private My neurons are snapping like cat gut strings | Slatesnarl

-ˋˏ🥀 ˎˊ-

"YOU! How dare you insinuate that we should kill her mate right in front of her?" Venom. Spittle sprays as the molly on a war path accosts her 'leader's' 'mate' practically unprovoked. Her claws ache from disuse, her pelt still holding the floral aroma of her last words with the beloved molly. She had promised herself that she would protect Flora. This was the last thing she could do - the only way she could redeem herself in the eyes of her sister.

"She comes into camp, dying and you think it best to go 'Oh why didn't you kill the love of your life? Oh, oh oh what will the other clans think? How will we look to them?" Her words are like honey, sickly sweet and out of place. Never once had she spoken so brazenly. Not to any cat, much less one she'd hardly talked to.

But this anger felt to right. No matter that she swung these vile words like a kitten swings their claws. No matter that she had-did- agreed with him. No matter what she, herself, intended to do next. Not to Slatesnarl - but to who actually caused all this hurt.

Justice. Justice. Justice. The call rang in her head. She was dying to answer it.

"You don't think she deserves to be treated with respect? How about you care about your clan mates for once?" She's in his face now, muzzle scrunched and fangs dripping.

"I'm sorry we can't be as prefect and pretty as your mate." Her back is arched. Her fur, spiked. A true warrior. Ready to go to blows for her beliefs. For her kin. Never had she felt this sure. Never had she felt this ashamed - for her actions or her clan she did not know.Stupid tom. Only thinking about what good for him and his. I bet he'd care if his own kit got their heart broken. Confident in her brutal verbal murder, she turns and does not wait for a response from the hulking tom. Should really think with a different head, She hisses mentally, making her way through camp towards the entrance, already plotting her next action.



A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.
71 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
aro/ace. ; currently not looking
child of NPC and ANWIR :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Mentoring Mercurypaw and Plumpaw && Mentored Flora
loyal to Flora
hates Orangestar, Kite and Duskpool
"speech", thoughts, attacking
peaceful powerplay allowed; all opinions IC! <3


The look he returns toward the angry, spitting Sorrelsong was one that mirrored the icy particles under his pads. Slatesnarl has long grown used to other cats confronting him, but the accusatory tone that the she-cat wields makes his charcoal pelt prickle. "What?" The tom hisses, amber gaze brightening with disbelief. Was this about Kite? He never said anything about killing! Not that Slatesnarl opposed the idea. Either way, he certainly did not believe that they should have been allowed to run away without being brought to trial like Kuiper had been many seasons ago.

The chocolate point is so emotional, Slatesnarl thinks to himself. Who cared about how Florabreeze felt? This situation was not just about her! "They took multiple lives. Our own clanmates' lives. Do they not deserve justice?" The former lead warrior dishes a challenge toward Sorrelsong, mangled ears pinning against his blocky skull as he curls his lips disdainfully, "That rogue must be brought back to SkyClan to answer for what they did. Turnin' the killer loose was a stupid decision, but Florabreeze was too weak to stop them." Maybe she didn't want to. Slatesnarl did not dare to think about what he would have done in a similar situation. Stubbornly, he insists that Orangestar would never betray her clan. He would never have to kill her for the sake of keeping everyone safe. Kite, on the other paw, had been lying to them all from the start — they should have all known better than to trust a lowly rogue. They were all wrong about them and paid the price for it.

Hunger claws at his belly, hissing and snarling with dissatisfaction as his temper begins to tremble on a thin wire. He and his clan were hungry and Sorrelsong wanted to argue about this? Slatesnarl's patience was hair-thin. "I've killed for SkyClan, and I would again if it meant keeping it safe. You, clearly, wouldn't do the same!" All she was concerned with was feelings. Florabreeze's feelings didn't matter here. Kite had made their decisions and had to be held accountable for them! It was the right thing to do. If she cared about this clan then she would be setting out to track Kite down herself instead of standing here and screaming at him.

Then, she brings up Ora. Slatesnarl had not expected to hear his mate being dragged into the conversation, especially with such a snarky and venomous tone. "Say that to me again." His rumbly voice turns cold, dark pupils narrowing into slits as he stared straight at Sorrelsong. "Talk about Orangestar again 'n see what happens." He was practically begging at this point, teeth sharpened and ready to dig into tender flesh. If she thought she was safe from his fury just because she was a lead warrior, she was wrong. Slatesnarl would not roll over and let Sorrelsong blatantly disrespect him or the mother of his children. Their leader, who had promoted her to her council in the first place. Who did she think she was?

