stomach, making him feel nauseated in a way and his mind so loud it felt like nothing could quell it. Yet these thoughts were distracting her from her training, even she could tell. She had been missing her catches, her spars have been messy and... all around just bad. This faltering needed to stop, and she needed to be more honest, and truthful to herself and those close to her. Starting with Scorchedmoon

Her gaze drifted to the pale warrior, her mentor, a brother in a way and she felt her throat tightening and that feeling of her stomach dropping like she had just rolled down a big hill. Yet she paused and let a soft deep breath. "Scorchedmoon... uh.." her words fumbled out of her mouth in an awkward choked way, making her flinch slightly but once more she took another breath and her paws shifted slightly before looking away.

"What if... I feel... more like, well... a tom?" his words slightly more softer than when he called to his own mentor, his eyes adverting Scorchedmoons while ears flattening across his skull. How else could Snowpaw explain it to their mentor? Snowpaw was still unsure themselves, it was a thought and one that kept muddling his own mind, one filled with unsurety but still a tug in Snowpaw's chest told him that it was right and perhaps that's what scared him deep down.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It wasn’t that hard to notice that something was bothering Snowpaw lately. Scorchedmoon tended to be open about his feelings, but he can understand if there’s hesitantly. For him, it was more things that he thinks would hurt the other party in question, like how it took him awhile to admit that ShadowClan has a bit of a…mean streak. It felt good to get it out though, so he hopes she’ll come to tell him.

It doesn’t take too long, thankfully. Though it’s hard for her to get the words out, she does. Scorchedmoon blinks in surprise at the admission, but he quickly puts on a large grin. “Oh! So that’s what’s been bothering you. Well, thank you for telling me. And if you do, then that’s cool! There’s nothing wrong with changing your gender, yeah? If it’s what you think is right, then live your truth.” He wasn’t in the closet for too long when he discovered he was bisexual, but he understands the worry that others will see you differently, wrong. But he wouldn’t.​