Feb 8, 2023

Rear-swivelled ears caught Bluefrost's demands, and promptly ignored them. She was not staying, because she couldn't stay. Camp had burnt through its sense of sanctuary the moment WindClan blood was spilt within it, and the sheer brutality she'd witnessed defies any reasoning that could lend it justification. The gorse walls no longer housed a clan. Aggressive mania governed them all now, as dangerous and volatile as foxes starved.

Though neglected, her littermate's words echoed like a recurring mantra, even as the echoes of conflict gave way to whirling winds and her own erratic breathing. Wounded. Bluefrost's voice bore a wounded edge, a raw tone of disbelief. With every brisk stride across the snowy plains, the realisation dug further into Moorblossom's pelt—to those she leaves behind, her family, her clanmates, her identity will be distilled down to the single word.

Traitor. She is a traitor, now.

Reflection is a luxury she cannot afford at the moment. The pressing need for escape tempers any grief with urgency, and the latter, in turn, drives her paws into a frenzy. Her legs feel leaden and numb. There's a dull ache in her lungs, and her breath comes out in harsh puffs. The moors are a blur, a rippling sea of glacial white, and her head spins in its wake.

The air around her seems to ripple too, and when her vision finally settles, the landscape is no longer the same. Horseplace looms, its fenceline cutting through the horizon. It was here where Sunstride and the others had hightailed, right? She could've sworn she saw dimmed outlines advancing towards this twoleg structure.

Her momentum downshifts to a walking pace, and she becomes aware to the paw-impressions scattered about the terrain. Breath comes in ragged bursts, but Moorblossom pushes onward a tad further, crossing the fence and encroaching on what she hoped was a safe haven; supposing the renegades found no qualms in accommodating her, progeny of their murderous leader.

"H-hello?" her warbling cry cuts the silence, whiskers trembling in hope for some answer. She slinks low to the ground, teeth chattering even with her face away from the breeze. "Is anyone a-around?"

They must have ventured inside.

A dainty sniffle, and Moorblossom tentatively nears the dwelling's wooden walls, glassy eyes grazing its cracks. Slowing her step gave room for fatigue to creep in, limbs dropping into deadweights, and the chokehold she held around her emotions slackens. The instant she creeps inside, and lays eyes on dishevelled cats within, what fragile composure crumbles completely. "E-ev-ery-one is get-t-ting k-killed!"

Brackish tears cloak over her vision, and the sodden blur threatens to whisk her under a tide of panic. "S-Sootst-tar c-cut Larkf-feather in t-two! She's murdered!" her words spill forth like bile. "L-Lilacstem..." She hiccups over a strangled mew, paw swiping feebly over her cheeks and muzzle. Her gaze averts itself to the ground, staring bitterly through wavering orbs.

Why was any of this happening? Where was Bluepool?

// takes place just a few minutes after the other arrival thread!

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Yewberry thought the ruckus was over once all the windclanners were inside and settled, but he was wrong. He was just about to settle somewhere himself when he heard crying outside, and could only assume it to belong to a straggler. He was correct, but he didn't recognize this cat. She was young, he observed, so it was to be expected. He gets to his paws again, figuring maybe there's more cats outside. This one though... Is in hysterics. He can't find it in himself to give her the cold look he had given the others.

Everyone is getting killed, she says, and his ears droop. That madwoman is ravaging her own clan.

But Moorblossom's next words stop his heart.

Lilacstem and Larkfeather.


His daughter, who he hadn't even gotten the chance to meet again.

His eyes widen and he stumbles forward to Moorblossom. "No...." He begins to tremble all over again, staring at Moorblossom in desperate disbelief. "C-cut in two? What do you mean cut in two??" He asks, voice wavering. What did Sootstar do to his daughter? It doesn't take long for tears to overflow his eyes and he squeezes his eyes shut.

"No....No, no no......" His voice is a strangled whimper as he tries in vain to hold himself together. First, Sootstar took Hyacinthbreath from him. Now she took his daughter. Who's next? Sobs that were forced to be quiet wracked his body as he let himself collapse to the ground. "I didn't even get to meet her after all this time... I didn't get to apologize or tell her I love her..."

He didn't get to see how she'd grown, didn't get to tell her he's proud of her. So many things he'll never be able to do now, all because of Sootstar's insanity. He is unable to form anymore words as he is overwhelmed with grief once more, once again staining the barn floor with his tears. Regret and guilt dig into his heart like daggers, causing an agony that drowns out his hatred of Sootstar.

He'll never see his daughter again, his last memory of her being a kit in the nursery. He doesn't think the pain in his heart will ever go away now. If there was anyone he hated more than Sootstar in this very moment, it was himself. He hates himself for not being a better father and he hates himself for ever speaking out against Sootstar. If he hadn't, he'd have been there today, been able to protect her and maybe even die in place of her.

Does he even have the right to grieve, after being absent from her life for so long?​
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── Wolfsong had hoped to see Cottonpaw arrive, but there is no sign of her. He does not wish to leave Rivepaw's side as she heals slowly, but there may be others following their escape. The rest of her brood he expects will remain: Bluefrost, Addervenom, and Harrierstripe will certainly be at her side. Moorblossom is another matter; she, like Cottonpaw, does not seem to share her mother's violent interests, so when her dark pelt appears, Wolfsong is not surprised. He is...disappointed that her sister is not at her side, but perhaps he simply needs to be patient.

Maybe she simply intends to wait to slip away at nightfall, after tending to the wounded left in their wake.

Except what Moorblossom reveals in stuttering, panting breaths and through thick tears— it chills his blood. His ears twist back. Does Sootstar intend to root out the remaining warriors who would not lick the blood from her claws? He swallows and clenches his jaw as Yewberry dissolves into a shaking grief, and his eye closes for a moment. Larkfeather and Lilacstem will not be the last of the cats they lose to Sootstar's madness.

"Come and warm yourself, Moorblossom." Hummingbirdheart's blood still stains his mouth and paws. It tugs uncomfortably when he speaks. "Once you've caught your breath, we can...discuss what happened."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
Brightshine had not even had a moment to get settled after reuniting with long lost family when another face enters the barn. Already rattled and exhausted, she whirls around hoping to see Downypaw’s face there to join their littermates, but only Moorblossom stands in the entrance of the shelter. The calico is rigid at first, terrified Sootstar’s daughter is just the first of many, followed them to attack them and finish the job. But she’s alone and scared, and she’s crying out about murders, and-

The she-cat’s jaw drops, a wordless screech leaving her jaws as grief overtakes her. Her last remaining sister in WindClan, slain. Her granddaughter, cut in two, in Moorblossom’s words. She crumples to the ground, teeth pressing against the dusty wooden boards as she continues to sob. And if they’re gone, what’s to become of Downypaw? Sparkspirit and Morningsong.

Her head swings around to Sunstride, wherever he is. “We have to go back!” She screams, throat burning with the ferocity of her voice. Tears stream down her face and drip to the ground below as she sits up into a lopsided crouch, weak in her mourning.
  • Crying
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