  • ooc: text
  • 79020762_v6WkCGDP8vFt4jx.png
    ✶ slatesnarl. warrior of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab male, he/him | bisexual, mated to orangestar
    ㅤ45 moons old | ages every 1st
    ㅤwarrior ( former lead warrior ) | mentored cherryblossom
    ㅤlh maine coon with yellow eyes, scars
    ㅤlittermate to cloverjaw | father to ramkit & lambkit
    ㅤwritten by beatles, ic opinions | tags

-ˋˏ🥀 ˎˊ-

She spins, spitting and ready. Eyes alight with some sick desire that was foreign to her conscious mind. The great and powerful Snarlslate - brought down with her.
"I've killed for SkyClan, and I would again if it meant keeping it safe. You, clearly, wouldn't do the same!"
However true the statement was - it was reduced to fuel in seconds. The wildfire starting in her chest and sweeping through her bones.
"You know nothing about me, old man. Nothing! If you did - you would've trusted me about Duskpool! You would be able to see that I speak the truth! That Orangestar - oh I'm sorry your mate right? Are you still? - " A genuine question that dawns on her mid sentence. The moment of clarity, almost concern for her former clan mate is swiftly overtaken by mention of Florabreeze.
"You KEEP her name OUT of your mouth! " Sharp. Heated. Fueled by anger and wrath and loathing. "What would you do if it was someone you loved? Would you really be able to kill them? To take their own life and reduce it in star-dust - if that really is where your coward of a mate will go. " Blow for blow. She fights back, claws hidden but fangs proudly on full display.
"Oakrumble. Sweetnose. They deserve justice - of course! But to say that in front of a grieving cat? I'll make sure to cheer when Orangestar makes her next mistake - you see how you like even a fraction of how you hurt her!" She spits, bracing. She knows, she knows. She just can't stop.



A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.
71 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
aro/ace. ; currently not looking
child of NPC and ANWIR :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Mentoring Mercurypaw and Plumpaw && Mentored Flora
loyal to Flora
hates Orangestar and Duskpool
"speech", thoughts, attacking
peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Angry
His maw only curls tighter and tighter as Sorrelsong spits utter madness. The she-cat even goes as low as to strike a nerve—a sore spot—under Slatesnarl's skin: his mateship with Ora. That was nobody's business, especially not hers. "How dare you." The former lead warrior releases a guttural snarl, angrily spitting from his maw and unsheathing his claws.

Sorrelsong continued ranting and raving about how little she thought of Orangestar, how sorry he should feel for Florabreeze, how "right" she was about Duskpool and how everyone else was blind to the "truth". Whatever had happened with Duskpool—whatever the truth was—Orangestar had resolved it in private. Did Sorrelsong really see their leader as incapable of passing judgment? Never mind that nowadays Orangestar's decisions were questionable at best. There clearly must have been a reason why Duskpool had gone unpunished for his actions, one that Sorrelsong refused to acknowledge.

When the chocolate point possesses the gall to insult their leader again, Slatesnarl feels hot fury surge within his veins. Orangestar—for whatever damned reason—had respected the she-cat enough to bring her onto her council and this is how she repays her?! The warrior growls, "You don't deserve your rank." He steps forward toward the molly in a threatening manner, bushy tail bristling madly and lashing behind him. "You don't deserve to be a SkyClanner!" She deserved to be chased into the Twolegplace as Kite had been, but not before he could put his paws on her and teach her a lesson.

Unable to contain his rage any longer, the Maine Coon sprang for Sorrelsong and aimed to bowl her onto the floor. Whether he was able to successfully do so or not, he would lash out with his claws and aim to smack them across her jaw. How dare she, how dare she. Raw, feral emotion suppresses any voice of reason within. He would make her bleed for her stupidity.

  • ooc: full disclaimer, she can dodge any of his attacks!
  • 79020762_v6WkCGDP8vFt4jx.png
    ✶ slatesnarl. warrior of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab male, he/him | bisexual, mated to orangestar
    ㅤ45 moons old | ages every 1st
    ㅤwarrior ( former lead warrior ) | mentored cherryblossom
    ㅤlh maine coon with yellow eyes, scars
    ㅤlittermate to cloverjaw | father to ramkit & lambkit
    ㅤwritten by beatles, ic opinions | tags

-ˋˏ🥀 ˎˊ-

Pain. Blood. Ringing. Slatesnarl's attack is not dodged despite her ability to do so. Resolution.
She welcomes the vibration in her bones as she is brought down to the ground. Doesn't resist the dust and dirt and mud that is kicked up. And whats worse - some small unshakeable, helpless part of her knows she deserves more. Almost hopes for it. Maybe everything will stop, then.
But she is so stubborn and heated and filled with an unquenchable fire. Slatesnarl is simply kindling. Will the fire grow once it reaches him? Will it catch his pelt, reduce him to dust? Better me then him.
Acting on techniques distinctly not Sky Clan, Sorrelsong allows him to bowl her over, using the momentum instead of fighting it. Completing the roll, she aims a swipe on his muzzle, fighting to keep her claws sheathed as she does. Wither or not she makes contact, she will turn tail, running from him for a sort distance, hoping he follows. If he does, she is quick to abruptly stop, turn, and aims to hit him again, using just her paws.
Sky Clanner or not - I will not hurt you. Coward. I will never hurt another cat - not like Duskpool.




A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.
71 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
aro/ace. ; currently not looking
child of NPC and ANWIR :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Mentoring Mercurypaw and Plumpaw && Mentored Flora
loyal to Flora
hates Orangestar and Duskpool
"speech", thoughts, attacking
peaceful powerplay allowed